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Jan 11
Love Wants to be Matched by Love. The Souls who Live in the Divine Will will be for the Body of the Church like skin to the body
1/11/12 – Vol. 10
Love Wants to be Matched by Love.
After I received Communion, my always lovable Jesus made Himself seen all around me, and I was in the middle, as if within a flow. Jesus was the flow and I the nothing which was in the middle of this flow. Now, who can say what I experienced in this flow? I felt I was immense, yet nothing existed of me but nothingness; I felt breathed upon by Jesus; I felt His breath around me and everywhere… But I don’t have the words to express myself, I am too ignorant; I wrote this to obey. Then, afterwards Jesus told me: “My daughter (Luisa), see how much I Love you and how I keep you safe within My Flow – that is, within Me. This is how you should keep Me safe and sheltered within you. Love wants to be matched by Love, so as to have the contentment of making a greater surprise of Love. Therefore, never go out from within My Love, from within My Desires, from within My Works, from within My All.”
1/11/22 – Vol. 13
The Souls who Live in the Divine Will will be for the Body of the Church like skin to the body, and will bring to all of Its Members the Circulation of Life.
Finding myself in my usual state, I was thinking about the Holy Divine Will, and I said to myself: ‘All the children of the Church are members of the Mystical Body, of which Jesus is the Head. What place will the souls who do the Will of God occupy in this Mystical Body?’ And Jesus, always benign, on coming, told me: “My daughter (Luisa), the Church is My Mystical Body, of which I Glory in being the Head. But in order to enter this Mystical Body, the members must grow to a proper stature, otherwise they would deform My Body. But, alas! – how many not only do not have the due proportion, but are rotten, wounded, so much as to be disgusting to My Head and to the other healthy members. Now, the souls who Live, or will Live in My Divine Will will be for the Body of My Church like skin to the body. The body has internal skin and external skin, and because in the skin there is the blood circulation which gives life to the whole body, it is by virtue of this circulation that the members reach the proper stature. If it wasn’t for the skin and for the blood circulation, the human body would be horrible to the sight, and its members would not grow to the due proportion.
Now, see how these souls who Live in My Divine Will are necessary to Me. Since I have destined them to be like skin to the body of My Church, and like circulation of Life for all the members, they will be the ones who will give the proper growth to the members which have not grown; who will heal the wounded members, and who will restore the Freshness, the Beauty, the Splendor of the whole Mystical Body by their continuous Living in My Divine Will, rendering it fully similar to My Head, which will sit in Full Majesty upon all those members. This is why the end of days cannot come if I do not have these souls who Live as though dissolved in My Divine Will – they interest Me more than anything. What impression would this Mystical Body make in the Celestial Jerusalem without them? And if this is what interests Me more than anything, it must interest you (Luisa) also more than anything, if you love Me. From now on, I (Jesus) will give to your acts done in My Divine Will the Virtue of Circulation of Life for the whole Mystical Body of the Church. Just like the blood circulation in the human body, your acts, extended within the Immensity of My Divine Will, will extend over all and will cover these members like skin, giving them proper growth. Therefore, be attentive and faithful.”
Then, afterwards, I was praying, all abandoned in the Will of Jesus, and almost without thinking, I said: ‘My Love – everything in Your Will: my little pains, my prayers, my heartbeat, my breathing – all I am and all I can, united to all that You are, so as to give proper growth to the members of the Mystical Body.” In hearing me, Jesus made Himself seen again, and smiling with satisfaction, added: “How beautiful it is to see My Truths in your heart as Fount of Life immediately having the Development and the Effect for which they have communicated themselves! Therefore, correspond with Me, and as soon as I see one Truth developed, I (Jesus) will make it an Honor for Myself to make another Fount of Truth arise.”
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Jan 09
The “FIAT MIHI” of the Most Holy Virgin. God wants a Second “YES” in His Will. The “FIAT” of Luisa.
1/10/21 – Vol. 12
The “FIAT MIHI” of the Most Holy Virgin. God wants a Second “YES” in His Will. The “FIAT” of Luisa.
