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Happy and Blessed Celebration of Luisa’s Transition into Heaven

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Luisa’s 76th Anniversary of Transition into Heaven

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Enter into the “I Love You” of the Divine Will

Orchestrated by God for the Glory of God and for the Great Love of His Little Children Fiat! 

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December 31, 2022 – Pope Benedict XVI Enters into Eternal Rest

 Pope Benedict XVI Enters into Eternal Rest December 31, 2022  Pope Benedict XVI words as he prepared for Final Judgment: Preparing for Final Judgment In a separate letter responding to the Munich investigation that served as a profound and memorable coda for his ministry as a priest, archbishop, and pontiff, the Pope Emeritus asked for the forgiveness …

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Honoring Sports gods Mostly after Luisa

THE EVIL ONE KNEW THAT HE HAD TO DO SOMETHING  TO OCCUPY PEOPLE’S TIME TO HINDER THE DIVINE WILL Honoring SPORTS gods BEGINS MOSTLY AFTER LUISA 1865 American Football  1892  AFL Wheelchair Handball November 8, 2015  Air Hockey  1962  Air Racing  1947  Alpine Skiing  1936  Auto Racing  1894  Autocross  1944  Badminton  Popular in the mid 1800  Basketball  1891  Body building  began in earnest in 1890’s  Bowling  modernized …

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Honoring the Wound of Jesus’ Shoulder

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Eucharistic Miracle – Betania

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Novena to Christ the King – begins Nov. 11, 2022

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Heavenly Help for Difficulties

Heavenly Help for Difficulties:  Three Holy Masses 10/6, 10/7 – Our Lady of the Rosary,  10/8– Our Lady of Good Remedy  When faced with hardships, financial challenges and encounter difficulties in obtaining help, we can invoke Our Lady of Good Remedy, a title given to the Blessed Virgin Mary by St. John Matha, Founder of …

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Our Lady of Sorrows – September 15

CATHOLIC CHURCH CELEBRATES OUR LADY OF SORROWS 1. Presentation in the Temple 2. Flight into Egypt 3. Loss in the Temple 4. Way of the Cross 5. Jesus dying on the Cross 6. Jesus laid in Her Arms 7. Jesus laid in the Tomb Our Lady, Mother of Sorrows Appeared to Sister Mary Ephrem – …

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