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Blessed Mother Teresa On God’s Mercy and Forgiveness

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Saint of the day: Enda of Aran – March 21

Saint of the day: Enda of Aran  The following comes from the CNA: On March 21, four days after the feast day of Ireland‘s patron Saint Patrick, the Catholic Church honors Saint Enda of Aran, a warrior-turned-monk considered to be one of the founders of Irish monasticism. Born during the fifth century, Enda inherited control …

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A Prayer for Priests

A PRAYER FOR PRIESTS Lord Jesus, present in the Most Blessed Sacrament, and living perpetually among us through Your Priests, grant that the words of Your Priests may be only Your words, that their gestures be only Your gestures, and that their lives be a true reflection of Your life. Grant that they may be …

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The Holy Spirit and Divine Life

  Excerpts from: Ioannes Paulus PP. II DOMINUM ET VIVIFICANTEM On the Holy Spirit in the Life of the Church and the World PART I – THE SPIRIT OF THE FATHER AND OF THE SON, GIVEN TO THE CHURCH 6. The Risen Christ Says: “Receive the Holy Spirit” At the Jordan, Isaiah’s proclamation is given …

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Our Divinization: O What a Deal!

Our Divinization: O What a Deal! click title for more information Posted on January 4, 2014 by Padre It turned a few heads at Mass on Christmas Day when in my homily, among other things, I reiterated a line of Christology dating back to the Fathers of the Church, often formulated as: “God became man, …

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Feast of Saint Joseph – March 19

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Lent and the Communion of Saints

Lent and the Communion of Saints By now we are well into our observance of Lent and the penitential practices that come with them.  As I wrote in my last message, we do not walk alone in our journey with Christ, but are united with all the members of Christ’s Mystical Body the Church.  All …

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Feast of Saint Patrick – March 17

FEAST DAY OF SAINT PATRICK March 17 click image for much more information about St. Patrick The beautiful prayer of St. Patrick, popularly known as “St. Patrick’s Breast-Plate”, is supposed to have been composed by him in preparation for this victory over Paganism. The following is a literal translation from the old Irish text: I …

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Church Teaching on Mary’s Cooperation in the Redemption of Mankind

Church Teaching on Mary’s Cooperation in the Redemption of Mankind Compiled by Fr. William Most 1. Leo XIII, Encyclical, Iucunda Semper, Sept 8, 1884. ASS 27. 178. For when she presented herself to God as a handmaid for the role of Mother, or when she totally dedicated herself with her Son in the temple, from …

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Our participation in the subjective redemption

Our participation in the subjective redemption by Fr William G Most The Mass is the center of all In the Mass, the essential participation is interior To answer the prayers etc is good, but if the interior is not added, God will say again what He said through Isaiah 29:13: “This people honors me with …

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