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Fiat Luisa

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The Corner-Stone, the Foundation of Holy Mother Church

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The Mystery of God in the Divine Will

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Jesus Speaks and Unleashes the Light of the Truth of Divine Will

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Sacrifice of Abraham and the Divine Will

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To Live in Divine Will is to Live in Our Home

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Bending the Forehead to the Divine Will

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Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Renaissance of Civilization

Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Renaissance of Civilization The level of any civilization is the level of its womanhood.” click here to learn more These words of Venerable Fulton Sheen echoed across the radio waves back in 1947 when he spoke about the effects of communism on modern womanhood and the decision our age …

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Perseverance in Good

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The Acts Done in the Divine Will Carry the Creative Power

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The More the Soul is Humiliated and Mortified, the More she Sparkles with Celestial Fire

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