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Gospel Reading for July 24, 2017 with Divine Will Truths – Greater and More Important Things

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Gospel Reading for July 22, 2017 with Divine Will Truths – ‘I AM ASCENDING…”

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Gospel Reading for July 21, 2017 with Divine Will Truths – Unite Sacrifice with Jesus’ Sacrifice

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Feast Day of St. Apollinaris – July 20

St. Apollinaris from: One of the first great martyrs of the church. He was made Bishop of Ravenna by St. Peter himself. The miracles he wrought there soon attracted official attention, for they and his preaching won many converts to the Faith, while at the same time bringing upon him the fury of the …

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Celebrations for Santa Maria Greca, protector of Corato

Celebrations for Santa Maria Greca, protector of Corato Celebrations for Santa Maria Greca, protector of Corato Yesterday was celebrated the feast of Santa Maria Greca – proclaimed Principal Protector of Corato in 1956 by Pope Pius XII on the occasion of the 3rd centenary of the apparition, as it is stated in the plaque next …

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St. Camillus Feast Day – July 18

Feast Day of St. Camillus de Lellis July 18 On July 18 the U.S. Catholic Church celebrates the feast day of Saint Camillus de Lellis, who turned from his life as a soldier and gambler to become the founder of an order dedicated to caring for the sick. In some other countries, he is celebrated …

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Gospel Reading for July 17, 2017 with Divine Will Truths – Divine Family

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Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Truths of the Divine Will are Seeds the Celestial Farmer Sows in Souls

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Feast Day of St. Bonaventure – July 15

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AN EXEMPLARY CHAPLIN – FATHER VINCENT CAPODANNO by Maureen Boyle There have been countless brave Catholic chaplains serving the U.S. Armed Forces since the Revolutionary War.  One heroic example who is honored every year on the anniversary of his death is Father Vincent R. Capodanno, a Maryknoll priest who was killed in Vietnam on September …

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