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Why Be Catholic? – Bishop Fulton J. Sheen

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Luisa, the Soul Who Lives in the Divine Will is the Purpose of the Glory of Creation

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November 21, 1987: Blessing of Luisa’s house

November 21, 1987: Blessing of Luisa’s house

After 59 years, from 1928 to 1987, Luisa’s room was opened and blessed


His Excellency Archbishop Carata, in the presence of the municipal administration of Corato and many faithful, even from outside of Corato, blessed the little cell of Luisa, the other rooms and the exhibition of relics. Then, he stopped for a long time next to Luisa’s bed, he made us pray together, and almost moved, from that place, he gave his blessing to those present.

The Light of the Divine Will returned to shine and expand its divine rays from those walls illuminated by the presence of Jesus and Luisa’s FIAT.

This house, if it is visited by faith, instills light, peace and serenity in all those who, with sincere love, yearn to live deeply the Gospel, in the light of the Divine Will.

The testimony of newborn Luisa who lived in her bed as a perennial victim, is – as Don Benedetto Calvi said-  a Pulpit of Wisdom from which everyone can draw the truth of the Divine Will.

The Lord has its time. And then the time came to restore what, even with good intentions, had been suppressed, and to restart the message of the FIAT Voluntas Tua “as in heaven, so on earth” from that pulpit

A key message left from that little room, woven with the thread of obedience and the renunciation of all that is human and doesn’t belong to God.

In this house the Treasury of the Divine Will was kept and lived, and Corato is the field where the treasure has been placed, although it was not aware of this.

The Lord accomplished great wonders in that little room. It is a place full of supernatural and mystical events: the almost daily presence of Jesus, three mystical weddings, assistance of holy priests,  Eucharistic celebrations presided over by many holy priests, and the writings on the Divine Will, that Luisa, wrote for obedience with pierced hands, as they were stigmatised inside.

Each work has its point of departure and its point of arrival. The Work of the Divine  Will that is veiled with the word Association, originated from that bed and after turning, it returns to the same place. It is the echo that, by reaching many parts of the world, take everybody to the house of the Divine Will from where it started.

Jesus turned that room into the odor of Trinitarian sanctity: 2nd mystical marriage – Vol.1

Do not fear, We have come to live in you.” Thus the three children spoke, when they manifested their Holy Trinity. The protagonist was the bed as an altar for her life sacrificed for love of the spouse of her soul.

Sr Assunta

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Divine Will is as King Disguised in Each Created Thing

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The Episcopal Ordination of His Excellency Mons. Leonardo D’ascenzo

The Episcopal Ordination of His Excellency Mons. Leonardo D’ascenzo

 11/17/2017Msgr. Giuseppe Pavone,  the Administrator of the Archdiocese of Trani-Barletta. Bisceglie, announces that the episcopal ordination of His Excellency, Msgr.. Leonardo D’Ascenzo, the new Archbishop of Trani-Barletta-Bisceglie, will take place on January 14, 2018, in the Cathedral of St. Clement of Velletri, at 5:00 p.m.

Father Leonardo D’Ascenzo will officially take office in the diocese of Trani-Barletta-Bisceglie on January 27, 2018 in the cathedral of Trani with a solemn Celebration at 4:00 p.m..On February 18, 2018,  he will be in Corato and celebrate  the Holy Mass.

Msgr. Leonardo D’Ascenzo was born on 31 August 1961 in Valmontone, province of Rome and diocese of Velletri-Segni. After his high school examinations at the State Technical-Industrial Institute, he entered the “Pontifical Leonine College” Regional Seminary in Anagni for his studies in philosophy and theology, followed by the Pontifical Gregorian University, where he obtained a licentiate in dogmatic theology and a higher degree in science of education. He obtained a doctorate in spiritual theology from the Pontifical “Teresianum” Theological Faculty.

He was ordained a priest on 5 July 1986 for the diocese of Velletri-Segni, and was parish vicar of Santa Maria in Segni, parish priest of Santa Croce in Artena, and parish vicar of the Cathedral of San Clemente in Velletri. He was at first diocesan assistant of Catholic Action for young people and then unitary assistant.

Msgr. Leonardo D’Ascenzo also served as spiritual father, vice-rector and then director of the preparatory year of the “Pontifical Leonine College” in Anagni, director of the centre for vocations, both diocesan and regional, and vice-director of the National Centre for Vocations of the Italian Episcopal Conference.

He is lecturer in spiritual theology at the “Pontifical Leonine College”, and collaborator in the parish of Santa Barbara in Colleferro. On 21 February 2004 he was named Chaplain of His Holiness.

In July 2015 he was appointed as rector of the “Pontifical Leonine College” in Anagni.

Associazione Luisa Piccarreta

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Acts in the Divine Will are Everlasting

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Novena to Christ the King – Begins Nov. 17 – 26, 2017

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In this Century the Holy Trinity has Chosen Luisa as Center of all Creation to Make the Divine Will Known

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Praying for Peace – Perennial Peace of the Divine Will

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Generational Spirits – Father Ripperger

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