Mar 17
I arise today
I arise today
I arise today
I arise today
I arise today
A summon today all these powers between me and these evils
Christ to protect me today
I arise today
Salvation is of the Lord
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Mar 17
Happy and Blessed St. Patrick’s Day
Happy and Blessed St. Patrick’s Day
V4 – Jan. 27, 1901
“My daughter Luisa, the whole establishment
of the Catholic Faith is in the establishment of Charity,
which unites the hearts and makes them Live in Me.”
V12 – April 15, 1919
“My Resurrection is the True Sun which worthily glorifies
My Humanity; It is the Sun of the Catholic Religion;
It is the glory of every Christian.”
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Mar 14
Novena Prayer to One’s Guardian Angel
Novena Prayer to One’s Guardian Angel
[A novena is made by saying a prayer for nine days in succession.]
O HOLY ANGEL, whom God, by the effect of His goodness and His tender regard for my welfare, has charged with the care of my conduct, and who assists me in all my wants and comforts me in all my afflictions, who supports me when I am discouraged and continually obtains for me new favors, I return thee profound thanks, and I earnestly beseech thee, O most amiable protector, to continue thy charitable care and defense of me against the malignant attacks of all my enemies.
Keep me away from all occasions of sin. Obtain for me the grace of listening attentively to thy holy inspirations and of faithfully putting them into practice. In particular, I implore thee to obtain for me the favor which I ask for by this novena. [Here mention your petition.] Protect me in all the temptations and trials of this life, but more especially at the hour of my death, and do not leave me until thou hast conducted me into the presence of my Creator in the mansions of everlasting happiness. Amen.
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