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Novena for Luisa’s Birthday – April 14 – April 23

Novena for Luisa’s Birthday

Nine Day Novena

For the Gift of Living In the Divine Will one with Luisa, the little daughter of the Divine Will

From April 14 to April 23 – Birthday of Luisa


The Command Prayer

(recite after each days prayer)

Abba Father, In the Name of Jesus, in the Unity and Power of the Holy Spirit, Under the Mantle of Mary, with all the Angels and Saints, through the Intercession of The Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta. please take my humble prayer and make it Your Command, that all be accomplished and completed in Your Most Holy Divine Will. Fiat! Amen!

 Day 1

The Mystical Marriage –  “The longed for day finally arrived, after not a little suffering. …He drew near me, took my heart in His hands,…He dusted it, and then He gave it back to me. Then He took a garment of immense beauty, …and He clothed me with that garment. …He bejeweled my ears. Then He adorned my neck and my arms, and surrounded my forehead with a crown of immense value,…Now, while He was crowning my forehead, Jesus told me: “Most sweet spouse, I place this crown upon you so that nothing may be missing in order to make you worthy of being My spouse; but then, after our wedding is finished, I will take it with Me to Heaven, to keep it for you at the moment of your death.” (V1)

PrayerLord, may Your Kingdom Come.  O Please!  Let it be Known, Loved and Possessed by the human Generations.

 Day 2

“Sometimes, carrying me with Him, He (Jesus) would take me (Luisa) to Paradise… I will just say that sometimes, while finding myself in that Blessed Fatherland, I would be strolling together with Jesus in the midst of the Choirs of Angels and the Saints; and since I was newly-espoused, all the Blessed would unite together to participate in the joys of our marriage. …Jesus would show me to the Saints, saying to them: “See this soul – she is a Triumph of My Love; My Love has surpassed everything in her.”

Other times, then, He would make me stay at the place which was going to be mine, and He would say to me: “Here is your place – no one can take it away from you.” (V1)

PrayerLord, may Your Kingdom Come.  O Please!  Let it be Known, Loved and Possessed by the human Generations.

 Day 3

“While I am outside of myself, my Adorable Jesus continues to show me my heart inside of His – but so transformed, that I can no longer recognize which one is mine and which one is Jesus’. …I seemed to see my Beloved Jesus occupied with preparing the place in which He was to put the heart, perfuming it and bejeweling it with many different flowers. And while He was doing this, He told me: “My beloved, since you must live from My Heart, it is appropriate for you to undertake a more perfect way of living. Therefore, from you I want:

  1. Perfect conformity to My Will, because you will only be able to love Me perfectly if you love Me with My own Will.
  2. Profound humility, placing yourself, in front of Me and of creatures, as the last among all.”  (…)  (V4 – 11.20.00)

PrayerLord, may Your Kingdom Come.  O Please!  Let it be Known, Loved and Possessed by the human Generations.

 Day 4

  1. Purity in everything, because any slightest fault against purity, both in loving and in operating, is reflected all in the heart, and it remains stained. …if all your works, thoughts and words, heartbeats and affections, desires and inclinations, are adorned with the celestial dew of purity, you will weave a sweet enchantment, not only for the human eye, but for the Whole of Heaven.
  2. Obedience, which must be connected with My Will, because if this virtue regards the superiors I have given you on earth, My Will is obedience which regards Me directly; …However, both of them have the same value, and one cannot be without the other; therefore you must love both one and the other in the same way.”

“Know that from now on you will live with My Heart, and you must see things the way My Heart does, that I may find My satisfactions in you. Therefore be careful, for this is no longer your heart, but Mine.”   (V4 – 11.20.00)

PrayerLord, may Your Kingdom Come.  O Please!  Let it be Known, Loved and Possessed by the human Generations.

 Day 5

“…See, in order to make the creature ascend again into the Firmness, into the Perennial Good, into the unshakeability of My Will, I want to Establish My Kingdom in their midst. See then, in what point I have placed you—in the Firmness and unshakeability of the Fiat, so as to allow you to lay this Kingdom of Mine within It. And just as My Will Triumphs of everything with Its Firmness, so will you Triumph of everything with Its Firmness and in the unshakeability of Its Acts, and you will reorder the Divine Order between the two wills—the Divine Will shall be reintegrated in Its Glory, and the human will shall place itself again in the order established by God.”   (V20 – 1.13.27)

PrayerLord, may Your Kingdom Come.  O Please!  Let it be Known, Loved and Possessed by the human Generations.

 Day 6

‘Tell me, my Life, who is my Family? What is my dowry and Yours?’ And smiling, He continued: “Your family is the Trinity. Don’t you remember that in the first years of bed I took you to Heaven and we Celebrated our Union before the Most Holy Trinity…We, the Three Divine Persons, Descended from Heaven, took Possession of your heart, and formed Our Perpetual Residence in it. We took the reins of your intelligence, of your heart, and of all of yourself; and everything you did was an Outpouring of Our Creative Will over you, and the Confirmation that your will was animated by an Eternal Will.  (V13 – 12.5.21)

PrayerLord, may Your Kingdom Come.  O Please!  Let it be Known, Loved and Possessed by the human Generations.

