II Sunday of Lent
Jesus, True man, True God
Dear brothers and sisters, Fiat!
On the journey of Lent, Jesus is presented to us as He really is, true man, true God, merciful face of the Father, our Savior. The liturgical celebration is not only a memory, example, teaching, testimony, but it is a living encounter with Jesus Himself, who is present and gives us His grace, peace, mercy, salvation. He joins us, we join Him and we find in Him the light, the strength, the meaning of our life.
Last week, we met Jesus when He experienced His temptations in the desert. He was humble, weak, tempted, truly a man like everyone, but a winner over the evil with the strength of the Word of God.
Now we contemplate and approach Jesus in His glorious manifestation, in the transfiguration on Mount Tabor. Here is what happens while he prayed: the cloud of God’s presence, His white and glittering clothes, Moses and Elijah, the voice of the Father: ” This is my beloved Son; hear him!”. Jesus is truly God, the Messiah, the one sent by the Father for our salvation.
Next to Jesus, there are the three apostles, Peter, James, John. They are chosen as witnesses of His glory, of His divinity; They experience and enjoy this new life: “Master, it is good for us to be here…”But Jesus returns and leads them to normal, everyday life, keeping in their hearts the profound experience they lived. We too are called to live the life of every day, with the light and strength of the presence of the Lord, with the certainties of faith. Even in difficult times, even when we struggle, even when we fail and sin!
These three apostles will be the same apostles that Jesus will choose during His agony in the garden of the olive trees, where Jesus will experience His passion, His suffering, His loneliness and death. Jesus is really a man, the One who suffers the most. He is persecuted, innocent, condemned to die on the cross. The three apostles do not understand the greatness and the tragedy of that moment, they fall asleep, they leave Jesus alone, they are not able to watch one hour with Him, they fail in their weakness and in their sin.
But Jesus is really God: He does not remain in death, but He conquers death in Himself and wins it for all of us. The apostles, not only those three, but all, like all believers in Jesus, will believe and be the witnesses of His resurrection, of His full and eternal salvation, of the new life that is given to every man on earth and in the eternity of God. God’s eternity becomes man’s eternity and is the life in the Divine Will.
On September 10, 1933 Jesus explained to Luisa how our Lord disbursed the price to purchase His Divine Will in order to give It to creatures.
It is more than certain that the Divine Will will have Its Kingdom in the midst of creatures, just as certain as was His descent from Heaven to earth. Jesus, acting as King, was to constitute the Kingdom of the Fiat, which man had rejected. Therefore, His Divinity, united to His Humanity, descended from Heaven in order to purchase His Divine Will for creatures. Each act Jesus did was a disbursement of the price that was needed, and which He gave to the Divine Majesty in order to buy back what man had rejected and lost. So, each act, pain, tear of His, and His very death on the Cross, were nothing other than the disbursing of the price sufficient to purchase the Divine Will and give It to creatures. So, if the purchase was made, the price was disbursed, the Divinity accepted, and the payment was closed with the sacrifice of His life, how can Its Kingdom not come?
As Jesus’ Humanity operated, suffered, prayed, so the Divine Fiat descended, down into His human acts, and formed Its Kingdom; and since Jesus was the Head, the elder Brother of all human generations, the Kingdom passed on to His members and to His younger brothers. However, Redemption was necessary first, because It was to serve to till the ground of the human wills, to purify them, to prepare them, to embellish them, and to let them know how much did the purchase cost this Man and God – the purchase He made of the Divine Will in order to give It to creatures, that they may receive the grace of being able to receive the great gift of being dominated by God’s Will. Had there not been Redemption first, the disbursement of the price would be missing, as well as the preparatory act for a good so great. Even more, Jesus told Luisa that the Divinity, before He descended from Heaven, had decreed Redemption and the Kingdom of the Divine Will, since one was to serve for the disbursement of the other. In fact, the Divine Will being Divine and of infinite value, a Man-God was needed who would be able to pay and acquire a Divine Volition, to give It back to those who had lost It; and if it were not so, He would not have moved from Heaven only to come to redeem; more so, since He was more interested in giving back the rights to the Divine Will, offended and rejected, than in Redemption Itself. Besides, Jesus would not have acted as God, had He rescued His creatures while putting the Divine Will aside, not giving It the rights due to It, restoring Its Kingdom in the midst of creatures.
We must be sure that His Time will come, Jesus will arm Himself with power and love, and will sound the hour of the triumph of the kingdom of the “Fiat”.
Glory, praise, love be to Jesus, true man and true God.
don Marco