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Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s March 2, 2014

Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s March 2, 2014
Apparition and Message Given through Mirjana on the Day for Nonbelievers

The following is the message of Our Lady given through Mirjana during her apparition:

“Dear children; I am coming to you as a mother and I desire that in me, as in a mother, you may find your abode, consolation and rest. Therefore, my children, apostles of my love, pray. Pray with humble devotion, obedience and complete trust in the Heavenly Father. Trust as I have trusted when it was said to me that I will bring the blessing of the promise. May out of your hearts, from your lips, always come forth ‘May your will be done!’ Therefore, trust and pray so that I can intercede for you before the Lord, for Him to give you the Heavenly Blessing and fill you with the Holy Spirit. Then He will be able to help all those who do not know the Lord – you, apostles of my love, will help them to call Him ‘Father’ with complete trust. Pray for your shepherds and place your trust in their blessed hands. Thank you.”


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Ash Wednesday Begins the Hours of the Passion

Ash Wednesday Begins the Hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ

220px-Christ_in_Gethsemaneclick here for the Hours of the Passion

click here for suggestions on How to do the Hours

click here for Jesus’ Promises for those who pray these Hours

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Definitions of the Cross. Jesus asks her to give Him relief. She sees a man committing suicide.



3/5/05 – Vol. 6

Definitions of the Cross.

As I was in suffering a little more than usual, Blessed Jesus came for a little and told me:  “My daughter (Luisa), the Cross is Support of the weak, it is Strength of the strong, it is Seed and Custody of virginity.”  Having said this, He disappeared.

 3/5/06 – Vol. 7

Jesus asks her to give Him relief. She sees a man committing suicide.

Continuing in my usual state, I found myself outside of myself with baby Jesus, all afflicted. In seeing Him so afflicted, I said: ‘My dear little one, tell me, what do You want? That I suffer in order to relieve You?’ And He placed himself with His Face to the ground, praying, almost wanting me to interpret His Will, but I could not understand anything. I raised Him from the ground, I kissed Him several times, and I said: ‘My Beloved, I cannot understand what You want. Do You want me to suffer the Crucifixion?’ And He: “No”. He took my arm with His Hand, and my wrist appeared from the cuff of my shirt. In seeing this, I said: ‘Do you want me to be stripped? I feel great repugnance, but for love of You, I submit myself.’

In the meantime, I saw a man who, taken by desperation and by esteem of his own self, was committing suicide – and this, in our town. The baby told me: “I cannot contain so much bitterness – receive part of it.” And He poured a little bit of His bitterness into my mouth. I ran to that man to help him to repent of the evil he had done. The demons were taking that soul, placing it on the fire, and turning it over and over again as if they were roasting it. I freed him as many as two times, and then I found myself inside myself, praying the Lord to have Mercy on that unfortunate soul. Blessed Jesus came back with the Crown of Thorns, so sunken into His Head, that the thorns appeared even inside His Mouth; and He told me: “Ah, My daughter (Luisa), yet many do not believe that the Thorns penetrated even into My Mouth. The sin of pride is so awful as to be the poison of the soul – it kills it. Just as one who has something across his mouth prevents any food from passing into his body to give him life, so does pride prevent the Life of God in the soul. This is why I wanted to suffer so much because of human pride; and in spite of this, the creature reaches such pride that, drunk with pride, he loses the Knowledge of himself, and reaches the point of killing his body and soul.”

To obey, I say that when I told father what I have written above, he assured me that on that morning a man had committed suicide.

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Our Lady of America Newsletter, March 3, 2014

Our Lady of America Newsletter, March 3, 2014

Feast of Saint Katharine Drexel (Last Newsletter)

Thank you for your continued prayers!

The Trial in McCarthy -vs- Fuller continues, although the Defendant has completed her presentation. (See the last newsletter) It is urgent that daily prayers continue, at least for the next few days(first January newsletter). Today, Larry Young, a Counterclaim Defendant, is expected to present his case, followed by a short rebuttal by the Plaintiffs. By the Grace of The Trinity, the case could proceed to Closing Arguments tomorrow or the next day and then be given to Jury for consideration of final verdicts. Please continue to pray that Jesus Who is Truth Himself present in the human nature of all involved will reign and that the Jury will see clearly the Light of Christ in making judgments on each verdict.

