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Good Friday

V19– 6.20.26 – “My daughter, as Pilate said ‘Ecce Homo’, all cried out: ‘Crucify Him, crucify Him – we want Him dead!’ And so did My very Celestial Father and My Inseparable and Pierced Mama, and not only those who were present, but all the absent and all generations, past and future. And if someone did not say it with words, he said it with facts, because there was not a single one who said he wanted Me alive, and to keep silent is confirmation of what others want. This cry of Death from all was so Very Painful for Me; I felt as many Deaths for as many as were the people who cried out: ‘Crucify Him!’ I felt as though Drowned with Pains and with Death; more so, since I could see that each Death of Mine would Not bring Life to each one, and those who received Life because of My Death would Not receive all the Complete Fruit of My Passion and Death. My Sorrow was So Great, that My Moaning Humanity was about to Succumb and Breathe Its Last; but while I was Dying, with Its All-Seeingness My Supreme Will made Present to My Dying Humanity all those who would let the Eternal Volition Reign in them with Absolute Dominion, who would take the Complete Fruit of My Passion and Death. Among them there was My Dear Mother, as their Head. She took all the Deposit of All My Goods and of the Fruits Contained in My Life, Passion and Death – not even one Breath of Mine did She allow to be lost, nor did She fail to keep Its Precious Fruit in Her Custody. And from Her they were to be Transmitted to the little newborn of My Will and to all those in whom the Supreme Volition would have Its Life and Its Kingdom. When My Extinguishing Humanity saw the Complete Fruit of My Life, Passion and Death placed in Safety and Secured, It was able to Resume and Continue the Course of Its Sorrowful Passion. So, it is My Will Alone that Brings All the Fullness of My Goods and the Complete Fruit Contained in Creation, Redemption and Sanctification.”

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Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday (le mande; Thursday of the Mandatum)

The word Mandatum means “commandment.” This name is taken from the first words sung at the ceremony of the washing of the feet, “A new commandment I give you” (John 13, 34); also from the commandment of Christ that we should imitate His loving humility in the washing of the feet (John 13, 14-17). Thus the term Mandatum (maundy) was applied to the rite of the feet-washing on this day.

V13 – 10.9.21 – “My daughter, while I was having supper with My disciples, it was not only them that I had around Me, but the whole human family. One by one, I had them near Me, I Knew them all, I Called them by name. I also Called you, I gave you Luisa, the Place of Honor between Me and John, and I Constituted you little secretary of My Will. And while I divided the lamb, in offering it to My Apostles, I gave it to all and to each one. That lamb, bled dry, roasted, cut to pieces, spoke of Me; it was the Symbol of My Life and of how I was to Reduce Myself for Love of all. And I wanted to give it to all as Delicious Food, which Represented My Passion, because everything I Did, Said and Suffered, My Love Converted into Food for man. But do you know why I Called all and Gave the lamb to all? Because I too Wanted Food from them; each thing that they would do, I Wanted to be Food for Me. I Wanted the Food of their love, of their works, of their words – of everything.”

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Eve of the Feast of St. Joseph

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Novena to St. Joseph begins March 10

Novena to St. Joseph – March 10

On October 13, 1884 Pope Saint Leo XIII was granted such a disturbing vision of the future difficulties of the Catholic Church that he requested the prayer to St. Michael be said after Mass.

However, many do not know that in his encyclical QuamQuam Pluries Pope Saint Leo XII also called upon St. Joseph to protect the Church using the following prayer.


“To you, O Blessed Joseph, we come in our trials, and having asked the help of your most holy Spouse, we confidently ask your patronage also. Through the Sacred bond of charity which united you to the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God and through the fatherly love with which you embraced the Child Jesus, we humbly beg you to look graciously upon the beloved inheritance which Jesus Christ purchased by His blood, and to aid us in our necessities with your power and strength.

