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Vatican City, 19 November 2014 (VIS) “…Firstly, we must take into account that sanctity is not something that we procure, that we obtain ourselves through our qualities and capacities. Sanctity is a gift, it is the gift that the Lord Jesus gives to us, when He takes us with Him and clothes us in Himself, making us like Him,” he said. “Sanctity is the most beautiful face of the Church: it is rediscovering oneself in communion with God, in the fullness of His life and His love. … It is not the prerogative of the few: sanctity is a gift that is offered to all, without exclusion, and which therefore constitutes the distinctive characteristic of every Christian”.

“To be holy”, he continued, “it is not necessary to be bishops, priests or religious. … We are all called to be holy! … It is by living with live and offering one’s own Christian witness in our everyday occupations that we are called to become holy; and each person in the condition and in the state of life in which he finds himself”: consecrated persons, married couples, unmarried baptised persons, parents, grandparents, catechists, educators and volunteers. “Every state of life leads to sanctity, if lived in communion with the Lord and in the service of one’s brethren”.

Pope Francis urged those present to examine their consciences, asking how they could respond to the Lord’s call to sanctity. He emphasized that when the Lord calls us to be holy, he does not ask us to do something weighty or sad, but rather offers us an invitation to share in his joy. “If we understand it in this way, everything changes and acquires a new meaning, beautiful, starting from the little things of everyday life. … And each step towards sanctity will make us better people, free of selfishness and self-centeredness, and open to our brothers and their needs”. He added, “we do not walk the path of sanctity alone, each for himself, but rather together, in that single body that is the Church, loved and sanctified by the Lord Jesus Christ”, and concluded by encouraging those present to continue on this path.


Day Seventeen

Maternity of Mary New Popup 01“Oh, had I (Mary) wanted to put in one act of my human will, even in the aspect of not wanting to know man, I would have sent to ruin the plans of the coming of the Word upon earth! Therefore, it is not the diversity of states that prejudices sanctity, but the lack of Divine Will, and of the fulfillment of one’s own duties to which God calls the creature. All states are holy, marriage too, provided that the Divine Will is present, as well as the exact sacrifice of one’s own duties. But the great part are indolent and lazy, and not only do they not become saints, but of their own state, some make a purgatory, and some a hell.”


V9 – 3.23.10 – “..My Will is Perennial Communion; even more, Eternal – entering Eternity in Heaven.

V23 – 9.28.27 – I was feeling all abandoned in the Supreme Fiat, but in the midst of the perfection of a Will so holy I felt imperfect, bad; and I thought to myself: “How can it be that my Beloved Jesus tells me that He makes me live inside His Divine Volition, and yet I feel I am so bad?”

And my adored Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, in My Divine Will there can be neither imperfections nor badness. My Will has the purifying virtue, and destroyer of all evils; Its light purifies, Its fire destroys even the root of evil; Its sanctity sanctifies the soul and embellishes her in a way that she must serve to make It happy and to let It take all Its delights with one who lives in It.

“Nor does It admit to live in My Divine Volition creatures who may bring imperfections and bitternesses within them; those would be things against Its nature, and therefore It could never admit them to live within Itself. Rather, what you say are impressions of uglinesses, of imperfections, of badnesses; and My Will uses them as footstool or as earth that It keeps under Its feet, and without even looking at them, It thinks about enjoying Its little daughter and placing on her lap Its acts, Its joys, Its riches to make her happy, so as to be able to enjoy from her happiness.

“My Will gives what It has, and does not admit within Itself things, even the slightest, that do not belong to It. Therefore, one who wants to live in It must enter into It completely naked, because the first thing that My Volition does is to clothe the soul with light, embellish her with Divine raiments, and impress on her forehead the kiss of perennial peace, of happiness and of firmness. What is human has nothing to do within It—it has neither life nor a place, and the soul herself feels such disgust for what does not belong to My Volition, that she would lay down her life rather than take part in what does not belong to the sanctity of My Divine Will.”

Then, I continued my abandonment in the Divine Fiat, and my sweet Jesus added: “My daughter, My Divine Will was given from the very beginning of Creation as life of the creatures, and It took on the commitment to maintain this life in them whole, beautiful, in its full vigor, administering, in each act of creature, a Divine Act of Its own—an act of the height of Its sanctity, of Its light, of Its power and beauty. It would place Itself in waiting—waiting for their act in order to give Its own, in such a way as to make in it a portent of Divine Life worthy of Its power and wisdom.

