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Our Lady of America Newsletter, March 8, 2014

Our Lady of America Newsletter, March 8, 2014

our-lady-of-america-2-cropFeast of Saint John of God


Again, thank you for your prayers. Success appears very close. The Jury in McCarthy v. Langsenkamp rendered its verdict Friday which seems quite favorable to the devotion becoming widely available and not subject to the control restrictions claimed by Patricia Ann Fuller. However, we await the entry of a judgment by United States District Judge William T. Lawrence some time in the next 30 days.

The case entailed 27 separate claims and the Judge is preparing a final decree of judgment. In addition, that judgment could be subject to appeal to the United States Court Appeals for the Seventh Circuit such that it could be weeks or even months before the faithful can finally act with complete freedom regarding the devotion.

Nonetheless, the news is very positive, and we will keep you advised. Pending that, please keep praying at least through Wednesday, March 12, 2014, the Feast of Pope Saint Gregory The Great. By then we hope that the District Court will give some further indication as to when it may enter its final judgment clearly describing specific findings. In fact, until the Final Judgment is actually entered in the next 30 days, by Judge Lawrence, please keep praying. We will keep you apprised of the progress. Please see the original January and the Last Newsletter. Thank you.

“By Your Holy and Immaculate Conception, O Mary, deliver us from evil.”

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B.V.M. Our Lady of America
C/O Langsenkamp Family Apostolate
9100 Purdue Rd #400
Indianapolis, IN 46268-1180

B.V.M. Our Lady of America is a not-for-profit activity of the BVM Foundation, Inc. Batesville, IN 47006
BVM Foundation, Inc. is a not-for-profit corporation.

Copyright 2014 Langsenkamp Family Apostolate and the B.V.M. Foundation


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