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“Luisa Piccarreta” Primary School

December 15, 2001

Dedication of the Primary School to Luisa Piccarreta


On December 15, 2001 on the initiative of the Headmaster, Ms Isa Balducci, who retained a vivid memory of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, with the consent of the Association Luisa Piccarreta Little Children of the Divine Will. and the blessing of His Excellency. Mons Giovan Battista Pichierri, the state primary school located in via Mereu, in Corato, was dedicated to Luisa Piccarreta:

“Luisa Picarreta” Primary School

On that day,  Archbishop Giovan Battista Pichierri blessed a plaque that was placed at the entrance of the school and a bronze bas-relief inside the school, depicting Luisa Piccarreta.

There was, then, the Eucharistic celebration with the participation of 500 children, teachers and religious and civil authorities.

This was the beginning of an occasioning relationship, to remember together the most significant stages of the life of Luisa Piccarreta as her birth and transit, as well as the Christmas and Easter seasons.

The children, accompanied by their teachers, came often to visit the places of Luisa and her tomb.

On 23 April 2003, 300 children with  their headmaster  went to Luisa’s tomb, to commemorate her birth.

For that occasion we published a short biography suitable for children of the primary school “Who is Luisa Piccarreta?” This gift was appreciated and remained as a souvenir.


Sr. Assunta

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