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The Arc, Our Lady and Luisa – Novena Begins May 15

Novena for the Intention of Our Lady of America, that the Bishops fulfill Her Wishes

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Feast of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament

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Ascension Prayer – Offering as Victim with Luisa

Solemnity of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ into Heaven

Prayer of Offering of Self as Victim Together with Luisa Piccarreta on Ascension Thursday

“As far as the Vow, do it on the day of Ascension, so that Sweet Jesus may Bring your human will to Heaven

as the Most Beautiful Victory He has Achieved over you…” Letter of Luisa #19

We made our Consecration to the Divine Mercy in the Holy Divine Will on April 11, 2021 and continued it for 33 days.

Today, Solemnity of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ into Heaven,

May 13, 2021, also Feast of Our Lady of Fatima and Feast of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, we Now make the Vow of Victim in the Holy Divine Will.

The little children of the Divine Will, Fusing ourselves in  +Jesus +Mary and +Luisa Continue to celebrate the New Baptism, the New Birth in the Divine Will with The Command Prayer as Vow of Victim for the Kingdom to be Established on earth as It is in Heaven:


Abba Father,

In the Name of Jesus, our Savior and Spouse,

in the Unity and Love of the Holy Spirit, our Sanctifier,

Under the Mantle of Mary, our Mother and Queen

with all the Holy Angels and Saints,

through the Intercession of

the little daughter of the Divine Will Luisa Piccarreta,

we pray:

O Most Holy Trinity, Fused in Jesus, Mary and Luisa,

we Now make this Vow as a Victim soul with Luisa.

Let the Love of Jesus, His Sighs and also His Tears for Desire that His Will Reign in us as Life

be Accomplished, that He Himself Mold us, Strengthen us, Purify us, Prepare us,

and Do all that we do, Together with us.

Let us Feel all the Good of the Divine Will Operating in us and Lay Its Acts in us,

so that His little children become the Residence of the Divine Will,

Giving You the Freedom to Dominate and Do whatever You Want.


Jesus, Our Savior and Our King, Make us Ascend in the Divine Will.

May Your Throne be in our hearts,

that we may Love You with Your Divine Love.

As the First children of the Divine Will, may we begin to Live

in the Kingdom of Your Divine Will on earth.

Give us the Grace to never give life to our human wills

and Live only in the Divine Will

in order to call everyone to Live in this Kingdom So Holy.

Let the Beauty, the Enchantment, the Peace of the Divine Fiat be given to everyone.

May this Fulfill the Missions of Jesus, Mary and Luisa, as we Enter into the Image and Likeness of the New Adam and the New Eve, through the Intercession of Luisa,

Possessing the Divine Inheritance of Jesus and Mary

by being Linked with the Third Eve, the little daughter of the Divine Will Luisa Piccarreta.

May this be for the Glory and Honor of all, Past, Present and Future.

We make this Vow as a Victim soul in the Divine Will on this Ascension Thursday,

Where You Jesus will take our human will to Heaven and in Exchange

You will Give us Your Divine Will,

so that the Kingdom of God

be Established on earth as It is in Heaven.

Please take our humble prayer

and make it Your Command!

May All be Accomplished and

Completed in the Most Holy Divine Will!


Fiat!  Amen!

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Novena between Ascension Thursday to Pentecost Sunday

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Feast of St. Cataldo – May 10

The Shipwrecked Saint

Saint Cathaldus of Shanrahan and Taranto

Shanrahan Cemetery: Site of Cataldo’s monastery

Following the arrival of St. Patrick, Holy men established small monasteries throughout Ireland. It is not surprising then, to learn that in the seventh century a Holy man named Cathal, having studied at the University of Lismore, made his way through the pass in the ancient SlieveCua mountains and arrived at Rathan where he established his monastic settlement. He was appointed Bishop of the area even though it must be remembered that in those early years of the Christian Church this did not mean that he was in charge of a diocese

After some years at Shanrahan, Cathal set out on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. On his return journey he was shipwrecked off the coast of Southern Italy. There he realized that the people of the area had reverted to paganism he resolved to stay amongst them in an effort to reconvert them to Christianity.

