Offering of the human will to the Celestial Queen Prayer for May 31st Most Sweet Mama, here I am, prostrate at the foot of Your Throne. I am Your little child, I want to give You all my filial love, and as Your child, I want to braid all the little sacrifices, the …
May 2014 archive
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May 30
Quote of St. Augustine of Hippo
“Just as He remained with us even after His Ascension, so we too are already in Heaven with Him, even though what is promised us has not yet been fulfilled in our bodies.” — St. Augustine of Hippo
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May 29
Novena to the Holy Spirit
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May 29
Prayer for the Glorification of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta – Updated
Prayer For the Glorification of the Servant of God LUISA PICCARRETA Oh august and Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we praise and thank You for the gift of the holiness of Your faithful servant Luisa Piccarreta. She lived, Oh Father, in Your Divine Will, becoming under the action of the Holy Spirit, …
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May 28
Ascension Thursday, May 29, 2014
FEAST OF THE ASCENSION January 24, 1938 How our Lord left for Heaven remaining on earth in the Tabernacles, to accomplish the Kingdom of the Divine Will. One who lives in the Divine Will can say with Jesus: ‘I leave and I stay.’ My flight in the Divine Volition continues. While I was visiting Jesus …
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May 26
Feast of St. Philip Neri
FEAST OF ST. PHILIP NERI Click image for information on St. Philip Neri
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May 25
Novena for Vocations to the Priesthood – May 23 – June 1
NOVENA PRAYERS TO ST. ANNIBALE MARIA di FRANCIA FOR VOCATIONS TO THE PRIESTHOOD Click image for Novena Prayers FEAST DAY: JUNE 1 click here for more information about St. Annibale
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May 21
Take Your Place of Honor in the Whole Order of Creation
FROM THE LETTERS OF THE SERVANT OF GOD, LUISA PICCARRETA Letter #89 – Oh, how happy It will be to live Its Divine Life with the creature who Knows It, because only Knowledge gives us the highest Good of possessing It. It makes Its Goods our own, and – oh, how happy It is to …
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May 20
Priesthood and Victimhood
“If in Christ, Priesthood and victimhood are inseparable, should this not be so in ‘other-Christ’s’? Why have we considered ourselves only as offerers and not as offered, as preachers and not as sin-bearers, as social workers and not as redeemers? The priest is called to be a sin-bearer, as Christ was. This does not mean …
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May 20
St. Bernardine of Siena
Saint Bernardine of Siena, priest. Madonna and Child between Saint Francis and Saint Bernardine of Siena Benozzo Gozzoli Click image for information about Saint Bernardine of Siena Collect: O God, who gave the Priest Saint Bernardine of Siena a great love for the holy Name of Jesus, grant, through his merits and prayers, that we …
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