I was concerned about what is written above, and I said to myself: ‘I don’t know what Jesus wants from me; yet, He knows how bad I am, and how good at nothing.’ And Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter (Luisa), remember that years ago I (Jesus) asked you (Luisa) if you wanted to Live in My Divine Will; and since I wanted you in My Divine Will, I wanted you (Luisa) to pronounce your ‘YES’ in My Own Volition. This ‘YES’ was bound to an Eternal Point, and to a Will which will never end. This ‘YES’ is in the Center of My Volition, surrounded by infinite Immensity; and if it tries to go out, it almost cannot find the way. Therefore, at your little oppositions, at some discontent of yours, I (Jesus) laugh and I amuse Myself, because I (Jesus) see you (Luisa) like those people who are bound, by their own will, in the depth of the sea, and wanting to go out, they find nothing but water. And since they are bound in the depth of the sea, they feel the bother of wanting to get out, and in order to remain tranquil and happy, they plunge themselves even more into the depth of the sea. In the same way, in seeing you (Luisa) perplexed, as though wanting to go out, and in seeing that, unable to do it, being bound by your own ‘YES’, you plunge yourself even more into the Depths of My Divine Will – I (Jesus) laugh, and I amuse Myself. And then, do you think it is something trivial and easy to move from within My Divine Will? You would move an Eternal Point; and if you knew what it means to move an Eternal Point, you would tremble with fright.”
Then He added: “I asked the first ‘YES’ in My FIAT, of My dear Mama (Mary), and – oh, the Power of Her FIAT in My Divine Will! As soon as the Divine FIAT met with the FIAT of My Mama (Mary), the two became one. My FIAT raised Her, Divinized Her, overshadowed Her, and with no human intervention, conceived Me, the Son of God. Only in My FIAT could She conceive Me. My FIAT communicated to Her Immensity, Infinity, Fecundity, in a Divine Manner, and therefore the Immense Eternal Infinite One could be conceived in Her. As soon as She said, ‘FIAT MIHI’, not only did She take possession of Me, but She overshadowed all creatures and all created things. She felt within Herself the Life of all creatures, and from that moment She began to Act as the Mother and Queen of all. How many Portents does this ‘YES’ of My Mama (Mary) not contain – if I wanted to tell them all, you would never stop listening.”
Now, I (Jesus) asked a second ‘YES’ in My Divine Will, of you (Luisa); and you, though trembling, pronounced it. This ‘YES’ in My Volition will accomplish its Portents – it will have its Divine Fulfillment. You (Luisa) – follow Me, plunge yourself more deeply into the Immense Sea of My Divine Will, and I (Jesus) will take care of everything. My Mama did not think about how I would manage to Incarnate Myself in Her; She just said, ‘FIAT MIHI’, and I (Jesus) took care of how to be Incarnated. So you (Luisa) will do.”
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Jan 08
Everything is written in the hearts of those who Believe, Hope and Love – Each created thing holds out the Love of God to man
1/9/03 – Vol. 4
Everything is written in the hearts of those who Believe, Hope and Love.
This morning I was feeling all oppressed, and since Monsignor had come to visit me, saying that he was not sure that it was Jesus Christ who operated in me, when Blessed Jesus came, He told me: “My daughter (Luisa), in order to comprehend a subject well it takes belief, because without belief everything is dark in the human intellect. On the other hand, the mere believing turns on a Light in the mind, and by means of this Light one can recognize with clarity Truth and falsehood, when it is Grace that operates, when it is nature, and when the devil. See, the Gospel is known to all, but who comprehends the meaning of My Words, and the Truths contained in It? Who keeps them in his heart and makes of them a Treasure with which to purchase the Eternal Kingdom? One who believes. As for all others, not only do they not understand a thing, but they use My Words to mock them and to make fun of the Holiest things. So, it can be said that everything is written in the hearts of those who Believe, Hope and Love, while nothing is written for everyone else. The same with you: one who has a little bit of belief sees things with clarity and finds the Truth; one who does not, sees things as all confused.”
1/9/20 – Vol. 12
Each created thing holds out the Love of God to man.