 Day 7

(…) “My daughter, courage, let Me finish to manifest to you all that is necessary, regarding the Kingdom of My Will, so that nothing may be missing in order to form It in the midst of the human family.  …Its full Triumph you will see from Heaven.  …We will do It together, My daughter.  Your pains, your long sacrifices, your incessant prayers that My Kingdom may come soon, and My Manifestations about It – I will Unite everything together with Me and will form the foundations.  Once I have completed everything, I will Entrust My Kingdom to My ministers, so that, like second Apostles of the Kingdom My Will, they may be the criers of It.  (V20 – 11.6.26)

PrayerLord, may Your Kingdom Come.  O Please!  Let it be Known, Loved and Possessed by the human Generations.

 Day 8

“Live always in your precious Inheritance, that was given to you with so much Love.  It is yours—It will always be yours, inseparable from you; nor will I ever permit that My little daughter not feel the heartbeat of My Light, the breath of My balsamic Air, the Life of My Divine Will.”

(…)“Now, My daughter, one who lives in My Divine Will possesses the rights of her creation, and therefore, more than sun, she lives in the Unity of her Creator; she is the reproducer of the effects of the Divine Unity.  In this Unity she gathers everything, embraces everyone, warms everyone, and with the breath of the Divine Unity she produces in the hearts of creatures all the effects that are present in the Kingdom of Grace…” (V27 – 11.14.29)

PrayerLord, may Your Kingdom Come.  O Please!  Let it be Known, Loved and Possessed by the human Generations.

 Day 9

“One who lives in My Will is the True Sun, that is such that apparently one sees nothing but light and feels nothing but heat, but how many goods are there not inside that light and heat?  How many effects?  The life and the goods of the earth are enclosed inside that light and heat.  In the same way, with one who Lives in My Divine Fiat, apparently one sees a creature, but inside there is a Divine Will that sustains everything—Heaven and earth, and does not want to keep inactive she who possesses such a great good.” (V27 – 11.14.29)

PrayerLord, may Your Kingdom Come.  O Please!  Let it be Known, Loved and Possessed by the human Generations.

 Saturday April 23, 2017

Luisa’s Birthday

V3 – April 23, 1900 – This morning, finding myself outside of myself, I saw my sweet Jesus suffering very much, and I prayed Him to share His pains with me; and He said to me:  “You too suffer.  Rather, I will take your place and You will do for me the office of a nurse.”  So it seemed that Jesus placed Himself in my bed, and I, beside Him, began to check His head, removing the thorns which were driven into it one by one.  Then I moved on to His body and I visited all His wounds; I dried up the blood, I kissed them, but I had nothing with which to salve them so as to mitigate the spasm, when I saw that oil was coming out from me.  I took it and I salved the wounds of Jesus, but with some concern, as I did not understand what the meaning was of that oil coming out from me.

But blessed Jesus made me understand that resignation to the Divine Will is oil which, while salving and mitigating our pains, salves and mitigates the spasm of the wounds of Jesus at the same time.  Then, after performing this office for my dear Jesus for quite some time, He disappeared and I came back into myself.

Prayer – Lord, we pray that Your Eternal Fiat be Known, and just as it Reigns Triumphantly in Heaven, it may Come to Reign Triumphantly in the Midst of Creatures. We also pray that we may be anointed and salved with the Oil from Luisa so that we may all be Resigned to the Most Holy Divine Will.  Fiat!  Amen.

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Novena Starts Good Friday (Tomorrow)!

Novena for Divine Mercy Sunday 
Novena Starts Good Friday (Tomorrow)!

Divine Mercy Sunday: April 23rd, 2017



What is Divine Mercy? 

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Why should I pray the Divine Mercy Novena?


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Mass of the Lord’s Supper – Pope Benedict XVI




Basilica of St John Lateran
Holy Thursday, 5 April 2012

click image for homily

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Signs in the Heavens – Red Dragon of Revelation – Sept. 23

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The message – Missionaries of Divine Revelation

The Message – Missionaries of Divine Revelation

I am who I am in the Divine Trinity

The Virgin Mary reminds us that She is intimately connected to the Most Holy Trinity: She is the daughter of the Father, the Mother of the Son and the Spouse of the Holy Spirit.

‘God the Holy Spirit, being barren in God – that is to say He does not produce another divine person, becomes fruitful by means of Mary whom he espoused. It was with her, in her and of her that he produced His Masterpiece, God-made-man, and that He goes on producing daily until the end of the world, the members of the body of that adorable Head. For this reason, the more he finds Mary his dear and inseparable spouse in a soul, the more powerful and effective he becomes in producing Jesus Christ in that soul, and that soul in Jesus Christ.’ Saint Louis de Montfort: True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary n20
I am the Virgin of the Revelation

The Magisterium of the Catholic Church teaches that throughout the Bible or Divine Revelation, there are references to Mary and the special graces conferred on her by God. Without the teaching of the Magisterium of the Church, in fact, you run the risk of giving a subjective interpretation to the Word of God in order to endorse the perspective of a particular individual like Bruno Cornacchiola.