V23 – 10.30.27 – I was feeling all abandoned in the Divine Fiat, and I felt my poor mind as though soaked with the light ofWorking-The-Tombolo Its sanctity, beauty and indescribable happiness. To possess the fount of all goods, to enjoy the expanse of the infinite seas of all joys, to possess all the attractions of inexhaustible beauties, of Divine Beauties, to the point of enamoring God Himself, and to live in the Divine Volition by letting It reign in one’s soul, is all the same.

Will of God, how lovable, adorable, desirable You are—more than my very life. Your reigning is reign of light, that has the power of emptying me of what does not belong to its light; it is reign of sanctity, that transforms me, not in the sanctity of the Saints, but in the sanctity of my Creator; it is reign of happiness and of joy, that puts to flight, away from me, all bitternesses, troubles and bothers. But how can the creatures ever dispose themselves, and merit receiving a Kingdom so great?

V23 – 3.8.28 – So, while my mind wandered within the works of the Divine Volition, my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, Our Paternal Goodness created man to keep him on Our Paternal Knees, for Us to enjoy him continuously, and for him to enjoy himself perennially with his Creator. And so that his enjoyments and Ours might be stable, We kept him on Our Paternal Knees; and since Our Will was to be his also, It brought the echo of all Our Acts into man’s inmost being, whom We loved as Our child. And Our child, in hearing Our echo, acted as the repeater of the Acts of his Creator. What contentments did not form between him and Us, as this creating echo of Ours resounded in Our child’s inmost heart, forming in him the order of Our Acts, the harmony of Our Joys and Happinesses, the image of Our Sanctity. What happy times for him and for Us.


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van-dyck-crucifixion-1622V33 – 10.20.35 – “My daughter, Love and Will of God are on par with each other, they never separate, and they form one single Life. In fact, My Will Created, Operated, so many things, but It Created and Operated Loving. Nor would it have been Works Worthy of Our Infinite Wisdom, if We did not Love what had been Created by Us. Therefore every created thing, even the littlest, possesses the source of Our Love, and it has a sigh, a heartbeat, a continuous voice: Love. I am Divine Will and I am Holy, Pure, Powerful, Beautiful. I am Love and I Love, nor will I ever cease Loving, in so far as everything is not converted into Love.

            “See, therefore, My daughter, My Divine Will first Loved and then It Created what It Loved. Love is Our Breath, Our Heartbeat, Our Air. And since air is communicative and there is no person or thing that can flee from air, so Our Love, True Air, invests everyone, Loves everyone and everything. With Right It wants to lord over everything and It wants to be Loved by everyone. And It feels taken away from It the Breath, the Heartbeat, the Air, the Life, when It is not Loved, and they hinder Its Communicative Virtue.

            “Now, if the creature does My Will and she does not Love, one cannot say with deeds that she does My Will. Perhaps it will be Will of God by circumstance, by necessity, by time, because only the Divine Love has the Unitive Virtue that unites and centralizes everything in My Divine Will in order to form Life. Then lacking My Love that alone knows how to render and Transmute the creature into adaptable material in order to form of her the Life of the Divine Will, she would be like a hard object that cannot receive any impression of the Supreme Being. And My Love that, like cement, can fill all the wounds of the human volition, renders her moldable in a way that It can give the form that It wants, and Imprint Itself as Seal of the Divine Life.

            “Therefore, Will of God and Love are inseparable. If you will do My Will you will Love, and if you Love you place My Will in safety in you. The one and the other give each other a hand. My Will Creates, Love lends Itself as material in order to undergo the Creating Act so as to put forth Our Most Beautiful Works. Therefore, when We are not Loved We become delirious, We feel Our arms broken, Our Creative Hands do not find the material in order to form Our Life in the creature. So We run together in Loving each other. We always Love and We are both Happy. Rather, if you will Live in My Volition, I will place My Love at your disposition and you will have in your power heroic and Incessant Love that never says ‘enough.’”

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LUISA14V28 – 2.26.30 – “My daughter (Luisa), what a Sweet Memory is the Creation of man. He was Happy, and We too felt the Fruit of the Happiness of Our Work; We felt such Pleasure in Loving him and in being Loved back. Our Divine Will Preserved him for Us Fresh and Beautiful, and carrying him in Its Arms of Light, It let Us contemplate how Beautiful was the Work Created by Us, Our dear son; and, as Our son, We kept him in Our House, amidst Our endless Goods, and, as a consequence, as Our son, he acted as master. It would have been against the nature of Our Love not letting the one whom We so much Loved, and who so much Loved Us, act as master. In true Love there is no ‘mine’ and ‘yours,’ but everything is in common. And besides, letting him act as master caused no harm to Us; on the contrary, it gladdened Us, it made Us smile, it amused Us, it gave Us the beautiful Surprise of Our Own Goods.

