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 Special Protection from the Holy Family

 Special Protection from the Holy Family

Message given by the Eternal Father on October 30, 2018

to Fr. Michel Rodrigue, Founder of

The Apostolic Society of St. Benedict Joseph Labre, Abitibi, QC, Canada

“Whoever will act according to My Will, will be safe.”

            “My son, listen and write.  I desire that this message be communicated to everyone, in all the places where you have preached in the United States and in Canada.

            “Remember the night when Padre Pio brought you into Heaven to see the Holy Family?  It was a teaching for you and for the people who heard you.  It was also a sign to remember the night when My Beloved Son, Jesus was born into the world.

            “Remember how My Evangelist, Matthew, wrote by Divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit, how the star stopped over the place where My Baby Son, Jesus, was born.  It was a sign for the Wise Men.  Today, it is a sign for you and for all Christians, and for all the nations.

“The Holy Family is a sign for every family, and we should model ourselves after them.  I desire that every family who receives this message should have a representation of the Holy Family in their home.  It can be an icon, or a statue of the Holy Family, or a permanent manger in a central place in the home. 

***The representation must be Blessed and Consecrated by a priest.***

            “As the star followed by the Wise Men stopped over the manger, the chastisement from the sky will not hit Christian families devoted to, and protected by, the Holy Family.  Fire from the sky is the chastisement for the horrible crime of abortion, for the culture of death, sexual perversion, and lust in regards to the identity of man and woman.  My children seek after perversion more than their Eternal future.  The increasing blasphemies and persecution of My just people offend Me.  The arm of My Justice will strike now.  They do not heed to My Divine Mercy.  I must now allow for many plagues to come in order to save as many souls as I can from the slavery of Satan.

            “Send this message to everyone.  I have given Saint Joseph, My representative on earth as protector of the Holy Family, the authority to protect the Church, that is the Body of Christ.  He will be the protector during the trials of this time.  The Immaculate Heart of My daughter, Mary, and the Sacred Heart of My Beloved Son, Jesus, with the Chaste and Pure Heart of Saint Joseph, will be the shield for your homes and for your family, and your refuge during the events to come.

            “My Words are My Blessing over all of you.  Whoever will act according to My Will, will be safe.  The Powerful Love of the Holy Family will be manifested to all.  I AM your Father, These are My Words!”

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Our Lady as Ark of the Covenant

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SEPTUAGESIMA SUNDAY – began February 9, 2020 – Lent is Coming

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Our Lady and February 11

Our Lady and February 11

February 11 – Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes

On December 8, 1854, Pope Pius IX proclaimed the dogma of the Immaculate Conception in the apostolic constitution Ineffabilis Deus. A little more than three years later, on February 11, 1858, a young Lady appeared to Bernadette Soubirous. This began a series of visions. During the apparition on March 25, the Lady identified Herself with the words: “I am the Immaculate Conception.”

Quoting Pope Saint John Paul II: “After my election as Pope, as I became more involved in the problems of the Universal Church, I came to have a similar conviction: On this universal level, if victory comes it will be brought by the Blessed Virgin Mary. Christ will Conquer through Her, because He wants the Church’s victories now, and in the future, to be Linked to Her.” (Crossing the Threshold of Hope, pp. 220-221)

From the OUR LADY OF AMERICA booklet (click link below) – the 11th of 12 Ways Our Lady Appeared:

