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Jesus ’ Faithful Minister Would be the Witness and Depository of the Law of the Divine Will

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Power of God ’s Call in the Soul Who Lives in the Divine Will

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Rosary Warriors… Storm Heaven with Prayer!

Rosary Warriors… Storm Heaven with Prayer! His Eminence Raymond Cardinal Burke will be celebrating the Holy Mass and, afterwards, praying the Holy Rosary to Storm Heaven with Prayer tomorrow morning, 1st of March, at 11:00am in Rome, for your intentions and the intentions of Operation Storm Heaven. I am writing to remind you, my fellow …

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Jesus Cries for Souls W ho Move Far Away from Him

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The Music of Luisa

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Make Your Prayer Ascend Like Incense Before the Throne of God

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The Virgin Mother and Queen Formed the Veil of Jesus ’ Humanity

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“Lady” Obedience Wins Over Luisa!

“Lady” Obedience Wins Over Luisa! 2/26/2016 February 28, 1899:  The word “obedience” is often misunderstood, because we highlight a negative feature of the relationship among people, rather than its divine feature that is true, eternal and positive. “Obey” comes from the Latin roots ob+ audire meaning to listen closely. So “obedience” must not be regarded …

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St. Veronica Giuliani and the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta

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The Soul Who Lives Outside the Divine Will Lives as Orphan

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