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Gospel Reading for May 2, 2017 with Divine Will Truths – Three Breads Jesus Prayed for in the ‘Our Father’

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Gospel Reading for May 1, 2017 with Divine Will Truths – Food of the Divine Will

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Third Sunday of Easter – 2017

III Sunday of Easter

The Lord on the Road of Men

Dear brothers and sisters, Fiat!

Like at Emmaus the Lord goes down on the road of man to become his travel companion and enliven him with hope in his journey. The scene of Emmaus is a masterpiece of liturgical and missionary catechesis. In it we can see the itinerary of two disciples who left Jerusalem as they felt deluded and disappointed. Then they went back there and left again, with joy and confidence, to bear witness because they  met the Crucified and Risen Christ, who is the explanation of the whole of Scripture and eternal presence among us in the sacrament of  the “broken bread”.

The scene of Emmaus also reveals how Jesus can’t stand to stay away from men but ardently wishes to stay with them. He is not yet ascended into heaven and already,  on the same evening of the Resurrection, here he is looking for the company of men.

In the title that Jesus wanted to give to the writings of the servant of God Luisa Piccarreta we can see the task Luisa received from Jesus, that is, ‘the call of the creature to the Order, the Place and the Purpose for which he was created by God’.

On December 6, 1937, Jesus declared the joy and love that He experiences whenever man returns what God has accomplished for him in Creation and Redemption.

As soon as the creature starts to call, Jesus rings the ‘little bell’ to the celestial residents and to those of the earth, and I stop ringing only when I see that all of them have run into your act.

When God sees them all together in that act, He places Himself, all attentive, in loving waiting and how beautiful it is to hear in that act innumerable voices saying to Him: ‘We love You, we love You. We recognize You in Your works! How much You loved us. So, for everything, we return your Love!’

God, wounded by so many voices, pours out more seas of Love, covering and investing everyone with such joy and happiness that all remain enraptured, enjoying one more Paradise by means of this creature.

The one who lives in the Divine Will gives Him the field for new works, and makes His Love gush out more strongly; not being able to contain It, God pours out new seas of Love, to love the creature.

The thing most urgently needed by God is the company of the creature. God does not want to be the isolated God, or to keep her far away from Him – isolation has never brought great works or happiness. Company matures the birth of good and makes the most beautiful works arise to the light. This is why God created so many things: to have the opportunity to have her company many times for as many created things.

And the creature who lives in the Divine Will accompanies God – always; she receives God’s creative act, and God receives the glory and the return of created love.

God keeps her company in the celestial spheres, in the shining sun, in the blowing of the wind, in the air which all breathe, in the murmuring of the sea – everywhere and in every place she follows Him, she defends Him and returns Love to Him. She cannot live without God – without loving Him, and God cannot be without her, so – jealous, He holds her tightly to His divine womb.

The company of the creature is so dear to Him that He forms with her His recreation; He makes the most important decisions for His glory and for the good of the human generations; He accomplishes His designs while being in her company. God’s Love rises to new life, and keeps making up new devices of Love and new surprises in order to chain the creature to His love – always and more. If it wasn’t for her company, with whom could God pour Himself out?

Over whom could He form His designs? Where could He place His ever rising Love? Without the company of the creature, God’s goods would be depressed, without being able to give life to what He wants to do for love of the creatures. So, how necessary her company is to God’s Love, to His Works – to the fulfillment of His Will.

“In the sacrament of the altar, the Lord meets us, men and women ….and becomes our companion along the way. (Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI)


don Marco

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Luisa’s Mystical Marriage to Jesus – Jesus Gives St. Catherine Sienna a Ring Making her His Bride



Now, while He was crowning my forehead, Jesus told me: “Most sweet spouse Luis, I place this crown upon you so that nothing may be missing in order to make you worthy of being My spouse; but then, after our wedding is finished, I will take it with Me to Heaven, to keep it for you at the moment of your death.” Finally, He took a veil and covered me completely with it, from head to foot; and He left me in that way. Ah! it seemed to me that there was a great meaning in that veil, because the demons, in seeing me all covered with that veil, were so frightened and had such fear of me, that they fled, terrified. The very angels were around me with such veneration, that I myself was confused and all full of blushing.