  1. “Our Lady of Lourdes” (The Immaculate Conception) – “I had another of those “experiences” of which you have already heard, Father, many times. Though I had not at that time been thinking of Her, She suddenly appeared at my side. This person was none other than St. Bernadette. She did not come as a Sister but as the little peasant girl who saw “The Lady”. I was transported, somehow, with her, to the Lourdes Grotto in France. We stood a short distance away from it looking up into the niche which was filled with Light. In the midst of this brilliant Light I saw “The Lady” (the Immaculate Conception), so Beautiful, so Glowing, as it were, in Light that I could scarcely see the outline of Her figure. It was Brighter than any light I have ever seen. It was a Light All-Heavenly and Full of Glory. I was transfixed. Then suddenly the figure of Our Lady seemed to dissolve in the Light but the Brilliant Light itself remained. Then I saw a path, at times it seemed to take the form of steps, leading upwards from the niche where “The Lady” had been standing. Every so often as I gazed at this Luminous Pathway, I caught a glimpse of Angels. I was anxious to follow the Path of Light and as I eagerly endeavored to do so, Bernadette held me back. Then I exclaimed, “But I want to go there.” The Saint answered, “No, my sister, it is not yet time for you, but it will be soon.” (Sister to Rev. Leibold 4/12/58)

click here  for full booklet:

“Our Lady has asked that a statue be made as she Appeared on the Sept. 26th, 1956 (Pictured on cover – Our Lady of America). After being solemnly carried in procession in the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Wash. D.C., She desires that there it be enshrined in the place of honor and to be venerated there, in a special way as ‘Our Lady of America, the Immaculate Virgin’. It is at this Shrine She has Promised to Work Wonders. She Desires also that a small statue or picture of this same likeness be honored in every home.”

Our Lady of America’s Request of 64 years ago remains, to have Her Bishops process Her statue into Her Basilica in Washington D.C. and give Her a place of honor there. “I come to you, O children of America, as a last resort. I Plead with you to listen to My Voice.” (Sister to Rev. Leibold 11/15/56)

Also on Feb 11 – Our Lady of All Nations to Ida Peerdeman in 1951

The “Lady of All Nations” apparitions took place from 1945 to 1959 in Amsterdam, Netherlands, to the visionary Ida Peerdeman. On May 31, 2002, the apparitions received local Church approval when Bishop Josef Punt of Haarlem-Amsterdam officially declared the essence of the apparitions and messages “to consist of a supernatural origin.”

On February 11, 1951, the Lady of All Nations dictates to the seer a new prayer directed to Jesus, beseeching him to for a New Pentecost through the Advocacy of Mary, in order to prevent “degeneration, disasters and war.”

Lord, Jesus Christ,
Son of the Father,
Send now your spirit over the earth.
Let the Holy Spirit live in the hearts of all nations,
That they may be preserved from degeneration, disasters, and war.
May the Lady of All Nations, the Blessed Virgin Mary,
Be our Advocate. Amen.

Further instructions from Our Lady direct that this “Prayer of the Lady of All Nations” should be spread throughout the world in preparation for the new dogma.

“I stand here and come to tell you that I wish to be Mary, the Lady of All Nations. Look carefully. I am standing before the Cross of the Redeemer. My head, hands and feet as of a human being, as of the Son of Man; the body as of the Spirit. I have firmly placed my feet upon the globe, for in this time the Father and the Son wants to bring me into this world as Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate. This will be the new and final Marian dogma. This image will precede. This dogma will be much disputed, yet it will be carried through…”

The single most significant message of the entire Amsterdam apparitions concerning the dogma occurs on May 31, 1954, at that time, the feast of Mary, Mediatrix of all Graces. Our Lady will invoke theologians and bishops (apostles) to work and ask for the dogma, instructing them that “you must petition the Holy Father for this Dogma.” Our Lady will grant a vision which explains the three titles in one whole; a further vision of the Holy Father in St. Peter’s Basilica pronouncing the dogma; as well as the promise that once the dogma is declared, the Lady of All Nations will bring peace, true peace, to the world.


Lightning struck the cupola of St. Peter’s Basilica – a dramatic sign!!

Perhaps Our Lady of America is awaiting Her procession in the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Washington DC as She requested of Her children of the United States as Her “last resort”, to then Grant the Grace for the fulfillment of Her Wishes at Fatima (Consecration of Russia to Her Immaculate Heart) and the 5th Dogma – Mediatrix, Co-Redemptrix and Advocate!!


