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Luisa has the Office of Jesus’ Will

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Luisa, Without her, Minutes Seem Like Centuries to the Divine Trinity

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New Era Our Lady Announces

From the Marian Movement of Priests:

453                                                                Rubbio (Vicenza, Italy); August 15, 1991

Solemnity of the Assumption

of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven

The New Era

a   “Today, beloved sons, contemplate me in the splendor of my glorified body, assumed into the glory of paradise.  Live in joy and confidence the last times of this, your second Advent, by looking to me as to the sign of sure hope and of consolation.

b   The new era, which awaits you, corresponds to a particular encounter of love, of light and of life between paradise, where I am in perfect blessedness with the angels and the saints, and earth, where you, my children, live in the midst of many dangers and innumerable tribulations.  This is the heavenly Jerusalem, which comes down from heaven upon earth, to transform it completely and to thus shape the new heavens and the new earth.

c   The new era, toward which you are journeying, is bringing all creation to the perfect glorification of the Most Holy Trinity.  The Father receives his greatest glory from every creature which reflects his light, his love and his divine splendor.  The Son restores his reign of grace and of holiness, setting free every creature from the slavery of evil and of sin.  The Holy Spirit pours out in fullness his holy gifts, leads to the understanding of the whole truth, and renews the face of the earth.

d The new era, which I announce to you, coincides with the complete fulfillment of the divine Will, so that at last there is coming about that which Jesus taught you to ask for, from the Heavenly Father: ‘Your Will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.’ (Mt 6:10)  This is the time when the divine Will of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit is being accomplished by the creatures.  From the perfect fulfillment of the divine Will, the whole world is becoming renewed, because God finds there, as it were, his new garden of Eden, where He can dwell in loving companionship with his creatures.

e   The new era, which is just now beginning, brings you to a full communion of life with those who have preceded you and who, here in paradise, enjoy perfect happiness.  You see the splendor of the heavenly hierarchy; you communicate with the saints of paradise; you relieve the purifying sufferings of the souls who are still in purgatory.  You experience, in a strong and visible way, the consoling truth of the communion of saints.

f    The new era, which I am preparing for you, coincides with the defeat of Satan and of his universal reign.  All his power is destroyed.  He is bound, with all the wicked spirits, and shut up in hell from which he will not be able to get out to do harm in the world.  Herein, Christ reigns in the splendor of his glorified body, and the Immaculate Heart of your heavenly Mother triumphs in the light of her body, assumed into the glory of paradise.

 g   This feast of mine, which bids you to look to your heavenly Mother, assumed into heaven, thus becomes for you a reason for deep joy and great confidence.

h   In the midst of the innumerable sufferings of the times through which you are living, you look upon me as a sign of sure hope and of consolation, because I am the luminous door which opens upon the new era that has been prepared for you by the Most Holy Trinity.”

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Who is the Real Enemy of the Catholic Church

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Luisa is Light that Illuminates…

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Links of Audio Recordings for the Writings of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta

Below are the links of some audio recordings of the Writings of Luisa in English available so far.  (as a personal way to read, study and meditate).
(Audios:  The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will, The Hours of the Passion, Notebook of Childhood Memories,  Volumes 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 14, 15, 33, 34, 35, 36)

(Audios:  Volumes 1, 7)
(Text – All Writings)

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Luisa has Won the Divine Will

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Luisa Lives of God’s Reflections

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Luisa’s Life is Formed inside the Divine Being

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Tears of Our Lady Chaplet

Tears of Our Lady Chaplet

Crown of Tears

The Tears of Our Lady Chaplet – (Rosary)

See History of this devotion as revealed to Sister Amalia Aguirre (1901- 1977)

Begin the Chaplet (Pray it as a rosary. Instead of 5 decades say 7 groups of 7 prayers)
Crucified Jesus! We fall at Your Feet and offer You the Tears of Her Who with Deep Compassionate Love accompanied You on Your Sorrowful Way of the Cross. Grant, O Good Master, that we take to heart the Lessons which the Tears of Your Most Holy Mother teach us, so that we may Fulfill Your Holy Will on earth, that we may be worthy to Praise and Exalt You in Heaven for all Eternity. Amen

Sorrows of Our Lady

1 Prophecy of Simeon. Meditate the Sorrow Our Lady had knowing the Sufferings of Jesus in advance.
Hail Mary.
Oh Jesus, look upon the Tears of Her Who Loved You Most on earth, R. and Loves You Most Ardently in Heaven.
7 times. O Jesus, hear our prayers R. For the sake of Your Most Holy Mother’s Tears.