Please continue to pray the prayer program (original January 3rd) at least until March 8, 2014,

“By Your Holy and Immaculate Conception, O Mary, deliver us from evil.”

Bloggers and webmasters please link to this story and site!(link)

Please spread the word by forwarding this email to family and friends and encourage them to sign-up for their own copy of this free newsletter by clicking here.

B.V.M. Our Lady of America
C/O Langsenkamp Family Apostolate
9100 Purdue Rd #400
Indianapolis, IN 46268-1180

B.V.M. Our Lady of America is a not-for-profit activity of the BVM Foundation, Inc. Batesville, IN 47006
BVM Foundation, Inc. is a not-for-profit corporation.

Copyright 2014 Langsenkamp Family Apostolate and the B.V.M. Foundation

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Anniversary of Luisa Piccarreta’s Passage into Heaven

The Anniversary of Luisa Piccarreta’s Passage into Heaven

click here for more on Luisa’s Passage into Heaven

March 4, 1947

Luisa in the serenity of sister death

click image for a Collection of Memories of the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta

by Padre Bernardino Bucci

The Holy Death of Luisa Piccarreta

At the news of Luisa’s death which occurred on March 4,1947, it seemed that the people of Corato paused to live a unique and extraordinary event. Their Luisa, their Saint, was no more. And like a river in full spate they poured into Luisa’s house to look at her and express their affection to her, for so many years esteemed and beloved by all. On the day of her funeral official mourning was declared in the town. Luisa’s body remained exposed for public veneration (with the permission of the health service’s doctor) to satisfy the thousands of people of Corato and the surrounding area who poured into the house day and night. It was necessary to have recourse to the police to control the flow of people. Everyone was under the impression that Luisa had fallen asleep and was not dead. In fact, her body, laid on the bed, did not undergo rigor mortis. It was possible to raise her hands, move her head in all directions, bend her fingers without forcing them, and raise and bend her arms. Her eyelids could be lifted and one could see her shining eyes, undimmed by death: everyone – strangers, priests, ecclesiastical and civil figures – wanted to see this unique and marvelous case. A great many skeptics left the mortuary chamber shocked, crying and renewed. Luisa seemed alive, as if a placid and serene sleep had stopped her for an instant. Everyone was convinced that she wasn’t dead, and some said: “Call the bishop and you will see that by making the sign of the cross he will awaken her; isn’t Luisa a daughter of obedience?“. This hope expressed the love they all felt for the Servant of God. But a council of doctors, summoned by the religious, civil and health authorities, declared after a careful examination that beloved Luisa really was dead. As long as she remained exposed for public veneration, she gave no sign of corruption nor did her body emanate any odors of putrefaction. Like a queen, she remained sitting on her bed. It proved impossible to lay her out, so that a special “p” shaped coffin had to be built for her, the front and sides of glass so that everyone could see her for the last time. Luisa the Saint, who for about 70 years had always remained sitting up in bed without ever leaving her room, passed among the immense lines of people, borne on the shoulders of a numerous group of sisters of all orders and surrounded by an unspecified number of priests and religious. Her funeral was celebrated by the entire chapter in the main church, with the participation of all the confraternities of Corato…I visited Luisa’s body several times during the four days that she remained exposed, touching her several times and taking some of the flowers that were constantly placed upon her feet and legs, which I have guarded jealously for many years among my books. Many were given to the sick who were healed when they touched them and were able to attend her funeral. As the coffin passed, the bed-ridden were carried to the doors of their houses and many, it was said, received special graces. Luisa was buried in the Calvi family chapel. On July 3, 1963, her mortal remains were returned to Corato, to rest permanently in the parish Church of Santa Maria Greca.


The special coffin, designed with front and side windows


All the townspeople of Corato bid their last farewell to Luisa “the Saint”. The Sisters of the Divine Zeal surround the coffin


March 4, 1947

“Now I die with greater contentment, because the Divine Will has consoled me more than usual with Its presence in these last few moments of my life.

