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Jesus’ Humanity Formed the Foundation of the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat

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The Celestial Mother Makes Miracles for the Soul Disposed to Repentance

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The Burning Love of God – The Soul Must Burn with Love for God

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The Soul Forms the Beauty of her Rainbow-If the Soul Answers the Call of the Divine Fiat

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Jesus Must Find Everything and Everyone in the Depths of the Soul

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Humanity Finds Itself in the Middle of Two Fires

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Another Testimony of Healing Attributed to the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta

The Association Luisa Piccarreta Little Children of the Divine Will, received a new testimony of healing overseas, obtained probably through the  intercession of Luisa “The Saint”. The recent case, which is shown below, is described by an acquaintance of the protagonist and his wife J. G. P. is a 76 year old retired teacher who …

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The Power of the Cross

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Light of Gospel in Redemption – Light of Gospel of the Divine Will

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The Queen Mama and Luisa – Intercessors for All Mankind

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