Our Lady of America – The Immaculate Virgin Pray for us!!


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St. Anibal and the Hours of the Passion

Santo Aníbal e as Horas da Paixão

(Portuguese Text of article by Eliane Donaire, published in, January 2020)

Pouco depois ter conhecido a serva de Deus Luísa Piccarreta, o então padre Aníbal Maria di Francia (1851-1927), fundador dos Padres Rogacionistas e das Filhas do Divino Zelo, tornou-se seu confessor extraordinário e revisor eclesiástico de seus escritos, chegando a publicar as quatro primeiras edições do livro “As 24 Horas da Paixão de Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo”. Um dos acontecimentos que mais se recorda a respeito do empenho de Santo Aníbal em difundir esta obra, a qual acredita-se piedosamente ter sido ditada pelo próprio Jesus, é o daquela ocasião em que ele levou o livro das Horas da Paixão ao Santo Padre São Pio X e, enquanto lia em voz alta algumas páginas, o Papa o interrompeu dizendo: “Padre, assim não; este livro deve ler-se de joelhos, é Jesus Quem fala”.

A primeira publicação foi feita em 1915 e santo Aníbal planejava preparar ainda as edições em francês, português, espanhol, inglês e polaco.

No parágrafo seguinte, extraída de uma de suas cartas a Luísa Piccarreta, podemos ver o envolvimento do santo na missão que Deus mesmo lhe havia confiado: “Ontem ao escrever aos meus tipógrafos de Oria, que me diziam que para poderem andar mais depressa tinham necessidade de comprar na fábrica novos caracteres tipográficos, respondi-lhes que os comprassem. Oh, se eu me encontrasse com forças como na minha juventude, voaria até Oria, para ser eu próprio a fazer este trabalho divino!

Quando já estava com a saúde debilitada, Santo Aníbal escreveu a Luísa: “…Um irmão leigo, muito paciente, tem ficado todas as noites, velando junto da minha cama e reza-me as orações da Divina Vontade”.

Vê-se claramente que Santo Aníbal não somente dedicou-se em difundir as Horas da Paixão como também as meditou.

Ele sabia o bem que faria a toda humanidade as reflexões, a prática e as reparações contidas na meditação destas Horas, não só para aquela época.

Um século depois, as Horas da Paixão são meditadas em diversas partes do mundo, em vários idiomas e, claro, no Brasil, em português, como era o desejo de Aníbal, considerado o primeiro apóstolo da Divina Vontade.

Viva essa experiência!

St. Anibal and the Hours of the Passion (English translation)

(English translation of Portuguese Text of article by Eliane Donaire, published in, January 2020)

Shortly after having met the servant of God Luísa Piccarreta, then Father Aníbal Maria di Francia (1851-1927), founder of the Rogationist Fathers and Daughters of the Divine Zeal, became her extraordinary confessor and ecclesiastical reviewer of her writings,  publishing the first four editions of the book “The 24 Hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ”. One of the events that is most remembered about St. Anibal’s efforts to spread this work, which is piously believed to have been dictated by Jesus Himself, is that occasion when he took the book of the Hours of Passion to the Holy Father Saint Pius X and, while reading a few pages aloud, the Pope interrupted him saying: “Father, not like that; this book must be read on its knees, it is Jesus who speaks ”.

The first publication was made in 1915 and St. Aníbal planned to prepare the editions in French, Portuguese, Spanish, English and Polish.

In the following paragraph, extracted from one of his letters to Luísa Piccarreta, we can see the saint’s involvement in the mission that God himself had entrusted to him: “Yesterday when writing to my typographers from Oria, who told me that in order to be able to work faster they needed of buying new typefaces at the factory, I told them to buy them. Oh, if I found myself with strengths as in my youth, I would fly to Oria, to do this divine work myself! ”

When he was in poor health, St. Aníbal wrote to Luísa: “… A lay brother, very patient, has stayed every night, watching over my bed and praying the prayers of the Divine Will”.

