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Fiat Luisa

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Padre Bucci video about Luisa Piccarreta

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Feast of Corpus Christi – Traditional (Thursday after Holy Trinity Sunday)

V24 – 6.12.28  – “After this, since it was the Feast of Corpus Domini, I was thinking to myself that that day was the Feast of the Marriage that Blessed Jesus did with souls in the Most Holy Sacrament of Love. And my Beloved Jesus, Moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, the True …

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Qué son Las 24 Horas de la Pasión? What are the 24 Hours of the Passion?

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Feast of St. Joan of Arc – May 30


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The Arc, Our Lady and Luisa – Novena Begins May 15

Novena for the Intention of Our Lady of America, that the Bishops fulfill Her Wishes

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Feast of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament

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Ascension Prayer – Offering as Victim with Luisa

Solemnity of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ into Heaven Prayer of Offering of Self as Victim Together with Luisa Piccarreta on Ascension Thursday “As far as the Vow, do it on the day of Ascension, so that Sweet Jesus may Bring your human will to Heaven as the Most Beautiful Victory He has …

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Novena between Ascension Thursday to Pentecost Sunday

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Feast of St. Cataldo – May 10

The Shipwrecked Saint Saint Cathaldus of Shanrahan and Taranto Shanrahan Cemetery: Site of Cataldo’s monastery Following the arrival of St. Patrick, Holy men established small monasteries throughout Ireland. It is not surprising then, to learn that in the seventh century a Holy man named Cathal, having studied at the University of Lismore, made his way …

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Happy and Blessed Mother’s Day to Our Blessed Mother and Little Mama Luisa

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