St. Cataldo

Within a few years the people of Taranto in Southern Italy had selected Saint Cataldo (in Latin, Cathaldus or Cataldus) as their Bishop. Today the popularity of Saint Cathaldus in Southern Italy is equal to, if not greater than, the popularity of St. Patrick in Ireland. Over one hundred and fifty churches are dedicated to him in that country and the Cathedral-Basilica in Taranto proudly bears his name. He is the Saint Protector of Corato (Bari), of Gangi (Palermo) and of many other places. A town in Sicily is called San Cataldo.

In 1071, during the reconstruction of the Basilica in Taranto, the tomb of Cathaldus was discovered and opened. With his body was found a gold cross bearing his name and the word Rathcau.

Cathedral of Saint Cataldo, Taranto, Italy

In 1963, Fr. Frank Mackin, a Jesuit priest from Boston, came to Clogheen to research his family history. Following that visit, he went to Taranto to research the life of the Irish Saint. He was amazed that there was neither a statue nor a stained glass window commemorating the Irish Saint in the Clogheen Church even though it was obvious from the writings of the Historian Fr. Everard – Clogheen’s Parish priest in the early years of the twentieth century – and from local tradition, that Clogheen people were aware of the historic link between Taranto and Shanrahan. He resolved to do something about it. In 1986 the Mackin family of America, Ireland and Australia installed a beautiful Stained Glass window in St. Mary’s Catholic Church, on Clogheen’s Main Street. The window, on the west wall of the church, depicts the life of St. Cathaldus in Shanrahan, his journey to the Holy Land and his being shipwrecked off the coast of Southern Italy.

In 1996, an important delegation from Taranto in Italy, accompanied by Signor Enzo Farinella from the Italian Embassy in Dublin representing the Italian Ambassador, came to Clogheen to re-establish the historic link between Shanrahan and Taranto. The delegation was formed by Mons. Dr. Nicola Di Comite, Vicar General and Archdeacon of the Metropolitan Chapter of Taranto; Mons Marco Morone, Parish Priest of the Basilica-Cathedral ‘San Cataldo’ and Don Cosimo Quaranta, secretary of theMetropolitan Chapter.

During concelebrated mass on Sunday September 22,1996 Monsignor Michael Olden gave the homily on the subject of Saint Cathaldus. Then Mons Nicola Di Comite addressed the people of Clogheen and presented his Lordship most Rev. Dr. William lee, Bishop of Waterford and Lismore with a gold replica of the Cross of St. Cathaldus.

At the time of writing, it is planned that a plaque be erected at Shanrahan to commemorate the visit of the Italian delegation and the link between Shanrahan in Clogheen and Taranto in Southern Italy.

In the Irish office of this great Saint (Gill and Son, Dublin) Die viii, Martii, p. 18, we read:

“Cathaldus in loco hodie Shanrahan nuncapato sedam suam episcpales constituit”.

(Cathaldus, in a place nowadays called Shanrahan, established his Episcopal See).

above is taken from:

Luisa and St. Cataldo

February 21, 1904
The promise of Luisa if she is allowed to die.

In the presence of the Most Holy Trinity, of the Queen Mother, Mary Most Holy, of my guardian Angel and of the whole Celestial Court, and in order to obey my confessor, I promise that if the Lord, by His infinite mercy, should give me the grace of letting me die, when I find myself together with my Celestial Spouse, I will pray and plead for the triumph of the Church and the confusion and conversion of Her enemies; that the Catholic party may triumph in our country, and that the church of St. Cataldo may be reopened for service; that my confessor be freed of his usual sufferings, with a holy freedom of spirit and the sanctity of a true apostle of Our Lord; and that – always if the Lord permits it – I will go to him, at least once a month, to confer about celestial things and things pertaining to the good of his soul.  I promise all this, for my part, and I swear.