It is clear that St. Aníbal not only devoted himself to spreading the Hours of the Passion but also meditated on them.

He knew the good that the reflections, the practice and the reparations contained in the meditation of these Hours would do to all humanity, not only for that time.

A century later, the Hours of Passion are meditated in different parts of the world, in several languages ​​and, of course, in Brazil, in Portuguese, as was the wish of Anibal, considered the first apostle of the Divine Will.

Live this experience!

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January 10, 2000, Sister Mary Ephrem Completed her life on earth

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We pray each and every day that the Bishops Process Our Lady of America into Basilica in Washington DC

It’s High Time Our Bishops Process Our Lady of America into the Basilica in Washington, DC

We pray each and every day that the Bishops Process Our Lady of America into the Basilica in Washington, DC

Fr Richard Heilman August 16, 2018

On September 26, 1956, Our Lady appeared to Sister Mary Ephrem and called her children in America to dedicate their lives to her purity. She said:

My child, I entrust you with this message that you must make known to my children in America. I wish it to be the country dedicated to my purity. The wonders I will work will be the wonders of the soul. They must have faith and believe firmly in my love for them. I desire that they be the children of my Pure Heart. I desire, through my children in America, to further the cause of faith and purity among peoples and nations. Let them come with confidence and simplicity, and I, their Mother, will teach them to become pure like to my Heart that their own hearts may be more pleasing to the Heart of my Son.

Sister Mildred said that Our Lady called herself “Our Lady of America” in response to the love and desire that reached out for this special title in the hearts of her children in America. This title is a sign of Our Lady’s pleasure in the devotion of her children of America towards her, and her visit was a response to the longing, conscious or unconscious, in the hearts of her children in America.

She entrusted Sister, as she said, with “this message that you must make known to my children in America.” to “further the cause of faith and purity among people and nations, especially through its youth.”

“The devotion to Our Lady of America,” according to Patrick Archbold …

“has its source in private revelations to Sister Mary Ephrem (baptized Mildred) Neuzil, who was born in 1916 and was professed, in 1933, in the Congregation of the Sisters of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus, which has its generalate in Dayton, Ohio. She had a number of mystical experiences culminating in vision of Our Lady under the title of Our Lady of America in the late 1950’s.

Our Lady’s messages to Sister Mary Ephrem Neuzil have been approved by and promoted by several bishops. For further information, none other than Raymond Cardinal Burke has investigated these apparitions and submitted a positive written report on the matter to his fellow bishops in 2007.

In her messages to Sister, Our Lady called for all of us to exercise the virtue of purity, particularly within the family. She asked that a statue be created of her likeness under the title of Our Lady of America. Further, she asked that the Bishops of the United States solemnly process her statue into the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington D.C. as she wishes to be honored there in a special way as Our Lady of America, the Immaculate Virgin.

Our Lady promised that if the Bishops did so, great graces would pour forth and that greater miracles than those granted at Lourdes and Fatima, miracles not of the body but of the soul, would be granted here in America, the United States in particular, if we would do as she desires. These graces would help bring about the era of peace that she promised at Fatima. However, failure to do so would lead us to terrible suffering and punishment for the world.”

Below is the 2007 letter from Cardinal (then Archbishop) Raymond Burke to the USSCB, stating that the way is left open to heed Our Lady’s request to process Our Lady of America into the Basilica of the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC.

Now, over 11 years later, our bishops have ignored this call. This is received by many, including me, that they believe this is nothing more than “crazy superstitious nonsense” from those rigid Catholics. Do many of these bishops believe, any more, in the supernatural?

What an incredible act of humility this would be, in leu of the present “bishops scandal,” to act now. It would be a sign that these bishops still actually believe in the supernatural power of God … many wonder about that.

I propose that they get on buses from Baltimore, at their USCCB Fall General Assembly in November, and fulfill Our Lady’s request.

