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Luisa and St. Annibale Maria di Francia – Feast Day June 1

Luisa and St. Annibale Maria di Francia

 V22 – 6.1.27St. Annibale Maria di Francia to Heaven 1927Luisa: “I saw the blessed soul of father (St. Annibale Maria di Francia) before me, near my bed, Invested with Light, Suspended from the earth, fixing on me, but without telling me one word.  I too felt mute before him, and Jesus added:  “Look at him, how Transformed he is.  My Will is Light, and has Transformed that soul into Light; It is Beautiful, and has Given him all the Tints of Perfect Beauty; It is Holy, and he has been Sanctified.  My Will Possesses All Sciences, and his soul has been Invested by Divine Science.  There is nothing which My Will has not Given to him.  Oh! if all understood what Divine Will means, they would put everything aside, they would care about doing nothing else, and their whole commitment would be to do My Will alone… the Miracle which the Divine Will wants you to make is that of Giving My Will to creatures, and of making It Known in order to let It Reign.  With this Miracle you will do more than anything; you will place the Salvation, the Sanctity, the Nobility of creatures in Safety, and will also banish their corporal maladies, caused by the fact that My Divine Will does not Reign.  Not only this, but you will place a Divine Will in Safety in the midst of creatures, and will Give Back to It All the Glory and the Honor which human ingratitude has taken away from It.  This is why I did not allow that you would make the Miracle of healing him (Father di Francia); but you made for him the Great Miracle of letting him know My Will, and he left the earth with the Possession of It.  And now he Enjoys, in the Sea of the Light of the Divine Will – and this is More than anything.”

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Luisa, Who Jesus Finds Voluntarily in His Will

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Our Lady appears as “Queen of Heaven” to Sister Mary Ephrem on May 31,1957

Friday May 31, 2019

Diary of Messages – Our Lady of America

Download the booklet of messages Our Lady of America communicated to Sister Mary Ephrem at . The late Archbishop, Paul F. Leibold of Cincinnati, approved the content of Sister Mary Ephrem’s diary and the messages from May 22, 1954 thru December 20, 1959.


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Novena for Pentecost with Our Lady of America through Luisa Piccarreta – Begins May 31

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Luisa Forms and Environment all of Love for Jesus

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Prayer with Luisa for the Solemnity of the Ascension of Our Lord

Solemnity of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ into Heaven

Abba Father,

In the Name of Jesus,

in the Unity, Power and Love of the Holy Spirit,

Under the Mantle of the Blessed Virgin Mary,

with All the Angels and Saints,

through the Intercession

of the little daughter of the Divine Will

Luisa Piccarreta,

on the Solemnity of the Ascension,

Lord Jesus, with the Insignia of a New Innocent Adam, You Ascended into Heaven, Impetrating with Your Death the Kingdom of the Divine Will. You Who Prayed for two thousand years, Let the Light of the Divine Will Vivify and Heal all human wills and Transform them. Cast the Root of Your Divine Will into all hearts, Laying the Kingdom of Heaven upon earth, in the midst of the human generations. (V26-5.12.29)

Blessed Mother, Mother and Queen of the Divine Will, being Present in Heaven at the Great Feast of the Ascension of Your Divine Son, Jesus, may you enclose in us the Operating Life of the Divine Will that Luisa possesses. Jesus, Our Savior and Our King, Make us Ascend in the Divine Will, One with Luisa. (Day Twenty-nine – The Queen of Heaven in the Kingdom of the Divine Will)

One with Luisa and the Blessed Mother, may we accompany You Lord Jesus in Your Ascension into Heaven. May we say, ‘How Beautiful You are – All Majesty, Clothed with Most Refulgent Light.’ May we be the first children of the Kingdom of Your Divine Will and receive the Grace to lay down our lives in order call everyone to Live in this Kingdom, so Holy.  May the Beauty, the Enchantment, the Peace of the Divine Fiat be given to everyone, through Luisa, whereby Fulfilling the Mission of Our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Lady, Mother and Queen of the Divine Will. May we become like the New Adam and New Eve, possessing the Inheritance of Jesus and Mary through Union with the little daughter of the Divine Will Luisa Piccarreta. (V34–5.20.36)

Echoing Luisa’s prayer, we pray: ‘I leave and I stay.  I leave for Heaven to Beatify It, to reach my Home and to make Known to everyone my Dear Jesus, whom I have enclosed in my act. May everyone Enjoy Jesus and Love Jesus. I also remain on earth, as my Life, as well as my Support and Defense for All my brothers and sisters.’ (V35-1.24.38)

Please accept this humble prayer

and make it Your Command.

May the Coming of the Kingdom

and the Fulfillment of the prayer to You,

Our Heavenly Father,

“May Your Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven”

be all Accomplished and Completed

in Your Most Holy Divine Will.


Fiat! Amen!

So Be It!!!


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Ember and Rogation Days – Fr. Ripperger – May 27-29

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Luisa’s Humanity Serves Jesus as Cathedra

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Luisa is Kept Under a Thick Rain of Love

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Luisa, Who Jesus has Placed Many Treasures in

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