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Jerusalem and Rome

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Luisa Wants to do the Accounts with Jesus

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Feast Day of Sts. Joachim and Anne

Sts. Joachim and Anne, parents of the Virgin Mary, honored July 26 Sts. Joachim and Anne By Benjamin Mann Denver, Colo., Jul 24, 2011 / 07:58 am (CNA/EWTN News).- On July 26 the Roman Catholic Church commemorates the parents of the Virgin Mary, Saints Joachim and Anne. The couple’s faith and perseverance brought them through …

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Jesus Dries the Tears of the Soul – The Soul Dries the Tears of Jesus

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The Celestial Mother Brings Jesus to the Repentant Sinner

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You are gods (Jn 10:34)

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The Harder the Trials and Tests – The Greater the Graces God Gives

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Offer Sufferings to the Divine Justice

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Heat of the Divine Will Shall Mold Souls Anew

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Broken Crosses

BROKEN CROSSES From the Desk of Sr. Emmanuel Maillard: 1. [More than a month ago alleged seer] Mirjana Soldo [of Medjugorje] received her monthly apparition at the Blue Cross, in the presence of a fairly large crowd. After the apparition, she shared the following message: “Dear children! My motherly heart desires your true conversion and …

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