On the morning of the aforementioned day, Jesus made Himself seen again all affable, sweet and majestic, together with His Most Holy Mother and Saint Catherine. First, the angels sang a hymn, while Saint Catherine assisted me, Mama took my hand, and Jesus put the ring on my finger. Then, we embraced and He kissed me, and so did Mama also. Then we had a conversation, all of love – Jesus told me of the great love He had for me, and I also told Him of the love I had for Him. The Most Holy Virgin made me comprehend the great grace I had received, and the correspondence with which I was to correspond to the love of Jesus.

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Luisa Must Crush the head of the infernal serpent

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Jesus Speaks to Luisa about her New Office

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Gospel Reading for April 28, 2017 With Divine Will Truths – Bread of Divine Will

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Gospel Reading for Apr. 27, 2017 with Divine Will Truths – Jesus – Prey to the Will of the Father

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Gospel Reading for April 26, 2017 with Divine Will Truths – Light of Truth

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In the Alban Hills, not far from the city of Rome, lies the little town of Genazzano, where the miraculous image of Our Lady of Good Counsel is venerated. The story of the picture dates back to 1467. Pilgrims assembled on the feast of St. Mark were startled by a mysterious rustling sound and strains of sweet music. Looking toward the sky, they beheld what seemed a soft cloud. Slowly it descended and rested in front of the unfinished wall of the church dedicated to the Mother of God under the title of Good Counsel. The picture rests suspended in the air without any visible means of support to maintain its stable condition, and this for five centuries! Although painted on a piece of plaster no thicker than an ordinary visiting card, the image has withstood the ravages of time. The artist of the painting is unknown.

It is said that the figures themselves represent Mother and Child after they had returned from the temple where Mary heard the sad prophesies of Simeon. Mary’s eyes are half-veiled as though she were lost in contemplation, taking counsel with her God. The little Child does not return the gaze of the beholder, as happens in so many pictures, rather He draws our eyes upward to Mary as if to tell us to look for Counsel there, in the very Seat of Wisdom. It is a picture to be loved, a plain and common picture [hence our unframed treatment], a pious image to be copied and hung in the homes of the poor. That is all the sweet Mother of Good Counsel asks for her picture: a home in our midst, by our firesides, a family to guard and watch over, hearts that will love and venerate her.

Overshadowed by the Holy Ghost, Mary became the Mother of God. His gifts of Wisdom, Understanding, and Counsel belong to her. She is Our Mother of Good Counsel because she is the Spouse of God the Holy Ghost. If to her was granted the wisdom to counsel her Son, surely she has the wisdom to counsel poor humanity. In her there is the wisdom of ages. For 2000 years, she has been watching the children of men upon this earth. Our Lady of Good Counsel knows how to help us. She can help us. She wants to aid and counsel us! Once she sees upon a soul the sign of the Cross of her Son, that soul may count upon all her assistance. She loves with an undying love all those for whom her Son died.

God trusted her with His own Son, Who clung to her till life was done. Through sorrow none can comprehend She mothered Jesus to the end. And if you think her love may fail, You thrust within her heart a nail!

Our Mother of Good Counsel has been called the Madonna of the Popes. Pope Leo XIII deserves to be ranked among the great lovers of this devotion. He established the white scapular worn by her servants, and his motto is like a watchword to the clients of Mary: “Children,” he told the faithful, “follow her counsels!” To all she gives what is most needed to help us in this vale of tears; she gives us her Good Counsel.

Prayer to Our Lady of Good Counsel

Most Glorious Virgin, chosen by the Eternal Counsel to be the Mother of the Eternal Word made flesh, thou who art the treasurer of Divine graces, and the advocate of sinners, I, thy most unworthy servant, have recourse to thee; be thou pleased to be my guide and counselor in this vale of tears.

Obtain for me through the Most Precious Blood of thy Divine Son, the forgiveness of my sins, the salvation of my soul, and the means necessary to obtain it.

In like manner, obtain for Holy Mother the Church victory over her enemies, and the spread of the kingdom of Jesus Christ upon the whole earth. Amen.

Imprimatur:  + Patrick A. O’Boyle


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