OUR LADY OF RANSOM (1218) (Trad) September 24 Our Lady of Ransom Appeared to Saint Raimund, of the order of Saint Dominic, in the year 1218, and also to King James I of Aragon, and likewise to Saint Peter Nolasco in three separate Apparitions, making known to all three that She Desired each of them …
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Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2019/09/24/feast-of-our-lady-of-ransom-sept-24/
Sep 23
Memorial of St. Pio of Pietrelcina – September 23
ST. PIO OF PIETRELCINA (1968) (New) September 23 Luisa said to my aunt (Fr. Bernardino Giuseppe Bucci, O.F.M. referring to his Aunt Rosaria Bucci) “You will be my witness” and one day Padre (now Saint) Pio told her point-blank in his Benevento dialect: “Rosa’, va nanz, va nanz ca Luisa iè gran e u munn sarà chin …
Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2019/09/23/memorial-of-st-pio-of-pietrelcina-september-23/
Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2019/09/19/participating-in-the-seven-sorrows-of-our-lady-through-luisa-in-the-holy-divine-will/
Sep 19
Feast Day of Our Lady of La Salette – September 19
OUR LADY OF LA SALETTE, FRANCE (1846) September 19 “I call upon My children, My true devotees, those who have given themselves to Me so that I may Lead them to My Divine Son, those whom I bear as it were in My Arms, those who have lived in My Spirit; finally, I call upon …
Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2019/09/19/feast-day-of-our-lady-of-la-salette-september-19/
Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2019/09/14/feast-of-the-exaltation-of-the-cross-september-14/
Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2019/09/13/a-crusade-of-prayer-and-fasting-to-implore-god-that-error-and-heresy-do-not-pervert-the-coming-special-assembly-of-the-synod-of-bishops-for-the-pan-amazon/
Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2019/09/12/our-lady-of-america-booklet/
Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2019/09/07/luisas-mystical-marriage-renewed-september-7-1899/
Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2019/09/06/the-ones-who-experience-the-benefits-of-having-jesus-close-to-themselves/
Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2019/09/05/true-love-makes-up-for-everything/