“And then, how could he not be master if he possessed Our Divine Will that lords over everything and dominates everything? In order not to make him master, We would have had to place Our Divine Will in servitude, that could not be—wherever It Reigns, there are no servitudes, but everything is mastership. Therefore, for as long as man Lived in Our Divine Fiat, he knew no servitude; as he sinned, withdrawing from Our Divine Volition, he lost the mastership and reduced himself to servitude. What a change! From son, to servant! He lost the command over created things, he became the servant of everything. By withdrawing from Our Divine Fiat, he felt shaken from his very foundations, and he felt his very person vacillating; he experienced what weakness is, and felt himself the servant of passions that made him feel ashamed of himself; and he reached the point of losing the dominion of himself. So, Strength, Light, Grace, Peace, were no longer in his power as before, but he had to beg for them with tears and prayers from his Creator. Do you see, then, what Living in My Divine Will means? To be master. A servant is one who does his own will.”

And I, surprised by the speaking of Jesus, told Him: “My Love, for as much as it is consoling to hear You speak about Your Divine Will, so it is sorrowful to hear about the evils of the human will.”

And Jesus added: “My daughter, if it is necessary to speak to you about My Divine Fiat, that will serve as invitation, attractions, voices, tender, sweet and strong, to call everyone to Live in the Royal Palace of My Divine Will, that they may no longer be servants, but masters; so it is necessary to speak to you of the evils of the human will. In fact, I will never take free willing away from man, therefore it is necessary that in the Kingdom of My Divine Will I have the mounting of guards, the noble sentries, that may keep the creatures on their guard, making known to them the great evil of the human will, so that they may stand at attention, and, abhorring it, they may Love the Happiness and the mastership that My Divine Will gives them.”


V28 – 5.2.30 – ““My daughter (Luisa), My Divine Will always runs as Prime Act of life toward the creature; and It runs to make her happy, to embrace her, to empty the weight of all human acts. In fact, everything that is not My Will in the creature is hard, heavy and oppressing, and My Will empties all that is human, and with Its light breath, It renders all things light. Therefore, the sign that the soul lives in My Divine Will is that she feels happiness within herself, because My Will is happiness by Its own nature, nor can It give unhappiness to one who lives in It, because It does not possess it, nor does It want to, or can, change Its nature. Therefore, one who lives in My Fiat feels within herself the virtue-bearer of happiness, and in everything she does she feels a vein of happiness flowing, that renders every act, every pain and sacrifice, light.

“This happiness carries with itself the emptying of all evils, and it fills the creature with invincible strength, in such a way that, with all truth, she can say: ‘I can do anything, I can reach anything, because I feel transmuted into the Divine Will that has banished weaknesses, miseries, passions away from me. My very will, made happy by Its happiness, wants to drink in large gulps Its Divine Happiness, and does not want to have anything more to do with living but of Divine Will.’ Unhappinesses, bitternesses, weaknesses, passions, do not enter into My Will, but remain outside of It. Its balsamic air sweetens and fortifies everything; and the more the soul lives in It and repeats her acts in My Divine Volition, the more degrees of Happiness, of Sanctity, of Strength and Divine Beauty she acquires; and even in the very created things, she feels the happiness of her Creator that they bring to her. My Divine Will wants to make the creature who lives in It feel the nature of Its happiness, and therefore It makes her happy in the light of the sun, in the air that she breathes, in the water that she drinks, in the food that she eats, in the flower that cheers her. In sum, in everything It makes one feel that It can give but happiness to the creature, therefore Heaven is not far from her, but inside of her, wanting to make her happy in everything.”


V28 – 5.10.30 – “Now, if We poured so much happiness into all Creation, in creating man not only did We create him twice as happy, giving him the vein of happiness in the mind, in the gaze, in the word, in the heartbeat, in the motion, in the step, but We gave him, in his power, happiness itself, multiplying it in each good act, word, step and everything else that he would do. There were no limits of happiness for him as in created things; to man was given the virtue of growing ever more in happiness. But this, if he would let himself be dominated by My Divine Will; without It (Divine Will), Happiness cannot Reign. Oh! if created things could go out of Our Fiat, they would instantly lose the happiness and would change into the most unhappy works. Therefore, if you want to be happy, let yourself be Dominated by My Divine Will, because It alone has the virtue of giving happiness to the creature, and of changing the most bitter things into the sweetest nectar.