“Now I see a long, beautiful and spacious road, all illuminated by an infinite number of resplendent suns – Oh, yes, I recognize them! They are all my acts done in the Divine Will!

“This is the road that I must now take; it is the road that the Divine Will has prepared for me. It’s the road of my victory: it’s the way of my glory, which will unite me with the immense happiness of the Divine Will.

“It’s my road; it’s the road that I have prepared for you. It’s the road that I will keep reserved for all the souls who will ever want to live in the Divine Will.”

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PATRIARCH SVIATOSLAV: “The role of the church is consistent. During the last
three months, the church, especially the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church,
was with its people. And it will continue to remain with its people. If, God
forbid, we will have to stand together on the battlefield with our soldiers,
with our army, the Ukrainian Church, especially the UGCC, is ready to
provide pastoral support.

Every citizen of Ukraine must be prepared to defend his or her independent
and sovereign state. The church has always sought to defend peace. The
church at all costs tried to prevent bloodshed. Unfortunately, there are
already victims in Ukraine, and bloodshed was not prevented. We will
continue to use every opportunity to relieve tension in society and avoid

THE GUARDIAN: Ukrainian and Russian troops in standoff at Crimean military
base – live updates



As the world was being lured by years of careful calculation, preparation
and machination, all leading up to the Winter Olympics In Sochi, Russia,
into a comfortable belief – or perhaps a desired belief – that the great
bear had finally been domesticated, the people of Ukraine sat outdoors on
cold cobble-stoned streets in Kyiv’s Independence Square – the Maidan –
ready to give their lives in order to be rid of yet another corrupt leader
and to finally breathe the ever fresh air of freedom and of a lifestyle that
enables them to grow and be productive citizens of their nation. For a brief
few days it seemed to be a dream come true when that leader suddenly packed
up and left town and those who had supported him abandoned him. Those who
remained and who had supported the Maidan were suddenly the majority in the
Verkovna Rada – The Ukrainian Parliament – acting with solidarity in the
name of Ukraine first.

Then suddenly, the mask was dropped. Without the slightest provocation or
act of aggression against any Russian speaking citizen of the Crimean
Peninsula or of any other region of the independent nation of Ukraine, the
bear’s claws and fangs were no longer restrained and its military troops
invaded Ukraine. No longer was there any attempt to “improve the image” of
the bear. It would no longer remain in its domesticated realm. Is it once
again setting out to recreate the lost empire? Will this doctrine of
protecting its citizens in Ukraine expand to other nations – even those
never part of the former empire? Regardless of the answers to these
questions, once again our beloved ancestral homeland – Ukraine – is under
threat of suppression and repression.

The world watches. The world says “Stop!” The world says “Go home!” The
world says “Ukraine has the right to self-determination”! In reality,
however, what can simple words accomplish? Will the world find the courage
to do more than pronounce warnings? Will the world, this time, ensure that
Ukraine and her people will not again be subject to a new form of genocide?
Or will the world once again ultimately abandon what it considers a futile
effort to force the bear back into its own domain and simply turn a blind
eye and a deaf ear to the situation? Words are simply words, with no
inherent authority or power. It is what stands behind – and before – those
words that matters. No one envisions a military force entering Ukraine from
the West. This would only inflict more unnecessary damage upon the people of
Ukraine – remember the last armies that came from the West who the poor
Ukrainian people at first thought to be liberators? No, military force will
not accomplish the necessary end. The words of modern diplomacy must be
backed up with effective economic, political and social actions and
sanctions, which will convince the invaders that its efforts are futile and
counterproductive for its own welfare and the welfare of the people subject
to it.

All our lives we have studied the history of our Ukrainian nation and
throughout our ministry we have held in our arms the victims of the bear’s
aggression, the survivors of the suppression, repression, family separation,
gulags, torture, Holodomor – death by starvation – looking into their eyes
as they remember the millions of their own family members lost “for the good
of the empire”. We witnessed the joy in their faces as they thanked God for
the freedom of their nation – their whole, united nation – before
independence and over the past 24 years since the referendum on independence
passed overwhelmingly throughout all the nation. As the result of this, in
the face of threats to that independence, that we must make demands of our
political leaders, here in the United States of America and throughout the
world for immediate strong, effective and honorable action before it is too
late – once again. We urge all our clergy, faithful and parish communities
to be in contact with our President, Congressional Representatives and
Senators, our state Governors and Legislators to stand firm in support of
Ukraine and her beloved people!