Cardinal Burke’s Letter

In a letter to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Archbishop Burke, then the Ordinary of St. Louis, Missouri, now Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, revealed the results of his review of the history and canonical status of devotion to Our Lady of America. See the original letter.

May 31, 2007 — Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

To the Bishops of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops:

Dear brothers in Christ,

During the November meeting of our Conference of Bishops, you may have had occasion to view the statue of Our Lady of America, which was displayed in one of the meeting rooms; and to receive one of the Our Lady of America prayer cards or other information about Our Lady of America, which was available, thanks to the devout lay faithful who made the arrangements for the display of the statue. The faithful involved in the promotion of the devotion to Our Lady of America have asked me, some months ago, to review the history and present state of the devotion to Our Lady of America, in what pertains to its canonical status. Finally, I am able to give them a report of the results of my study, which I want also to communicate to you.

The devotion to Our Lady of America has its source in private revelations to Sister Mary Ephrem (baptized Mildred) Neuzil, who was born in 1916 and was professed, in 1933, in the Congregation of the Sisters of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus, which has its generalate in Dayton, Ohio. She later became part of a contemplative branch of the same congregation. The contemplative branch was located at Our Lady of the Nativity Convent at New Riegel, Ohio. After the suppression of the contemplative branch in 1979, the Sisters who were members took up residence in Seneca County, Ohio. From the time of the suppression, Sister Mary Ephrem used her baptismal name, Sister Mary Mildred Neuzil. Sister Mary Ephrem (Mary Mildred) died in 2000. One of the Sisters survives and continues to live in Seneca County, Ohio.

Having reviewed the correspondence between Sister Mary Ephrem and her spiritual director of many years, Monsignor Paul F. Leibold, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, who later became the Bishop of Evansville and, then, Archbishop of Cincinnati, it is clear that the devotion, as proposed by Sister Mary Ephrem, received his approbation. In addition to the correspondence by which Monsignor Leibold declared the approval of the devotion, he also carried out the first of Our Lady of America’s requests, made through Sister Mary Ephrem, namely, he had a medal struck with the image of Our Lady of America on one side and the coat of arms of the Christian family on the other.

The coat of arms symbolically represents the substance of the private revelation received by Sister Mary Ephrem, namely, the Indwelling of the Holy Trinity in the Christian home, which is the source of life and unity in the family. The coat of arms points to the purity and selflessness of love in the family, because of the Indwelling of the Holy Trinity, the model of which is the Mother of God, under her title of the Immaculate Conception, patroness of our nation. In a particular way, Our Lady of America expressed her desire that the United States of America, through her intercession, be devoted to the purity of love. She identified herself to Sister Mary Ephrem as “Our Lady of America, The Immaculate Virgin.” In the consecration of our nation to our Blessed Mother, made in 1959 at the National Shrine and renewed, in our name, by Bishop David Ricken on November 11, 2006, the Saturday before the November meeting of our Conference of Bishops, our Blessed Mother is addressed as “Immaculate Virgin.”

The contents of the private revelation received by Sister Mary Ephrem were published in a booklet, first in 1960, and, again, in 1971. Both of these editions were published with the Imprimatur of Archbishop Leibold. A final edition, with some new contents, was published in 1989. The new contents were added at the direction of Father Edmund Morman, S.V.D., the last chaplain of Our Lady of the Nativity Convent at New Riegel. Father Morman was sadly killed in an automobile accident on February 17, 1986.

As Archbishop of Cincinnati, Archbishop Leibold commissioned a wooden plaque with the image of Our Lady of America, which he gave to the cloister at New Riegel, at which it was displayed for many years in a public area. He had the wooden plaque created for the specific purpose of its use in processions at the New Riegel convent.

Archbishop Leibold also authorized the Weberding Woodcarving Shop at Batesville, Indiana, to carve a statue of Our Lady of America. The statue was carved for Our Lady of the Nativity Convent at New Riegel, Ohio, at which public devotions to Our Lady of America were regularly celebrated.

