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Novena for the 69th Anniversary of Luisa’s Passing into Eternity

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God Teaches Man How to Love Him through Creation

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Deposit of the Divine Will is in Luisa

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God Warns Man to Come to his Senses

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The Value and Benefit of the Hours of the Passion

The 24 Hours of the Passion The Value and Benefit of Meditating them. 2/20/2016 The desire to represent the sacred, to give form to the mystery of God revealed in Jesus, is not only legitimate, but also responds to the needs of the Catholic faith that recognizes in the incarnation of the Son of God, …

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The Humanity of Jesus Lifts Up Decayed Humanity

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Week of Obedience

“Week of Obedience” from February 28 to March 4 2/19/2016 As every year, also this year from February 28 to March 4, the Association Luisa Piccarreta Little Children of The Divine Will  will live the “Week of Obedience” with “days of light”, filled with morning and afternoon appointments to recall some of the highlights of …

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The Evil Done in Eden by Means of a Woman will be Made Up for by Another Woman

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Jesus and the Blessed Mother Help the Soul Stand Up Again

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Clothed Anew with Garments of the New and Holy Adam

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