V1 – 9.14.99 -Jesus continued: “Do you want to be Filled with Immense Riches – not for a short time, but for all Eternity? Well then, the Cross shall Administer to you all Kinds of Riches – from the littlest pennies, that are the small Crosses, up to the Greatest Amounts, that are the Heavier Crosses. Yet, men are so greedy to earn a temporal nickel, that they will soon have to leave, but do not give a thought to earning one Eternal penny. And when I, having compassion for them, in seeing their carelessness for all that regards Eternity, kindly offer them the opportunity – instead of Cherishing it, they get angry and offend Me. What human madness – it seems that they understand it upside down. My beloved, in the Cross are all the Triumphs, all the Victories, and the Greatest Gains. As for you, you must have no other aim than the Cross, and this shall be enough for you, in everything. Today I want to make you content; that Cross that until now has not been enough to lay you on and Crucify you completely, is the Cross that you have carried up to now. But since I have to Crucify you completely, you need Me to let Descend New Crosses upon you. So, the Cross you have had until now, I shall bring to Heaven, to show it to the whole Celestial Court as Pledge of your Love, and I shall make another one, larger, Descend from Heaven, to be able to satisfy the Ardent Desires that I have upon you.”