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Broken Heart of Jesus and The Promises He gave to Sr. Claire Ferchaud


The Broken Heart of Jesus, the Merciful Saviour ...

The Promise of our Merciful Savior

to Sr. Claire Ferchaud, Loublande / France.

“I come, not to bring terror among you; I AM the God of love, the God who forgives and wants to save you all.”

“My grace will work with great power on sinners who without contrition, Kneel before the picture of My Broken Heart, so that they will arise converted.”

“I will forgive their sins, even before the absolution, to those who with a true love kiss the picture of My Broken Heart.”

“My glance will touch the hearts of the indifferent and will inflame them with favor so that they will practice goodness.”

“An only act of love with the plea for forgiveness towards this picture will be enough for Me to open heaven to the soul which in the last hour must appear before Me.”

“When some refuse to believe in the truths of religion, one can put the picture of My Broken Heart in their room (dwelling) without their knowledge.  It will bring through the wonder of graces sudden and supernatural conversions.”



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