Mary’s presence in Sacred Scriptures is illustrated beautifully in Pope Benedict’s first encyclical letter of his pontificate where he wrote: ‘how completely at home Mary is with the Word of God, with ease she moves in and out of it. She speaks and thinks with the Word of God. Here we see how her thoughts are attuned to the thoughts of God, how her will is one with the Will of God.’Deus Caritas Est No 41

You persecute me! Enough now return to the Holy Fold, the heavenly court on earth (the Catholic Church) be obedient to the authority of the Pope…. Return to the pure font of the Gospel.

The Virgin Mary, through Bruno, exhorts all who are outside the Catholic Church (Holy Fold) to enter or to return because it is founded by Jesus Christ on Peter and His Apostles. The Church is the universal ‘Sacrament of Salvation’ for all of humanity. Mary invites us to return to the pure fount of the Gospel, that one finds only in the Magisterium of the Church, that is in the Holy Father and the Bishops united with him.

The true church of my Son was founded on three white loves: the Eucharist, the Immaculate Virgin Mary and the Holy Father

The ‘three white loves’ are the qualifying points of the Catholic Faith that make up part of the treasure of the Church. Our Lady desired that they are particularly recalled, known and loved by all with constant dedication because this truth of salvation has always fought in the world and will do so ever more in the future.

‘Here is the true Church,’ reaffirmed Bruno, ‘the Church that lives the Eucharistic Jesus that recognises the Immaculate Mary, the Most Holy Mother that obeys and defends the Holy Father. We love the Pope!’ He would conclude with, ‘…and we live this unity of love and obedience with Peter. He that doesn’t want to live it is opposed to Christ’s will, which wants his followers to be ‘perfected in unity’.’

The nine First Fridays in honour of the Sacred Heart, the divine promise, have saved you

Bruno’s wife, Iolanda, continually maltreated by Bruno because she didn’t want to leave the Catholic Church and accept Protestantism, as a last hope, persuaded Bruno to make the devotion of the nine First Fridays of the month. She hoped and prayed for his agreement to receiving the Eucharist, all be it without confession, on the nine first Fridays of the month in order to gain his conversion. Bruno made the pious devotion but on its completion had not changed his opinion and so after ‘failing the test’ Iolanda also became a protestant. However, the Lord maintained the promise attached to this devotion of the nine first Friday’s entrusted to St Margaret Mary Alacoque, and the Virgin of Revelation confirmed this fact to Bruno during the apparition saying: ‘The nine first Friday’s in honour of the Sacred Heart, that your faithful wife convinced you to observe before you entered on the road of lies have saved you’

My body could not decay and did not decay I was taken to heaven by My Son and His Angels

The Virgin of Revelation anticipated the definition of the Dogma of the Assumption, which was proclaimed by Pope Pius XII on the 1st November 1950.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church number 966 summarises the Dogma of the Assumption quoting the words of Pope Pius XII:

“Finally the Immaculate Virgin, preserved free from all stain of original sin, when the course of her earthly life was finished, was taken up body and soul into heavenly glory, and exalted by the Lord as Queen over all things, so that she might be the more fully conformed to her Son, the Lord of lords and conqueror of sin and death.” Pius XII, Munificentissimus Deus (1950) The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin is a singular participation in her Son’s Resurrection and an anticipation of the resurrection of other Christians:

Pray incessantly and recite the Holy Rosary everyday for the conversion of sinners, unbelievers and the unity of Christians

Mary’s words are more than ever relevant today now that the dark clouds of hate and division seem to present themselves on the horizon of the third millennium. When reciting the Holy Rosary, the faithful do not flee the problems of the world but looks at them with ‘responsible and generous’ eyes confident in divine intervention because only God can touch the hearts of man to give us true peace. Apostolic letter Rosarium Virginis Mariae Pope John Paul II 16/10/2002

Be missionaries of the Word of God

From this invite, the Missionaries of Divine Revelation have drawn the inspiration for their missionary work based firmly on the will to serve Jesus Christ in the Catholic Church.

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Gospel Reading for April 11, 2017 – Tuesday of Holy Week

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The Divine Will and Its Triumph “in the midst of Creatures”

Yesterday on Palm Sunday we began a series of 33 Holy Masses in honor of the Divine Will and Its Triumph “in the midst of Creatures” (Vol 20:10/26/26): 

And even when, triumphant, I entered into Jerusalem, in the midst of the triumph of the crowds, surrounded with honor and glory, it was the Triumph of My Will that I established in the midst of the peoples.

Tomorrow we are going to begin the 31 days of “The Queen of Heaven in the Kingdom of the Divine Will” (in order to finish on May 12th,) in order to then consecrate the entire Church Militant to the Divine Will on May 13th, as well as Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Will you join us and get the word out to as many of our Divine Will prayer group members as possible? May it hurry the Coming of God’s Kingdom “on earth as It is in Heaven” throughout the entire Church Militant, especially in Her Beloved Priests!

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Gospel Reading for April 10, 2017 with Divine Will Truths – Anoint Jesus’ Wounds with Sorrow

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