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Feast Day of Our Lady of the Rosary

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President Trump Addresses Catholics Directly

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Archbishop Vigano Leads Launch Rosary of 54 Day Rosary Crusade U. S. Election Novena

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54 Day Rosary begins Sept 8 – The Big Guns

for Information got to: THE BIG GUNS Fight, Church Militant. Fight. September 4, 2020 PODCAST AVAILABLE FOR PREMIUM SUBSCRIBERS TRANSCRIPT Given the times we live in at this moment — and, to be clear, the times you were specifically created for by Almighty God — a look back at the happenings of the wedding feast at …

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Our Lady of Czestochowa – August 26

HISTORY OF THE IMAGE The origin of this miraculous image in Czestochowa, Poland is unknown for absolute certainty, but according to tradition the painting was a portrait of Our Lady done by St. John sometime after the Crucifixion of Our Lord and remained in the Holy Land until discovered by St. Helena of the Cross …

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TODAY’S HEADLINE: “Now is the Time… …The Gospel of the Kingdom!”

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August 15 Divine Will Weekend Retreat in Rome City, Indiana

Miracle of the Sun seen by some of the 100 participants below: Some of the Joyful participants below Drinking water from the source of the Spring      

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Consecration Prayer for August 15, 2020 through the intercession of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta

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Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven – Feast of Our Lady of the Divine Will

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54 Day Rosary Miracle Novena

Praying in the Divine Will through Luisa’s intercession in honor of Our Lady of America

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