We remain in solidarity with our Orthodox, Catholic and other Faith leaders
in Ukraine who have proved their devotion to their flocks in their steadfast
prayer and ministry to those who sat on the cold cobble-stoned Maidan. We
have personally delivered material support to the hospitals caring for the
injured and the families of those murdered. Today, however, we call upon all
our brother Hierarchs of Orthodox Churches throughout the world to utilize
their God-give authority, including those in Russia itself, to call for the
cessation of the attack of Orthodox brothers against their own in the Faith!
We call upon Christians of other denominations and adherents of all
religious Faiths around the world to urge their followers to speak up and
help to avoid a cataclysm for a nation that has endured far more such
cataclysms than it should have been able to endure. But, endure it did! Only
by the Grace of God was Ukraine reborn over these 24 years – in spite of
weak and fractured leadership at all levels – political social,
ecclesiastical and more. The time has come to allow her to blossom, as she
has begun to – without being a threat to any of her neighbors and without
abandoning millennium old international relationships.

Ukraine and her people were for a significant and vital period of time, the
very epicenter of world Orthodoxy. She and her people have proven themselves
by their incredible faith in our Lord and God and Savior, Jesus Christ. She
has submitted herself to hope in Holy Trinity and to the Protection of the
Mother of God. We, as the hierarchs of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the
United States of America, beg for the sincere and endless prayers of all who
read these words or hear them spoken. We especially appeal to those monastic
communities around the world, who pray continuously for mankind to place
Ukraine and her people in their hearts and minds during all their prayers.

May God in the Holy Trinity and the beloved Mother of God, the Ever-Virgin
Mary, and all the Saints and Martyrs of Ukraine hear our prayers and protect
our God-loving Nation of Ukraine and grant her peace and the knowledge of
Truth and Love at all times.


Let us Pray to the Lord – Lord, Have Mercy! Господу помолимось – Господи,

Almighty Father, You said that when two or three are gathered in your name –
you would be among them. Remembering Your words and having received the land
of Ukraine for our heritage; We ask you today to prove us mindful of this
great blessing. Bless our ancestral homeland Ukraine and these United States
with honorable works, sound learning, and good manners. Save us from
violence, discord, and confusion; from pride and arrogance. Defend liberty
which is an expression of your Divine Will. During this time of difficulty
throughout our ancestral homeland Ukraine fill our hearts with gratitude,
and grant the people of Ukraine, and all of us the grace to continue to
trust in You and Your mercy as we did in previous days of trouble. We ask
this for we know that you are a gracious and loving God in whom we are
blessed through the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, always now and
ever and to the ages of ages. AMEN.

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Firmness Produces Heroism


LUISA PRAYING3/4/18 – Vol. 12

Firmness Produces Heroism.

Continuing in my usual state, I was lamenting to Jesus about my poor state, and He told me: “My daughter (Luisa), Courage, do not move in anything. Firmness is the Greatest Virtue. Firmness Produces Heroism, and it is almost impossible for one not to be a great saint. Rather, as she keeps repeating her acts, she forms two bars – one to the right, and the other to the left – which serve her as support and defense; and as she reiterates her acts, a Fount forms in her, of New and Increasing Love. Firmness Strengthens Grace, placing on it the Seal of Final Perseverance. Your Jesus does not fear that His Graces may remain without Effects, and therefore I pour them in torrents over a constant soul. There is not very much to expect from a soul who works today, and tomorrow does not – who now does some Good, and now some other. She will not have any support, and will be bounced now to one point, now to another. She will die of starvation, because she will not have the Fount of Firmness, which makes Love Arise. Grace fears to pour Itself, because she will abuse it, and use it to offend Me.”

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How all things start from one point. Sublimeness of the State of Adam.

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How offering the sacrifice of the Saints doubles the Glory


3/2/31 – Vol. 29

How offering the sacrifice of the Saints doubles the Glory.  The Divine Will has the Resurrective Virtue.  One who does the Divine Will Acquires the Rights to the Divine Goods.

