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‘My Kingdom is not of this World’

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One Who Lives in the Divine Will Loses her Temperament

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Luisa Wants Everyone to Convert – Feast of St. Patrick, March 17

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Cross has the Title ‘Feast Day’

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Jesus’ Interest was to Open Heaven

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The Cross Judges the Works of Creatures

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Walk Without Ever Stopping

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71st Anniversary of Luisa’s Transit into Heaven in Corato

Sunday, on March 4, the Eucharistic Celebration in the Church of Santa Maria Greca, concluded the week of spirituality that was entirely dedicated to the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, on the 71th anniversary of her departure to Heaven. The Holy Mass was concelebrated by don Sergio Pellegrini, don Marco Cannavò and Father Thomas Celso …

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Week of Obedience Gallery of Pictures in Corato – Luisa’s 71st Transit into Heaven

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All evil is done by the Human will

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