O most provident guardian of the Holy Family, defend the chosen children of Jesus Christ.  Most beloved Father, dispel the evil of falsehood and sin. Our most mighty protector, graciously assist us from heaven in our struggle with the powers of darkness. And just as once you saved the Child Jesus from mortal danger, so now defend God’s Holy Church from the snares of her enemies and from all adversity.

Shield each one of us by your constant protection, so that, supported by your example and your help, we may be able to live a virtuous life, to die a holy death, and to obtain eternal happiness in heaven.  Amen.”

Abba Father, in the Name of Jesus, in the Love,

Unity and Power of the Holy Spirit

under the Mantle of Mary,

with all the Angels and Saints

Through the Intercession of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta

We pray You to allow that dear St. Joseph

be always together with us as he was with Jesus and Mary

in the little house of Nazareth, acting as protector and

defender to us, the little children of the Most Holy Divine Will.

And just as St. Joseph never left Jesus without

A light at night in the grotto in Bethlehem,

We pray You that he never leave us without the Light of the Divine Will

To let It Reign in our hearts, minds, and souls.

We pray You Jesus, Mary, and St. Joseph through

our little mama Luisa,

to take us with You

to Live in the Kingdom of the Holy Will of God.

Please take our humble prayer and make it Your Command

That all be accomplished and completed

In Your Most Holy Divine Will.

 We Believe, We Receive!



So be It!



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3/7 – 1947 – Funeral Liturgy and Burial of Luisa Piccarreta

3/7 – 1947 – Funeral Liturgy and Burial of Luisa Piccarreta – Biography by Padre Bucci, OFM –

“More than forty priests, the Capitolo [the Ecclesiastical authorities] and the local Clergy, were present; the sisters, who brought her on their shoulders in turns, and an immense crowd of citizens. The streets along which the procession was to pass, were packed – incredibly; even the balconies and the roofs of the houses were crammed with people, and the procession proceeded with great difficulty. The funeral was celebrated in the Matrice Church by the entire Capitolo. All the people of Corato followed the body of Luisa to the cemetery, and everyone tried to bring home a souvneir of the flowers which had accompanied and touched the body. A few years later, the body of Luisa was transferred to her Parish Church of Santa Maria Greca, where she is humbly waiting for her glorification.

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Luisa Piccarreta – Little Daughter of the Divine Will

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Meditations for Stations of the Cross

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March 4th, 1947 – Transition of Luisa into Heaven – Eve of Purim

March 4, 1947 was the eve of the Jewish Feast of Purim – which commemorates the saving of the Jewish people from Haman, as recounted in the Book of Esther.

V36 – 10.30.38 – “This creature, Luisa, in Our Will is the New Esther wanting to rescue her peoples. Oh! How Happy We, Triune God, are to keep her always with Us in Our Will because, through her, We feel more inclined to use Mercy, to concede Graces, to Forgive the most obstinate sinners, and to abbreviate the pains of the Purging souls.”


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Lenten Living Passion Clock

The following may help for online resources

Brazilian Catholic Television Station subgroup of Divina Voluntade with translations in Portugese and English:

Fiat Luisa:

24 Hour Passion Playlist:

1st Hour – 5 pm –

2nd Hour – 6 pm –

3rd Hour – 7 pm

4th Hour – 8 pm

5th Hour – 9 pm –

6th Hour – 10 pm –

7th Hour – 11 pm

8th Hour- 12 am

9th Hour – 1 am –

10th Hour – 2 am –

11th Hour – 3 am –

12th Hour – 4 am –

13th Hour – 5 am –

14th Hour – 6 am –

15th Hour – 7 am –

16th Hour – 8 am –

17th Hour – 9 am –

18th Hour – 10 am –

19 th Hour – 11 am –

20th Hour – 12 pm –

21st Hour – 1 pm –

22nd Hour – 2 pm –

23rd  Hour – 3 pm  –

24th Hour – 4 pm –

Adveniat Regnum Tuum! 



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Prayer of the Little Children of Divine Will – Ash Wednesday to Divine Mercy Sunday

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