“He who wishes for anything but Christ, does not know what he wishes; he who asks for anything but Christ, does not know what he is asking; he who works, and not for Christ, does not know what he is doing.” — St. Philip Neri IN VOLUNTATE DEI! CREDO QUIDQUID DIXIT DEI FILIUS DOCUIT.
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Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2017/08/29/he-who-wishes-for-anything-but-christ-does-not-know-what-he-wishes/
Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2017/08/28/st-augustines-city-of-god-and-christian-doctrine-and-the-divine-will/
Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2017/08/28/gospel-reading-for-august-8-2017-with-divine-will-truths-hypocrisy-embitters-the-heart-of-jesus/
Aug 27
Feast Day of St. Monica – August 27
FEAST DAY OF ST. MONICA August 27 Jesus to Luisa: ‘My mama! My mama! Maternal love surpasses all loves; so, you will love Me with insuperable love of mother.’” – Book of Heaven: V27 – 12.22.29 Saint Monica, also known as Monica of Hippo, is St. Augustine of Hippo’s mother. She was born in 331 …
Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2017/08/27/feast-day-of-st-monica-august-27/
Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2017/08/26/perfect-fusion/
Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2017/08/25/gospel-reading-for-august-25-2017-with-divine-will-truths-adam-sinned-because-he-forgot-to-love-god/
Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2017/08/24/gospel-reading-for-august-24-2017-with-divine-will-truths-ascending-and-descending/
Aug 21
The Message of Our Lady of Knock: The Silence Veils a Secret
The Message of Our Lady of Knock: The Silence Veils a Secret Gregory Johnsonclick image for information
Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2017/08/21/the-message-of-our-lady-of-knock-the-silence-veils-a-secret/
Aug 21
Feast Day of Our Lady of Knock – August 21
A BRIEF ACCOUNT OF THE STORY OF OUR LADY OF KNOCK, QUEEN OF IRELAND From: http://www.catholictradition.org/Mary/knock.htm On the evening of August 21, 1879 Mary McLoughlin, the housekeeper to the parish priest of Knock, County Mayo, ireland, was astonished to see the outside south wall of the church bathed in a mysterious light; there were three …
Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2017/08/21/feast-day-of-our-lady-of-knock-august-21-2/
Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2017/08/20/our-lady-of-revelation-part-i-and-ii/