I was praying, and with my thought I was fusing myself in the Eternal Volition; and bringing myself before the Supreme Majesty, I said: ‘Eternal Majesty, I come to Your Feet in the name of the whole human family, from the first to the last man of the future generations, to adore You profoundly. At your Most Holy feet I want to seal the adorations of all; I come to recognize You in the name of all as Creator and absolute Ruler of all. I come to Love You for all and for each one; I come to return Love to You for all, because of each created thing, in which You placed so much Love that the creature will never find enough love to repay You in Love. But in Your Will I find this Love, and wanting that my Love, as well as the other Acts, be complete, full and for all, I have come into Your Will where everything is Immense and Eternal, and where I can find Love to be able to Love You for all. So, I Love You for each star You have created; I Love You for all the drops of light and for all the intensity of heat which You have placed in the Sun…’ But who can tell all that my poor mind was saying? I would be too long; therefore I stop here.
Now, while I was doing this, a thought told me: ‘How is it, and in what way did Our Lord place Rivers of Love for the creature in each created thing? And a Light answered my thought: “Indeed, My daughter (Luisa), My Love poured out in torrents toward the creature in each created thing. I (Jesus) told you elsewhere and I confirm to you (Luisa) now that, as My uncreated Love created the Sun, It placed Oceans of Love in it. In each drop of light which was to inundate the eye, the step, the hand, and everything of the creature, My Love ran toward her; and almost pounding sweetly on her eye, hand, step and mouth, It gives her My Eternal Kiss and It holds out My Love to her.
Together with light, runs the heat, and pounding on her again, a little more strongly, almost impatient for the love of the creature, to the extent of pelting her, I repeat to her more intensely My Eternal ‘I Love you.’ And if the sun fecundates the plants with its light and heat, it is My Love that runs to nourish man; and if I extended the heavens above man’s head, studding it with stars, it is My Love that, wanting to delight the eyes of man, also at night, repeats to him My ‘I Love you’ in every sparkling of star… So, each created thing holds out My Love to man; and if it were not so, Creation would have no Purpose; and I do nothing without Purpose. Everything has been made for man; but man does not recognize it, and he has turned into Sorrow for Me.
Therefore, My daughter (Luisa), if you want to soothe My Sorrow, come often into My Divine Will and give Me, in the name of all, Adoration, Love, Gratitude and Thanksgiving for everything.”
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Jan 08
The Fruit and the Purpose of Communion
1/8/09 – Vol. 8
The Fruit and the Purpose of Communion.
Having received Communion, at the best moment I was thinking of how I could cling to blessed Jesus more then ever, and He said to me: “In order to cling more tightly to Me, to the point of dissolving your being in Mine, just as I transfuse Mine into yours, you must take what is Mine in everything, and in everything leave what is yours; in such a way that if you always think of things which are Holy and regard only what is Good, and the Honor and Glory of God, you leave your mind and take the Divine. If you speak, if you operate Good, and only out of Love for God, you leave your mouth and your hands, and you take My Mouth and My Hands. If you walk along Holy and upright paths, you will walk with My Own Feet; if your heart Loves Me alone, you will leave your heart and will take Mine, and will Love Me with My Own Love; and so with all the rest. So, you will be enveloped with all My Things, and I with all of yours. Can there be a tighter Union than this? If the soul reaches the point of no longer recognizing herself, but the Divine Being within her, these are the Fruits of Good Communions, and this is the Divine Purpose in wanting to communicate Himself to souls. But, how frustrated My Love remains, and how few are the Fruits that souls gather from this Sacrament, to the point that the majority of them remains indifferent, and even nauseated by this Divine Food.”
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Jan 06
The Smile of Jesus when He will see the First Fruits, the children of His Will Living not in the Human Sphere, but in the Divine Sphere
1/7/21 – Vol. 12
The Smile of Jesus when He will see the First Fruits, the children of His Will, Living not in the human sphere, but in the Divine Sphere.
