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Meditations for Stations of the Cross

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March 4th, 1947 – Transition of Luisa into Heaven – Eve of Purim

March 4, 1947 was the eve of the Jewish Feast of Purim – which commemorates the saving of the Jewish people from Haman, as recounted in the Book of Esther.

V36 – 10.30.38 – “This creature, Luisa, in Our Will is the New Esther wanting to rescue her peoples. Oh! How Happy We, Triune God, are to keep her always with Us in Our Will because, through her, We feel more inclined to use Mercy, to concede Graces, to Forgive the most obstinate sinners, and to abbreviate the pains of the Purging souls.”


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Lenten Living Passion Clock

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Brazilian Catholic Television Station subgroup of Divina Voluntade with translations in Portugese and English:

Fiat Luisa:

24 Hour Passion Playlist:

1st Hour – 5 pm –

2nd Hour – 6 pm –

3rd Hour – 7 pm

4th Hour – 8 pm

5th Hour – 9 pm –

6th Hour – 10 pm –

7th Hour – 11 pm

8th Hour- 12 am

9th Hour – 1 am –

10th Hour – 2 am –

11th Hour – 3 am –

12th Hour – 4 am –

13th Hour – 5 am –

14th Hour – 6 am –

15th Hour – 7 am –

16th Hour – 8 am –

17th Hour – 9 am –

18th Hour – 10 am –

19 th Hour – 11 am –

20th Hour – 12 pm –

21st Hour – 1 pm –

22nd Hour – 2 pm –

23rd  Hour – 3 pm  –

24th Hour – 4 pm –

Adveniat Regnum Tuum! 



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Prayer of the Little Children of Divine Will – Ash Wednesday to Divine Mercy Sunday

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Holy Face of Jesus – Shrove Tuesday

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Our Lady of America and February 11

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The Cross Disposes the soul to Patience

V2 – 5.16.99 – “The Cross Disposes the soul to Patience.  The Cross Opens Heaven, and Unites Heaven and earth together – that is, God and the soul.  The Virtue of the Cross is Powerful, and when It enters into a soul, It has the Virtue of removing the rust of all earthly things.  Not only this, but It causes her boredom, bother and contempt for the things of the earth, giving her, instead, the Flavor, the Enjoyment, of Celestial Things.  However, few are those who recognize the Virtue of the Cross; therefore they despise It.” 


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The Cross allows one to distinguish the reprobates from the predestined

V1 – 9.14.99 – “My beloved, the Cross allows one to distinguish the reprobates from the predestined.  Just as, on the Day of Judgment, the Good shall rejoice upon seeing the Cross, so even now it can be seen whether one shall be saved or lost.  If, as the Cross presents Itself to the soul, she Embraces It, Carries It with Resignation, with Patience, and she Kisses and Thanks that Hand that is sending It – here is the sign that she is saved.  If, on the contrary, as the Cross is presented to her, she gets irritated, despises it, and even reaches the point of offending Me – you can say that that’s a sign that the soul is heading on the way to hell.  So will the reprobates do on the Day of Judgment:  upon seeing the Cross, they shall grieve and curse.  The Cross tells everything; the Cross is a Book that, without deception and in clear notes, tells you and allows you to distinguish the Saint from the sinner, the Perfect from the imperfect, the Fervent from the lukewarm.  The Cross Communicates Such Light to the soul that, even now, It allows one to distinguish not only the Good from the evil, but also those who are to be more or less Glorious in Heaven – those who are to occupy a Higher or a lower place.  All other Virtues remain humble and reverent before the Virtue of the Cross, and Grafting themselves to It, they receive Greater Glory and Splendor.”

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Do you want to be Filled with Immense Riches – for all Eternity

V1 – 9.14.99 -Jesus continued:  “Do you want to be Filled with Immense Riches – not for a short time, but for all Eternity?  Well then, the Cross shall Administer to you all Kinds of Riches – from the littlest pennies, that are the small Crosses, up to the Greatest Amounts, that are the Heavier Crosses.  Yet, men are so greedy to earn a temporal nickel, that they will soon have to leave, but do not give a thought to earning one Eternal penny.  And when I, having compassion for them, in seeing their carelessness for all that regards Eternity, kindly offer them the opportunity – instead of Cherishing it, they get angry and offend Me.  What human madness – it seems that they understand it upside down.  My beloved, in the Cross are all the Triumphs, all the Victories, and the Greatest Gains.  As for you, you must have no other aim than the Cross, and this shall be enough for you, in everything.  Today I want to make you content; that Cross that until now has not been enough to lay you on and Crucify you completely, is the Cross that you have carried up to now.  But since I have to Crucify you completely, you need Me to let Descend New Crosses upon you.  So, the Cross you have had until now, I shall bring to Heaven, to show it to the whole Celestial Court as Pledge of your Love, and I shall make another one, larger, Descend from Heaven, to be able to satisfy the Ardent Desires that I have upon you.” 

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Jesus: Do you want to be beautiful?

V1 – 9.14.99 – One morning – it was the day of the Exaltation of the Cross – my Sweet Jesus transported me to the Holy sites; and first, He told me many things about the Virtue of the Cross.  I don’t remember everything – just a few things:  “My beloved, do you want to be Beautiful?  The Cross shall give you the Most Beautiful Features that can possibly be found, both in Heaven and on earth; So Much So, as to Enamor God, Who contains all Beauties within Himself.”

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