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Why Be Catholic? – Bishop Fulton J. Sheen

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Luisa, the Soul Who Lives in the Divine Will is the Purpose of the Glory of Creation

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November 21, 1987: Blessing of Luisa’s house

November 21, 1987: Blessing of Luisa’s house After 59 years, from 1928 to 1987, Luisa’s room was opened and blessed 11/20/2017 His Excellency Archbishop Carata, in the presence of the municipal administration of Corato and many faithful, even from outside of Corato, blessed the little cell of Luisa, the other rooms and the exhibition of …

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Divine Will is as King Disguised in Each Created Thing

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The Episcopal Ordination of His Excellency Mons. Leonardo D’ascenzo

The Episcopal Ordination of His Excellency Mons. Leonardo D’ascenzo  11/17/2017Msgr. Giuseppe Pavone,  the Administrator of the Archdiocese of Trani-Barletta. Bisceglie, announces that the episcopal ordination of His Excellency, Msgr.. Leonardo D’Ascenzo, the new Archbishop of Trani-Barletta-Bisceglie, will take place on January 14, 2018, in the Cathedral of St. Clement of Velletri, at 5:00 p.m. Father …

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Acts in the Divine Will are Everlasting

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Novena to Christ the King – Begins Nov. 17 – 26, 2017

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In this Century the Holy Trinity has Chosen Luisa as Center of all Creation to Make the Divine Will Known

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Praying for Peace – Perennial Peace of the Divine Will

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Generational Spirits – Father Ripperger

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