February 12, 1904
Luisa speaks with some priests about the church of St. Cataldo.

I had forgotten to say what I am about to write, which I will say now out of obedience, although these are not sure things, but uncertain, because the presence of Our Lord was missing.

I was outside of myself, and I seemed to find myself inside a church in which there were several venerable priests, and also souls from Purgatory and holy people, conversing among themselves about the church of St. Cataldo, saying that almost with certainty it would be obtained.  On hearing this, I said:  ‘How can this be?  The other day it was rumored that the Chapter had lost the cause.  So, through the tribunal it could not be obtained, the town council does not want to give it, and you are saying that it will be obtained?’  And they added:  “In spite of all these difficulties, indeed it is not lost; and even if they reach the point of laying hands on it to knock it down, it still cannot be considered as lost, because St. Cataldo will know well how to defend his temple.  However, poor Corato if they arrive at this!”  But while saying this, they repeated:  “They have taken away the first things; the Crowned Lady has already been transported to his house.  You, go before Our Lady and pray to Her that, having started the grace, She would fulfill it.”  I went out of that church to go pray, but as I was doing this, I found myself inside myself.

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Happy and Blessed Mother’s Day to Our Blessed Mother and Little Mama Luisa

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Apparition of St. Michael the Archangel – May 8

5/8 – Apparition of St. Michael the Archangel (Hist) – “Archangel Saint Michael, Defend me from the infernal enemy, who puts so many obstacles in my mind to make me fail this obedience.” – Vol. 1 – Book of Heaven

The following is from:

First Apparition

The first apparition, known as the bull episode, is dated 490; it is the most astonishing and tells the story of a rich lord who went in search of a bull of his herds, lost in the Gargano area; at last he found it on the top of the mountain kneeling down at the opening of a cave. Filled with anger, he shot an arrow against the rebellious animal, but instead of hitting the bull the arrow unaccountably wounded the foot of the wealthy man.

Upset by the event, he went to see the Bishop who, after listening to the account of the extraordinary adventure, ordered three days of prayers and penance. As the third day ended, the Archangel Michael appeared to the Bishop and spoke to him: “I am the Archangel Michael and I am always in the presence of God. The cavern is sacred to me, I have chosen it; I myself am its watchful custodian… There where the rock opens wide the sins of men can be forgiven… What is asked here in prayer will be granted. Therefore, go to the mountain and dedicate the grotto to the Christian religion”. 

Second Apparition

The second apparition, known as the victory episode, is linked to a memorable victory of the town of Siponto against the enemy troops; the complete victory, foretold by the Archangel during His apparition to the holy Bishop Lawrence Maiorano, took place on May 8th and the Longobards attributed it to the intercession and help of the Archangel.

Third Apparition

The third apparition, also called the Dedication episode, is linked to the beginning of the cult on the Gargano when all the Apulian bishops went in procession to the holy grotto  and they found that a primitive altar had already been erected, as announced by the Archangel to Lawrence Maiorano; moreover, according to the legend, they found St. Michael’s footprint in the rock.

Gargano is one of the most advanced eastward land of Italy and so, thanks to its geographical position and the fame acquired for these apparitions, the Byzantines held it under their dominion together with some other regions of the Adriatic coast.

During this period the Sanctuary structure was very different from the current one.
Pilgrims arrived at the shrine from the Carbonara valley through a portico and a gallery that gave on to the irregular and deep cavern.

Then, in this period, according to the oriental liturgy, St. Michael was venerated as the one who presents the souls of dead to the divine throne and as a healer of illnesses (Apollo was a healer god) rather than as a great warrior.
It was very famous the so-called “drop”: a miraculous water that dripped from the rock of the cavern and, according to the tales, healed every kind of diseases.


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Happy and Blessed Birthday Luisa! – April 23

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Some Questions and Answers about Divine Will in French and English

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33 Day Consecration to Divine Mercy in the Most Holy Divine Will

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