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Requiting God in Love

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The soul Must Look for Jesus within herself, not outside. Everything Must be Enclosed in One Word: ‘Love’.

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How the Light of the Divine Will makes all other things lose life, gives Divine Freshness, and one who Lives in It is Confirmed in Good and Acquires the Right of Citizen of Heaven

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Archbishop Sheen’s Beatification Miracle

Archbishop Sheen’s Beatification Miracle                                                    August 1, 2019 Bonnie Engstrom asked for help from Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen as she watched lifesaving measures being taken for her son, who had been born at home just moments before without a pulse or drawing breath. After 61 minutes, just as emergency room personnel were about to pronounce …

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How to obtain Portiuncola Porziuncola Indulgence – August 2

The Portiuncola, Assisi The Portiuncola (PORZIONCULA, PORTIUNCULA, or PORZIUNCOLA) According to a legend, the existence of which can be traced back with certainty only to 1645, the little chapel of the Portiuncola was erected under Pope Liberius (352-66) by hermits from the Valley of Josaphat, who had brought thither relics from the grave of the …

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Feast of St. Martha – July 29

St. Martha  – (New and Trad 1st C.) July 29 Sister of Lazarus and St. Mary Magdalene – Martha’s great glory is her simple and strong statement of faith in Jesus after her brother’s death. “Jesus told her, ‘I AM the Resurrection and the Life; whoever believes in Me, even if he dies, will live, …

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51st Anniversary of Humane Vitae – July 25

Humanae Vitae – 51-year anniversary  “Venerable brothers, beloved sons, all men of good will, great indeed is the work of education, of progress and of charity to which we now summon all of you. And this we do relying on the unshakable teaching of the Church, which teaching, Peter’s successor together with his brothers in …

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Feast Day of St. James the Greater – Apostle

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Feast Day of St. Sharbel Makhluf – July 24

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Feast of St. John Cassian – July 23

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