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The Smile of Jesus when He will see the First Fruits, the children of His Will Living not in the Human Sphere, but in the Divine Sphere

FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN  1/7/21 – Vol. 12 The Smile of Jesus when He will see the First Fruits, the children of His Will, Living not in the human sphere, but in the Divine Sphere. As I was in my usual state, my always lovable Jesus came and surrounded my neck with His Arm. …

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Jesus Communicates Himself to the Three Magi through Love, through Beauty, through Power

JANUARY 6, 2014 FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN  1/6/01 – Vol. 4 Jesus Communicates Himself to the Three Magi through Love, through Beauty and through Power. As I was outside of myself, I seemed to see the moment when the Holy Magi arrived at the grotto of Bethlehem. As they arrived in the presence of …

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Feast of the Epiphany

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Feast of the Epiphany – Blessing of the Home

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Jesus Prays that His Will be One with the will of the Soul.

FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN 1/5/23 – Vol. 15 Jesus Prays that His Will be One with the will of the Soul.  The Divine Will must be like the air that one breathes.  Attentiveness is the Way to Knowledge.  Continuing in my usual state, I could hear my adorable Jesus praying in my interior, saying:  …

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The Words of Jesus in the Garden: “Not My will, but Yours be done.”

FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN   1/4/24 – Vol. 16 The Words of Jesus in the Garden: “Not my will, but Yours be done.” In this way He established with His Celestial Father the contract of the Kingdom of the Divine Will upon earth. I was thinking about the Words of Jesus in the Garden, …

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Certainty of the Coming of the Kingdom of the Divine Will upon Earth.

FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN   1/3/32 – Vol. 30 Certainty of the coming of the Kingdom of the Divine Will upon earth.  How all difficulties will melt like snow before a burning sun.  The human will is the dark room of the creature. My abandonment continues in the Divine Fiat, but I felt worried …

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Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus

FEAST OF THE HOLY NAME OF JESUS JANUARY 3 FROM THE VIRGIN MARY IN THE KINGDOM OF THE DIVINE WILL MEDITATION 2 “Now, dearest child, in so much pain, the most beautiful joy arises, such as to arrest our tears. As He was circumcised, we gave Him the Most Holy Name of Jesus, wanted by …

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Prodigies of the Divine Fiat in the Void of the Soul.

FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN 1/2/23 – Vol. 15 Prodigies of the Divine Fiat in the void of the soul. I was praying and abandoning all of myself in the Arms of the Most Holy Will of God, and my always Lovable Jesus, coming out from my interior and taking my hand, told me:  “My …

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Our Lady of America Newsletter, January 1, 2014

Our Lady of America Newsletter, January 1, 2014 Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God Click image for more information Please join this thirty (30) Days of Prayer for the Triumph of the Devotion to Our Lady of America in the Civil Trial by the Defeat of Patricia Ann Fuller and her Cohort, and the Repudiation …

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