Luisa_Piccarreta_5I was continuing my acts in the Divine Will, and I kept offering the sacrifices that the Saints of the Old Testament did, those of my Celestial Mama, all the sacrifices of my Beloved Jesus, and so on with all the rest.  The Divine Will placed them all in order for me, before my mind, and I kept offering them as the most beautiful Homage to my Creator.  But while I was doing this, my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me:  “My daughter (Luisa), there is not one thing suffered and done by all the Saints of the history of the world, in which My Will has not had Its Part, making Itself Actor and Concurrent with Strength, with Help, with Support for that sacrifice or work that they did.  Now, the soul, by offering them to God as Homage of Glory, calls back the memory of that sacrifice and work, and My Divine Will recognizes what, from Its Own, It placed in those acts, and It gives the Virtue of doubling the Glory of that sacrifice, for God and for the one who had the Good of sacrificing and operating in order to Fulfill My Divine Will.  True Good never ceases, either in Heaven or on earth; it is enough for a creature to remember it and offer it, that the Glory in Heaven is Renewed and the Effects of that Good descend upon earth for the Good of creatures.  Therefore, the Life of True Good is not subject to dying.  In fact, who is the Life of My Church?  Who nourishes Her and Acts as Her Teacher, if not the brief course of My Life down here?  I can say that they are My Pains that sustain Her, they are My Doctrines that instruct Her, they are the Sacraments that Nourish Her.  So, all the Good that I did did not die, but remained with the Fullness of Life—and Life that Vivifies, Preserves, Nourishes and Grows continuously, and gives Itself to whoever wants it.  And as the creature remembers, she already places herself in relationship with My Goods; and as she keeps offering them, they redouble, to give themselves to her; and I feel the Glory of what I did for Love of creatures being redoubled.  More so, since one who Operates in My Divine Will acquires the Resurrective Virtue.  As the soul keeps doing her acts, her offerings in It, My Fiat runs to place in them the Seed of Light; and Its Light Possesses the Virtue of Rising in each instant and act.  It seems like the sun, that rises for each little plant, for each flower.  In fact, it does not give the same thing to all; as if it were rising for each one, it gives one effect to the little plant, one color to the flower—and colors distinct one from the other.  Such are the Acts done in My Divine Will; they expose themselves to the Rays of My Divine Sun, and receive from It the Seed of Light, that makes Rise in each act of creature such Varieties of Beauties and Distinct Colors—and one act calls for another to rise.  So, (Luisa) one who Lives in My Will, with the Resurrective Seed of My Light, gives Me always New Things, and she is always in act of rising again continuously in the Love, in the Glory and in the very Life of her Creator.”

Then, I continued my acts in the Divine Will; I wanted to embrace everything in order to place in each created thing my adoration, my love, my gratitude to He who had loved me so much and had created so many things for love of me.  And my sweet Jesus added:  “Good daughter (Luisa), for (Luisa) one who Lives in My Divine Will and Operates in It, the Love of My Fiat is so great in seeing the littleness of the creature going around in all Created things to place in them her little acts, to say that she not only loves this Divine Will, but wants to recognize all Its Acts as many Pledges of Love.  Love makes more Love Arise, and My Will gives the Rights to the soul in the Divine Goods.  So, each act that the creature does is a Right that she Acquires in the Properties of her Creator.  It happens that, by Right, she feels herself being Loved by the Supreme Being, because she has placed her love in the Eternal Love and has Acquired the Right to be Loved.  The love of the creature and the Divine Love have fused together and, on both sides, they feel the Right to Love each other.  By Right she enjoys the light of the sun; by Right she breathes the air, drinks the water, feeds herself with the fruits of the earth; and so with all the rest.  And, oh! the great difference of one who takes, with Rights, the Divine Goods.  This one can be called daughter, while the others can be called servants; and the creature with these Rights gives Us the Love of Our child, Love of disinterest, Love that says True Love.  Therefore, Live always in My Will, that you may feel within yourself, and enjoy, all the Love of the Divine Paternity.”

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