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We Must be Ordered to Live in the Divine Will

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Beauty of the Soul Who Lives in the Divine Will

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The Importance of Eucharistic Adoration

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When the Divine Will Reigns Faith will No Longer have any Shadow but Everything will be Clarity and Certainty

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Courageous POW Priest – Fr. Emil Kapaun

Posted By Peter LaFave on Jan 13, 2016 “If you don’t straighten out your marriage when the war’s over, I’ll come down from Heaven and kick you in the ass”. ~Fr. Emil Kapuan to a fellow POW, before being led to the infamous “death house” in North Korea’s Pyoktong prison camp. It was through sheer …

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Divine Will and Human Will are Two Spiritual Powers

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Nobility of the Soul who Lives in the Divine Will

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The Corner-Stone, the Foundation of Holy Mother Church

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The Mystery of God in the Divine Will

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Jesus Speaks and Unleashes the Light of the Truth of Divine Will

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