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“Lady” Obedience Wins Over Luisa!

“Lady” Obedience Wins Over Luisa!

Luisa praying in Bed2/26/2016

February 28, 1899:

 The word “obedience” is often misunderstood, because we highlight a negative feature of the relationship among people, rather than its divine feature that is true, eternal and positive.

“Obey” comes from the Latin roots ob+ audire meaning to listen closely.

So “obedience” must not be regarded as a passive zeroing of man’s will, such as a annihilation of his freedom, but as its exaltation, because it triggers the deeper mechanisms of listening and dialogue.

“Behold, I come to do your will” (Heb 10:9)

“Christ became obedient unto death, even death on a cross” (Phil 2:8)

Biblical evidences shows that Jesus is certainly aware of the dramatic end to which he freely gives Himself, in fulfilling the mission received from the Father. Jesus several times expresses the belief that adherence to God’s will, in the establishment of the Kingdom among men, involves the price of loyalty until death. The free decision of Jesus is caused by his bond of loyalty and obedience in the love of the Father which is expressed in his unconditional love for men.

Moreover Jesus is the One who accomplished it and gave testimony about it: “Son though he was, he learned obedience from what he suffered; and when he was made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him” (Hebrews 5: 8-9). Any plan for our salvation depends on a free and responsible exercise of obedience; In fact what is sin, if not a disobedience to God’s command?

Jesus in one of his talk with Luisa said that Obedience was everything for Him, Obedience made Him be born, obedience made Him die. The wounds He had on his body were all wounds and marks that obedience made to Him. Through her Jesus conquered death, He defeated hell, He released man from his chains, He opened Heaven; and like a victorious King, He took possession of  His Kingdom, not only for Himself, but for all his children.

Obedience is the quintessence of love; obedience is the finest, the purest, the most perfect love, extracted from the most painful sacrifice, to destroy oneself in order to live again of God.

Being most noble and divine, obedience tolerates nothing human in the soul, and nothing which does not belong to it. Therefore, all its attention is on destroying within the soul everything which does not belong to its divine nobility – that is, love of self. And once it has done this, it cares very little about whether it alone struggles and toils on behalf of the soul, while allowing the soul to rest peacefully.

 Oh, holy obedience! How strong and powerful you are!

I see you before me, in these days of martyrdom, like a most powerful warrior,

armed from head to foot with swords, darts and arrows;

filled with all those instruments which are apt to wound.

And when you see that my poor heart, tired and down, wants to be cheered,

searching for its refreshment, its life,

the center to which it feels drawn as by a magnet

looking at me with a thousand eyes, you wound me from all sides with mortal wounds.

O please, have pity on me, and don’t be so cruel with me!

But the name ‘obedience’ resounds sweetly to your hearing,

and this is why you have so much love for obedient souls”.

Luisa Piccarreta



[Translation by Antonella]


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St. Veronica Giuliani and the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta

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The Soul Who Lives Outside the Divine Will Lives as Orphan

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Novena for the 69th Anniversary of Luisa’s Passing into Eternity

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God Teaches Man How to Love Him through Creation

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Deposit of the Divine Will is in Luisa

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God Warns Man to Come to his Senses

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The Value and Benefit of the Hours of the Passion

The 24 Hours of the Passion

The Value and Benefit of Meditating them.


The desire to represent the sacred, to give form to the mystery of God revealed in Jesus, is not only legitimate, but also responds to the needs of the Catholic faith that recognizes in the incarnation of the Son of God, the full and definitive revelation of the Father. The incarnation of the Son for the redemption of all past, present and future generations.  A return to origins, to the creation, to the state of grace in which Adam had lived.

Well, in the representation of the movie “The Passion” by Mel Gibson, it begins with a passage from the prophet Isaiah: “As many were astonished at him, his appearance was so marred, beyond human semblance…” “Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows…” ” like a lamb that is led to the slaughter.” (Is 52:14; 53:4; 53:7) The film director shows all the realism of the event on the last hours of the life of Our Lord Jesus Christ in a very visual way compared to the various artistic expressions (painting, sculpture, writing).

What better introduction to the work of Luisa, the Hours of the Passion? ” The reading of this work is a hymn to the strength, tenacity, resignation, obedience, to our Lord’s exhortation addressed to all the creatures, which highlights that His sacrifice is an act of love, and all the acts done in his earthly life, were destined to the salvation of all mankind. Here then the need to learn every day to live in the Divine Will through our acts that are aimed at the One Act, that is the reunion between God and his creatures.