“My daughter (Luisa), You Must Know that We loved the creature with perfect love, and therefore, in creating her, We placed in her complete happiness, complete love, sanctity and beauty, so that the creature might place herself in a contest with Us and requite Us with complete happiness, love and sanctity, in a way that We might delight so much in her, as to be able to say: ‘How beautiful is the work created by Us.’ And in order to be sure that Our gifts would not suffer any detriment in the creature, We entrusted her to Our Divine Will, that It might serve her as life, to keep in her Our Happiness, Our Love, Our Sanctity and Beauty, making them always grow. Therefore, all the good of man was bound to Our Divine Will; once Our Will is rejected, all goods end, nor is there greater misfortune than that of not letting oneself be dominated by My Divine Will, because It alone is the preserver and the call of Our goods in the creature.”


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The Jews practiced Tishlikh (tish-lick) on Yom Kippur the Day of Atonement.
They would cast bread (sin) upon the sea and watch for the fish to eat it and take it away.
Perhaps that is what Peter was implying, that Jesus as the Bread of Life, who takes away our sins as we “cast our cares upon Him.” 1Peter 5:7


Luisa_Piccarreta_with_JesusCasting our human will into the Sea of the Divine Will

V15 – 7.1.23 – “When the creature comes to cast the little pebble of her will into the Immense Sea of My Divinity, as she casts it, if her will wants to Love, the Infinite Sea of the Waters of My Love ripple, are agitated, and I feel the Waves of My Love giving off their Celestial Fragrance, and I feel the Pleasure, the Joys of My Love being agitated by the little pebble of the will of the creature.  If she Adores My Sanctity, the little pebble of the human will agitates the Sea of My Sanctity, and I feel cheered by the most Pure Auras of My Sanctity.  In sum, whatever the human will wants to do in Mine, it flings itself like a little pebble into each Sea of My Attributes, and as it agitates them and ripples them, I feel I AM given My Own Things, and the Honors, the Glory, the Love which the creature can give Me in a Divine Manner.”

V23 – 2.28.28 – “Such will be the children of My Fiat—all noble; they will lose the roughness of the human volition, the miserable rags of passions; the darkness of doubts, of fears, will be put to Flight by the Light of My Knowledges, and will cast all into a Sea of Peace…”

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Be Detached – No Man Can Serve Two Masters

Be Detached – No Man Can Serve Two Masters

 No man can serve two masters. For either he will hate the one, and love the other: or he will sustain the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. – Matthew 6:24

 “You cannot please both God and the world at the same time.  They are utterly opposed to each other in their thoughts, their desires, and their actions.” – Saint John Vianney


L_Luisa_Reading-a2V2 – 4.26.99 – (Jesus speaking):  “I AM so very pleased with the souls who are detached from everything, not only in the affect, but also in the effect, that as they keep stripping themselves, My Light keeps investing them, and they become just like Crystals, such that the light of the sun finds no impediment to penetrate inside of them, unlike buildings and other material things.”

Then He added: “Ah! They think that they strip themselves, but instead, they come to be clothed not only with spiritual things, but also with corporal ones, because My Providence has a care, all particular and special, for these detached souls. My Providence covers them everywhere; it happens that they have nothing, but they possess everything.”

After this, we withdrew from the confessor, and we found many religious people who seemed all to have their goals set on working for their interest. Passing through their midst, Jesus said: “Woe – woe to one who works for the purpose of gaining money! You have already received your recompense.”

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Cardinal Burke’s Major Interview to Il Foglio on the Synod

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Full Text of Cardinal Burke’s Major Interview to Il Foglio on the Synod

Faith is not decided by vote

Cardinal Burke against the media manipulation on the Synod. And very clear on everything else.

by Alessandro Gnocchi

Il Foglio

October 13, 2014

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Saint Margaret Mary AlacoqueOctober 16

“And He [Christ] showed me that it was His great Desire of being Loved by men and of withdrawing them from the path of ruin that made Him Form the Design of Manifesting His Heart to men, with all the Treasures of Love, of Mercy, of Grace, of Sanctification and Salvation which it contains, in order that those who desire to render Him and procure Him all the Honour and Love possible, might themselves be abundantly enriched with those Divine Treasures of which His Heart is the source.” — from Revelations of Our Lord to St. Mary Margaret Alacoque


V16 – 2.16.24 – (Jesus says to Luisa):Oh, if you could see My Heart, you would see all possible imaginable sorrows Centralized in Me, from which creatures Rise again to New Life, and all Contentments and Divine Riches, Flowing in My Heart like many Seas, as I Diffuse them for the Good of the whole human family.