As I was in my usual state, my always lovable Jesus came and surrounded my neck with His Arm. Then He drew near my heart, and holding His Breast between His Hands, He pressed it to my heart, and Rivulets of Milk came out of it. He filled my heart with those Rivulets of Milk; and then he told me: “My daughter (Luisa), do you see how much I (Jesus) Love you? I wanted to fill all your heart with the Milk of Grace and of Love; so, everything you (Luisa) will say and do, will be nothing other than the Outpouring of the Grace with which I (Jesus) filled you. You will do nothing – you will just place your volition at the Mercy of My Divine Will, and I will do everything. You (Luisa) will be nothing but the Sound of My Voice, the Bearer of My Divine Will, the Destroyer of the Virtues in a human manner, and the Restorer of the Virtues in a Divine Manner, which are founded on an Eternal, Immense, Infinite Point.” Having said this, He disappeared.
After a little while He came back, and I was feeling all annihilated, especially in thinking about certain things which it is not necessary here to say. My affliction was at its summit, and I said to myself: ‘How can this be? My Jesus, do not permit this! Maybe You want the will, but not the act of this sacrifice. And then, in the hard state in which I find myself, I aspire to nothing but Heaven.’ And Jesus, coming out from my interior, burst into sob. I could hear that sob resound in Heaven and on earth; but as He was about to stop sobbing, a Smile arose which, just like the sob, reverberated in Heaven and on earth. I remained enchanted, and my Jesus told me: “My beloved daughter (Luisa), after the great Sorrow which creatures are giving Me in these sad times, to the extent of making Me cry – and because this is the Crying of a God, it Resounds in Heaven and on earth – a Smile will take over, which will fill Heaven and earth with Gladness. This Smile will arise on My Lips when I see the First Fruits – the children of My Divine Will – Living not in the human sphere, but in the Divine Sphere. I (Jesus) will see them all Marked with the Eternal, Immense, Infinite Will; I will see that Eternal Point which has Life only in Heaven, flow upon earth and mold the souls with its infinite Principles, with Divine Acting, with the Multiplication of Acts within one single Act. And just as Creation came out from the FIAT, in the FIAT It will be Fulfilled. Only the children of My Volition will accomplish everything in the FIAT; and in My FIAT, which will have Life in them, I (Jesus) will receive complete Love, Glory, Reparation, Thanksgiving and Praise, for everything and for everyone. My daughter (Luisa), things return there where they come from: everything came out from the FIAT, and in the FIAT everything will return to Me. They will be few, but in the FIAT they will give Me everything.”
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Jan 06
Jesus Communicates Himself to the Three Magi through Love, through Beauty, through Power
JANUARY 6, 2014
1/6/01 – Vol. 4
Jesus Communicates Himself to the Three Magi through Love, through Beauty and through Power.
As I was outside of myself, I seemed to see the moment when the Holy Magi arrived at the grotto of Bethlehem. As they arrived in the presence of the Baby, He pleased to let the Rays of His Divinity shine externally, communicating Himself to the Magi in three Ways – through Love, through Beauty and through Power – in such a way that they remained enraptured and engrossed in the Presence of Little Baby Jesus; so much so, that if the Lord had not withdrawn the Rays of His Divinity internally again, they would have remained there forever, unable to move any more. Then, as the Baby withdrew His Divinity, the Holy Magi returned into themselves; they stirred themselves, stupefied, in seeing an Excess of Love so great, because through that Light the Lord had let them understand the Mystery of the Incarnation. Then they stood up and offered their gifts to the Queen Mother (Mary), and She spoke at length with them, but I am unable to say everything She said. I can only remember that She inculcated into them, strongly, not only their own salvation, but also taking to heart the salvation of their peoples, having no fear even to lay down their lives to obtain the intent.
After this, I withdrew inside myself and I found myself together with Jesus. He wanted me to tell Him something, but I saw myself so cattiva [bad] and confused that I would not dare to tell Him anything. Seeing that I was not saying anything, He Himself continued to speak about the Holy Magi, telling me: “By having communicated Myself to the Magi in three Ways, I obtained three Effects for them, because I never communicate Myself to souls uselessly; rather, they always receive some profit for themselves. So, as I communicated Myself through Love, they obtained detachment from themselves; through Beauty, they obtained contempt for earthly things; and through Power, their hearts remained all bound to Me, and they obtained the bravery to lay down their blood and lives for Me.”
