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Fiat Luisa

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Gospel Reading for June 12, 2017 with Divine Will Truths – Each Truth of Divine Will Contains a Distinct Beatitude

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Feast of the Most Holy Trinity

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Gospel Reading for June 10, 2017 with Divine Will Truths – Voluntary Poverty of Jesus and Mary

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Gospel Reading for June 9, 2017 with Divine Will Truths – David: an Image of Jesus

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Gospel Reading for June 8, 2017 with Divine Will Truths – The Two Greatest Commandments

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Gospel Reading for June 7, 2017 with Divine Will Truths – God of the Living

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Gospel Reading for June 6, 2017 with Divine Will Truths – What Belongs to God, Belongs to the Soul who Lives in the Divine Will

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Gospel Reading for June 2, 2017 with Divine Will Truths – Keys of Kingdom, Keys of Divine Will

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Consecration and Prayer Fulfilling All Our Blessed Mother’s Request

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Anointing with the Holy Spirit one with Luisa

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