But who shares more in these Immense Treasures of My Heart? For those who suffer more, for each pain, for each sorrow, there is a Special Joy in My Heart, which follows that pain or sorrow suffered by the creature. Pain renders her more Dignified, more Lovable, more Dear, more Worthy of Sympathy. And since My Heart drew upon Itself all Divine Sympathies by Virtue of the Pains Suffered, in seeing pain in the creature, which is a Special Characteristic of My Heart, watching over this pain, with all My Love I Pour upon her the Joys and Contentments which My Heart contains. But to My highest Sorrow, while My Heart would want to let My Joys Follow the pain I send to the creatures, not finding in them the Love of Suffering and the True Resignation which My Heart Possessed, My Joys still follow pain, but in seeing that the pain has not been received with Love and Honor and with highest Submission, My Joys do not find the way to enter that sorrowful heart and, grieving, they return to My Heart.

Therefore, when I find a soul who is Resigned, who Loves Suffering, I feel her as though Regenerated within My Heart, and – oh, how sorrows and joys, bitterness and sweetness, alternate. I hold nothing back of all the Goods which I can Pour upon her.”

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StHedwigPatroness of Silesia

 October 16

We must adore the Decrees of the Almighty not only in happy days, but also in those of sorrow and bereavement,” said St. Hedwig, when God deprived her of her beloved spouse, by an early death.


V30 – 1.3.32 – “All evils and all creatures together have no power and no right over Our Will, nor can they prevent a single Act of Our Will, wanted by Decrees of Our Wisdom.”

V30 – 4.2.32 –Do you know where everything lays? Everything is in whether Our Will Wants it and has decided it with Divine Decrees. If this is there, everything is done; and this decision is so true, that there are facts.”

V36 – 10.2.38 –All that I tell you about My Divine Will is nothing other than the accomplishment of Our Decree, established since Eternity in the Council of Our Most Holy Trinity: Our Will must have Its Kingdom on earth. Our Decrees are Infallible, nothing can prevent them from being Fulfilled. Just as Creation and Redemption were Our Decrees, so Our Decree is the Kingdom of Our Will on earth! Therefore, in order to Fulfill this Decree I have to Manifest the Goods contained in It-Its Qualities, Its Beauties and Marvels. Here is the necessity I had to talk to you so much: to accomplish this Decree.”

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LUISA PRAYINGV35 – 2.6.38 – You Must Know that all the beautiful and good things that the creature has done are deposited inside Ourselves, attesting to her love and the glory she gives Us, and forming her crown for her first entrance into Our Celestial Fatherland. Therefore, the most Beautiful act of the creature is to throw herself into Our Arms—abandon herself—letting Us make whatever We want to make of her, in time as well as in Eternity. Only then, do We get all the savor of making her one of the most Beautiful statues to adorn Our Celestial Jerusalem.”

V7 – 7.27.06 –My daughter, when I received the Cross, I embraced It as my dearest treasure, because in the Cross I dowered souls and espoused them to Myself. Now, upon looking at the Cross – at Its length and breadth – I rejoiced, because I saw in It sufficient dowries for all My spouses, and none of them could fear not being able to marry Me, because I held in My Own Hands – in the Cross – the price of their dowry. But with this condition alone: that if the soul accepts the little gifts I send to her – which are the crosses – as the pledge of her acceptance of Me as her Spouse, the marriage is formed and I give her the gift of the dowry. If then she does not accept the gifts – that is, if she is not resigned to My Will – everything is undone, and even if I want to dower her, I cannot, because in order to form a marriage, it always takes the will of both sides; and since the soul does not accept My Gifts, it means that she does not want to accept the marriage.”

