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Imitate Jesus in Poverty

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Jesus, Mary, Luisa – Conquerors of the Divine Kingdom

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The Tears of Jesus and Mary Directed to Those Who Would Repent

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Second Sunday of Advent

Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite the Second Sunday of Advent “John sent two of his disciples to Christ…” INTROIT – Isaias 30. 30. People of Sion, behold the Lord shall come to save the nations: and the Lord shall make the glory of His voice to be heard, in the joy of your heart. …

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Our Sacrifices and Sufferings in the Divine Will Shall Serve God and Others

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God, God, God, Alone – God Alone Suffices

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The Evil of Man Forces God to Chastise him

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Jesus Calls the Heretics and Unbelievers to the Light of Faith

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The miracle attributed to Luisa

NEWSLETTER The miracle attributed to Luisa 26/11/2015 Here below the translation of the articles of (electronic journal of Corato) by Marianna Lotito and in La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno (one of the most important newspapers in Southern Italy) by Giuseppe Cantatore on the miraculous healing of Mrs. Margarita Maria Chavez,  attributed by herself  to  the intercession …

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Sin Separates the Soul from Jesus

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