HAPPY FEAST OF PENTECOST V17 – 5.17.25 – “My daughter, to what you have said on Fusing yourself in My Will, another appeal must be added – that of Fusing yourself in the Order of Grace, in everything that the Sanctifier – the Holy Spirit – has done and will do for those who are …
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Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2018/05/20/feast-of-pentecost-2/
Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2018/05/19/eve-of-the-feast-of-pentecost/
Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2018/05/18/luisa-and-capital-of-the-divine-will/
Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2018/05/17/luisa-marries-god/
Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2018/05/16/luisa-royal-palace-weapons-of-acts/
Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2018/05/15/luisa-bearer-of-good/
Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2018/05/14/everything-is-in-luisas-power/
May 13
Song to Crown Our Lady on Mother’s Day in May
Bring Flowers of the Rarest Bring flow’rs of the fairest, Bring flow’rs of the rarest, From garden and woodland And hillside and vale; Our full hearts are swelling, Our Glad voices telling The praise of the loveliest Rose of the vale. O Mary! we crown thee with blossoms today, Queen of the Angels, Queen of …
Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2018/05/13/song-to-crown-our-lady-on-mothers-day/
Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2018/05/12/luisa-narrator-of-gods-works-and-jesus-hope/
Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2018/05/11/novena-to-the-holy-spirit-in-the-divine-will/