V30 – June 17, 1932 – “My little daughter, do not be surprised at My many attentions and Loving Tendernesses that I do inside and outside of you. You must know that in the soul in whom My Divine Will Reigns I serve Myself; therefore, for the decorum of My Divinity and Sanctity, I lend My own Acts, as if they were for My own Life; and so I place the Intensity of My Love, the Order of My Thoughts, the Sanctity of My Works. And in seeing the docility of the creature offering herself like a daughter to receive the Offices of her Father, His Loving Tendernesses, the Life of the Father in his daughter—O! how Happy and honored I feel to serve her. More so, since I serve Myself in My daughter, and when one serves oneself it is not servitude, but it is Honor, Glory; it is to know how to preserve oneself in the Dignity, in the Sanctity, in the order of one’s own state, without descending down below. Servitude begins when one serves other people; but to serve oneself is to maintain the height of one’s state. Besides, there where My Divine Will Reigns it is My Interest that everything the creature does be acts Worthy of It, and that they be a Birth from My own Acts. Otherwise, it would be unseemly to My Divine Will as well as to the human acts; therefore I offer Myself to do everything, so as to serve My own Will.”
Nov 25
How to Preserve Oneself in Dignity
Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2015/11/25/how-to-preserve-oneself-in-dignity/