Then He added: “And you, what do you want? Tell Me – do you love Me? How would you want to Love Me?” Not knowing what to say, as my confusion increased, I said: ‘Lord, I would want nothing but You, and if You say to me, ‘do you Love Me?’, I have no words to be able to manifest it. I can only say that I feel this passion that no one may be able to prevail over me in Loving You, and that I should be the First in Loving You, above everyone, and no one may be able to surpass me. But this does not content me yet; in order to be content, I would want to Love You with Your Own Love, so that I may be able to Love You as You Love Yourself. Ah, yes! Only then would my concerns about Loving You cease.’ Content, one could say, with my nonsense, Jesus clasped me so tightly to Himself, that I could see myself transmuted in Him, inside and out, and He communicated part of His Love to me. After this, I returned inside myself, and it seemed to me that for as much Love as I give, so much do I possess my Good; and if I Love Him little, I possess Him little.
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Jan 04
Jesus Prays that His Will be One with the will of the Soul.
1/5/23 – Vol. 15
Jesus Prays that His Will be One with the will of the Soul. The Divine Will must be like the air that one breathes. Attentiveness is the Way to Knowledge.
Continuing in my usual state, I could hear my adorable Jesus praying in my interior, saying: “My Father, I pray You that Our Will be one with the will of this little daughter of Our Volition. She is a legitimate birth from Our Will. O please! for the honor and decorum of Our Eternal Will, let it be so that nothing may come out of her which is not a birth from Our Volition, and that she may know nothing but Our Will. And in order to obtain this, I offer You all the acts of my Humanity, done in Our adorable Will.”
Afterwards, He remained in deep silence, and I, I don’t know how, felt so transfused in the acts that my Jesus had done in the Divine Will, that I kept following them, one by one, doing my own united with His. This made me absorb so much light, that Jesus and I remained immersed in a sea of light; and Jesus, coming out from within my interior, standing up, with His soles on the place of my heart, and waving His hand which, more than sun, sent forth light, cried out loudly: “Come, come all of you, Angels, Saints, pilgrim souls, all generations – come and see the portents and the greatest miracle never before seen: my Will operating in the creature.” At the sonorous, melodious and powerful voice of Jesus, which filled Heaven and earth, the Heavens opened and all ran around Jesus, and looked at me to see how the Divine Will was operating. All remained enraptured and thanked Jesus for such a great excess of His goodness. I remained confused and humiliated to the summit, and I said to Him: ‘My Love, what are You doing? It seems that You want to show me to everyone, to let everyone point at me. What repugnance I feel.’ And Jesus: “Ah! my daughter, it is my Will that I want everyone to know and to point at, as new Heaven and means of new regeneration; and you will remain as though buried in my Will.
My Will must be like the air that one breathes which, while it cannot be seen, can be felt. It cannot be seen, and it gives life; it penetrates everywhere, even into the most intimate fibers, to give life to each beat of the heart. Wherever it enters – into darkness, into the abysses, into the most secret receptacles – it constitutes itself life of everything. In the same way, my Will will be more than air within you, which, coming out of you, will constitute Itself life of everything. Therefore, be more attentive, and follow the Will of your Jesus, because attentiveness will make you know where you are and what you are doing. Knowledge will make you appreciate and esteem more the divine royal palace of my Will. Suppose that someone finds himself in the royal palace of a king, and that he does not know that that residence belongs to the king. He will have no appreciation; he might even walk distractedly, talking, laughing; nor will he dispose himself to receive the gifts of the king. But if he knew that that is the royal palace of the king, he would look at things with attention, and would appreciate them; he would walk on tiptoe, speak in a low voice, be all eyes to see whether the king comes out of some room, and would put himself as though in waiting, to receive great gifts from the king.
See, attentiveness is the way to knowledge, and knowledge changes a person, as well as things, disposing him to receive great goods. So, by knowing that you are in the royal palace of my Will, you will always receive, and will take so much as to be able to give to all of your brothers.”
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