V33 – 3.4.34“My daughter, in order to form a city, first the ways are formed, that form the order that a city must have, and then the foundations are cast in order to construct it. If the ways are not formed—the exits, the communications that it must have, are not formed—there is the danger that instead of a city, the citizens could form for themselves a prison, because the ways not being provided, they do not know where to go out. Do you see how necessary the ways are? Now, the city without way is the human will that, closed in its prison, has closed all the ways in order to enter into the Celestial City of My Divine Will. Now the soul who enters into It breaks the prison, knocks down the unhappy city without ways, without exits, and united with the Power of My Volition, the Divine Engineer forms the plan of the city, orders the ways, the communications, and acting as Insuperable Craftsman, forms the New Citadel of the soul with such Mastery as to form the ways of communication in order to let other souls enter and form so many citadels in order to be able to form a Kingdom. The first (Luisa) will be the model of the others. See, therefore, what the Acts done in My Will serve. They are so very necessary for Me, that without them the way would be lacking in order to let It Reign. Therefore I want you always in My Will, never come out of It if you want to render your Jesus content.”

V35 – 3.28.38 – “My blessed daughter, since man was made by Us to Live in Our Will, all Our Acts had to serve as many little cities or nations in which man could find, by right, his Fatherland—the different cities where he was to find his amusements, his Joys, and the enchanting and delightful scenes that his Creator had prepared for him with so much Love. Therefore, one can say that the sun is a city, and as the soul enters Our Will, she finds this city of Light, as well as all the various Beauties of Color and Sweetness. She finds Our Creative and Festive Act Full of Joys, Love and Unspeakable Happiness, and she dives into these seas of Beauty, Sweetness, Love and Joy, taking her long walks in her Fatherland, as the owner of all the Goods that she finds in It.


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October 15

Theresa of AvilaPope Francis’ Letter for the Fifth Centenary of the Birth of St. Teresa of Avila

St. Teresa emphasised the importance of cheerful perseverance and prayer.

Vatican City, 2014 (VIS) – The Holy Father has sent a message to Bishop Jesus Garcia Burillo of Avila on the occasion of the fifth centenary of the birth of St. Teresa of Avila, whose feast day is celebrated today. In his letter, Pope Francis mentions the joy the saint often spoke of “in encountering the suffering of work and pain”, and how she affirmed that “the Gospel is not a bag of lead that trails heavily behind us, but rather a source of joy that leads the heart to God and urges us to serve our brethren”: St. Teresa emphasised the importance of cheerful perseverance and prayer. For her, contemplative prayer was “a close sharing between friends; … taking time frequently to be alone with him who we know loves us”.

The Pope remarks that this advice is “perennially valid”: “In a culture of the temporary”, he says, “to live faithfully ‘forever and ever and ever’; in a world without hope, to show the fruitfulness of an enamoured heart; and in a society with many idols, to give witness that ‘only God is enough’”. A path that, the Holy Father reiterated, we cannot walk alone; we must do so together and, as the Saint said, with Christ. “Teresa of Jesus recommended three things: to love each other, to free each other, to free oneself of everything, and to aspire to true humility”.

“It is this Teresian realism”, writes the Pope, “that demands works instead of emotions, love in the place of dreams, and the realism of humble love instead of eager asceticism”. He concludes, “Let us hope that everyone may be infused by this holy impulse to travel the roads of our own time, with the Gospel in our hand and the Spirit in our heart!”.

From the Book of Heaven

V16 – 2.5.24 – Don’t you know that cheerfulness for the soul is like fragrance for flowers, like condiment for foods, like the skin tone for people, like maturation for fruits, like the sun for plants?”

V6 – 10.29.04 –Everything – everything is linked to the way of operating with Perseverance; the Chain of My Graces is linked to Persevering Works. So, if the soul makes some escapes, she breaks this Chain – and who can assure her that it will be linked again? My Designs are accomplished only in one who attaches his works to Perseverance. Perfection, sanctity, everything – everything goes along United with it; but if the soul is intermittent, her operating without Perseverance, like an intermittent fever, renders the Divine Designs vain, dissolves her perfection and makes her Sanctity fail.”

V6 – 4.11.05 – “Indeed, that of the soul which pleases Me the most is Perseverance, because Perseverance is Seal of Eternal Life and development of Divine Life. In fact, just as God is ever Old and ever New and Immutable, in the same way, through Perseverance, by having exercised it always, the soul is Old, and by her attitude of exercising it, she is ever New; and each time she exercises it she is Renewed in God, remaining Immutable, and without realizing it. Since through Perseverance she continuously acquires Divine Life within herself, by acquiring God she is Sealed with Eternal Life. Can there be a seal safer than God Himself?”


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