Other bishops have permitted the public display of a statue of Our Lady of America for devotion. For instance, the late Bishop William G. Connare of Greensburg permitted a statue to be displayed at the Carmel of the Assumption at Latrobe, Pennsylvania. Also, a statue of Our Lady of America was carried in procession in the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C., on several occasions by the Apostolatus Uniti and other groups. On May 31, 2006, a statue of Our Lady of America was enthroned at the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament and Our Lady of the Angels Monastery in Hanceville, Alabama, by the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate. The statue which was enthroned at Hanceville is the very same statue which Bishop Connare authorized for public devotion at Latrobe.

A specific request of Our Lady of America was that her statue be placed in the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. There is a providential connection between Sister Mary Ephrem and the late Archbishop Bishop John Francis Noll of the Diocese of Fort Wayne, who is celebrated as the Apostle of the National Shrine. The principal apparitions of Our Lady of America to Sister Mary Ephrem took place in the chapel of the Precious Blood Sisters Convent in Kneipp Springs Sanitorium, near Rome City, Indiana. Archbishop Bishop Noll, who died in 1956, maintained a summer residence at the Sanitorium, within a few hundred feet of the place of the apparitions. While the National Shrine is the largest shrine in the world at which there was not a previous apparition, the private revelation to Sister Mary Ephrem very much confirms the mission of the National Shrine.

The prayer attached to the devotion also received the imprimatur of the then Monsignor Leibold, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Archbishop Leibold was Sister Mary Ephrem’s spiritual director from the time that he was Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati until he died in1972. Archbishop Leibold was always clear that the approved devotion had its origin in private revelation received by Sister Mary Ephrem over many years.

What can be concluded canonically is that the devotion was both approved by Archbishop Leibold and, what is more, was actively promoted by him. In addition, over the years, other Bishops have approved the devotion and have participated in public devotion to the Mother of God, under the title of Our Lady of America.

Although the devotion to Our Lady of America has remained constant over the years, in recent years the devotion has spread very much and has been embraced by many with special fervor. Seemingly, as has been suggested by Father Peter Damian Mary Fehlner, F.I., in his homily of August 5, 2006, at the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Hanceville, the moral crisis of our time, which demands a new teaching and living of the virtue of purity, has found an especially fitting response of loving care from the Mother of God in her message to Sister Mary Ephrem.

Some have raised with me the canonical question regarding the status of Our Lady of the Nativity Convent in Seneca County, Ohio, which has been the residence of any remaining member of the suppressed contemplative branch of the Congregation of Sisters of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus. In response, I observe that the canonical question has no bearing on the devotion or its approbation.

As one deeply devoted to fostering the devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe in our nation, I have wondered about the relationship of the devotion to Our Lady of America to the devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe. Archbishop Leibold, in fact, raised the question with Sister Mary Ephrem. Sister Mary Ephrem responded that Our Lady of Guadalupe is Empress of all the Americas, whereas “Our Lady of America, The Immaculate Virgin,” is the patroness of our nation, the United States of America. The two devotions are, in fact, completely harmonious. As our late and most beloved Pope John Paul II reminded us, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mother of America and Star of the New Evangelization, draws all of the nations of America into unity in carrying out the new evangelization. Our Lady of America calls the people of our nation to the new evangelization through a renewed dedication to purity in love.

I hope that the above may be of some help to you in responding to questions regarding the devotion to Our Lady of America.

May the Immaculate Virgin intercede for the intentions of our dioceses and our nation. With fraternal gratitude and esteem, I remain

Yours devotedly in Christ,

(Most Rev.) Raymond L. Burke Archbishop of Saint Louis

Many believe it is “high time” for our bishops to heed the call of Our Lady of America, and process her image into the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.

Our Lady of America, pray for us!

Fr Richard Heilman

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Happy and Blessed New Year in the Most Holy Divine Will

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Four Exorcists Urge Day of Fasting, Prayer and Reparation

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Harvard Professor’s Conversion to Catholicism

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