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The Evil Done in Eden by Means of a Woman will be Made Up for by Another Woman

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Jesus and the Blessed Mother Help the Soul Stand Up Again

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Clothed Anew with Garments of the New and Holy Adam

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After War, the Diffusion of the Kingdom of Divine Will shall be Easier

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Temptation: Bishop Fulton J. Sheen

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Jesus Chastises so that Man-at the Brink of the Grave-Returns to Him

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Greatness of the Virtue of Patience

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Coronation of the Image of the Most Holy Virgin of Guadalupe


Coronation of the Image of the Most Holy Virgin of Guadalupe

click image below for more information

Pope Francis and Crowning OL Guadalupe

Blessed are you, O Lord,
God of heaven and earth,
who, in your mercy and justice,
cast down the proud,
and exalt the humble.

In the wondrous designs of your providence,
you have offered a perfect model
in the Incarnate Word and in the Virgin Mother:
Your Son, who voluntarily humbled Himself,
even to death on the Cross,
shines in eternal glory
and sits at your right hand
as King of kings and Lord of lords.

And the Virgin, who desired to call herself your handmaid,
who was chosen as Mother of the Redeemer
and true Mother of the living,
and now, lifted up above the choirs of angels,
gloriously reigns beside her Son,
interceding for all men,
the advocate of grace
and queen of mercy.

Look with kindness, O Lord, on these your servants
who, in placing a royal diadem
upon the image of the Mother of your Son,
recognize in your Son the King of the universe,
and invoke, as Queen, the Virgin.

Grant that,
in following their example,
we too might consecrate ourselves to your service,
and make ourselves available to others,
fulfilling the law of charity,
thus triumphing over selfishness,
and in generously giving
we might lead our brothers and sisters to you.

Grant that,
seeking humility on earth,
we might one day be lifted to the heights of heaven,
where you yourself will place
on the heads of your faithful
the crown of life.

Through Christ our Lord,

Amen and FIAT!!!

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Jesus Keeps Continuous Watch Over the Soul

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The Good Will of the Soul is Power Over Jesus’ Heart

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