For years, at night, Luisa entered the contemplation of the sufferings of Our Lord Jesus Christ, with the addition of distinct information about many scenes of the Passion, of His last 24 hours of life on earth. It all starts with the Legal Supper and ends with Jesus’ death on the cross, thus giving future generations  this magnificent work with that is important for a good meditation.

The key message of this meditation, in the light of the Divine Will, is repairing  all the acts that fail to give glory, praise and thanksgiving to God and for the salvation of souls. And where there are those who meditate these hours new graces will come down from heaven for the benefit of all creatures.

The satisfaction that Jesus receives from the meditation of these Hours is great: it would happen as if Jesus heard His own voice and His prayers being reproduced in those reparations, just as the ones He raised to His Father during His sorrowful Passion with the purpose to placate the Divine Justice.

On Ash Wednesday, the Association Little Children of the Divine Will, in the footsteps of Luisa, begins the meditation of “The 24 Hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ “, which lasts until Good Friday, with the creation, as in other parts of the world, of ” living clocks “, so that Jesus in every suffering has souls at His side.

Therefore, we invite all those who want to start this sublime meditation to form living clocks to give more satisfaction to our Lord when he fells repeat in an orderly and continuous way, as Luisa did, all the moments of His Passion.


– Translated by Antonella –

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The Humanity of Jesus Lifts Up Decayed Humanity

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Week of Obedience

“Week of Obedience”

from February 28 to March 4


As every year, also this year from February 28 to March 4, the Association Luisa Piccarreta Little Children of The Divine Will  will live the “Week of Obedience” with “days of light”, filled with morning and afternoon appointments to recall some of the highlights of the life of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta and to deepen her intimate bond with Jesus. On February 28 in fact we will remember the 117th Anniversary of obedience, the day when Luisa, in obedience to her official confessor Don Gennaro De Gennaro, began writing her diary and uttered her FIAT.  It is an important recurrence for all of us who, thanks to Luisa’s FIAT are able to deeply know the love that Jesus has for each of us by giving us the gift of His Will.

The highlight of this week of prayer, will be reached on Friday, March 4, the day that we will remember the 69th anniversary of the Transit into Heaven of Luisa.

She, with her life and then with her death, transformed her suffering into a means of grace by encouraging to leave the darkness of the human will to seek the light of the Divine Will. And we, with these “days of light” want to show that the Divine Will is the “sun” which transforms into light all the acts that are done in It.

 We invite everyone to participate. Below the schedule:

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Association Luisa Piccarreta Little Children of the Divine Will.

7:00 a.m.: We commemorate the day when Luisa pronounced her Fiat and began to write her diary. It was the morning of February 28, 1899.

We will pray in front of the cell of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta to renew our FIAT to the Divine Will.

Chiesa dei Capuccini (Capuchin Church)

5:00 p.m.: Holy Rosary.

Mass follows. It will be concelebrated by don Gianni Cafagna and don Sergio Pellegrini.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Church Santa Maria Greca

10:00 to 11:00 a.m.: Moment of prayer at the tomb.

Sanctuary Madonna delle Grazie (Oasis of Narareth)

5:00 p.m.: Pilgrimage to pass through the Holy Door. Mass follows.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Association Luisa Piccarreta Little Children of the Divine Will.

10:00 a.m: Hour of spirituality

Sisters of the Divine Zeal

5:00 p.m.: Conference, Mass follows.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Church Santa Maria Greca

10:30 a.m.: Time for prayer

Church Sacro Cuore

5:00 p.m: Holy Rosary

6:30 p.m: Eucharistic Celebration

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Association Luisa Piccarreta Little Children of the Divine Will

10:00 a.m: Reflections and moment of prayer

 Chiesa Matrice  (Mother Church)

 5:00 p.m: Hour of spirituality. Mass follows.

Luisa Piccarreta Center

8:00 p.m.: Evening of Conviviality

Friday, March 4, 2016

69th Anniversary of the pious transit of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta.

Church Santa Maria Greca

10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.: Prayers and reflections at Luisa’s tomb

5:00 p.m: Holy Rosary.Mass follows.

Chiesa Matrice  (Mother Church)

9:.00 p.m.: 24 hours for the Lord –  Meditation on the Second Hour of The 24 Hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ.


– Translated by Antonella –

Associazione Luisa Piccarreta

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