2 Flight to Egypt. Meditate the exile, Herod’s persecution, Our Lady’s Sorrows for the death of the Holy Innocents.
Hail Mary.
Oh Jesus, look upon the Tears of Her Who Loved You Most on earth, R. and Loves You Most Ardently in Heaven.
7 times. O Jesus, hear our prayers R. For the sake of Your Most Holy Mother’s Tears.

3 The loss of the child in Jerusalem of three days. Meditate the Sorrows of Our Lady in her Motherly Heart.
Hail Mary.
Oh Jesus, look upon the Tears of Her Who Loved You Most on earth, R. and Loves You Most Ardently in Heaven.
7 times. O Jesus, hear our prayers R. For the sake of Your Most Holy Mother’s Tears.

4 Jesús carries the cross. Meditate the tortures of Jesus caused by the scourging, the crowning with thorns, the suffering for the wound on his shoulder, his falls and the painful stripping of his garments.
Hail Mary.
Oh Jesus, look upon the Tears of Her Who Loved You Most on earth, R. and Loves You Most Ardently in Heaven.
7 times. O Jesus, hear our prayers R. For the sake of Your Most Holy Mother’s Tears.

5 Crucifixion of Jesús, his agony and death. Meditate about this abyss of sufferings, and the piercing of His Sacred Heart by the lance.
Hail Mary.
Oh Jesus, look upon the Tears of Her Who Loved You Most on earth, R. and Loves You Most Ardently in Heaven.
7 times. O Jesus, hear our prayers R. For the sake of Your Most Holy Mother’s Tears.

6 Our Lady receives the lifeless body of Jesus in her arms. Meditate the sentiments of Our Lady at that time.
Hail Mary.
Oh Jesus, look upon the Tears of Her Who Loved You Most on earth, R. and Loves You Most Ardently in Heaven.
7 times. O Jesus, hear our prayers R. For the sake of Your Most Holy Mother’s Tears.

7 Jesus is taken to the tomb. Meditate the Sufferings of Our Lady until the moment of the Resurrection.
Hail Mary.
Oh Jesus, look upon the Tears of Her Who Loved You Most on earth, R. and Loves You Most Ardently in Heaven.
7 times. O Jesus, hear our prayers R. For the sake of Your Most Holy Mother’s Tears.

At the end
Say three times:
Oh Jesus, look upon the Tears of Her Who Loved You Most on earth, R. and Loves You Most Ardently in Heaven.

Final Prayer
O Mary, Mother of Love, Sorrow and Mercy, we beg you to unite Your prayers with ours so that Jesus, Your Divine Son, to Whom we turn may hear our petitions in the Name of Your Maternal Tears and may give us in addition to the favors we ask, the Crown of Everlasting Life. Amen.

Oh Sorrowful Mother, destroy the kingdom of satan with Your Holy Tears.
Oh Jesus bound and chained, through Your Divine Humility, defend the world from the errors that threaten it. Amen.

Graces granted by Our Lady

The Blessed Virgin Mary grants Seven Graces to the souls who honor Her daily by saying seven Hail Mary’s and meditating on Her Tears and Dolours (Sorrows). This devotion was revealed to Saint Bridget.

1  I will grant Peace to their families.
2  They will be Enlightened about the Divine Mysteries.
3  I will console them in their pains and I will accompany them in their work.
4  I will give them as much as they ask for as long as it does not oppose the Adorable Will of My Divine Son or the Sanctification of their souls.
5  I will defend them in their spiritual battles with the infernal enemy and I will protect them at every instant of their lives.
6  I will visibly help them at the moment of their death, they will see the Face of their Mother.
7  I have obtained from My Divine Son, that those who propagate this devotion to My Tears and Dolours, will be taken directly from this earthly life to Eternal Happiness since all their sins will be forgiven and My Son and I will be their Eternal Consolation and Joy.
Sister Amalia

Sister Amalia Aguirre (1901- 1977)
Born in Rios, Spain. After 1920 entered in the Association of Missionaries to of Jesus Crucified in Brazil, then Monsignor Count Francisco de Campos Barreto founded the Congregation where Sister Amalia took part.

On the 8th of November 1828, she was visited by a sick relative whose wife was about to die. Being very concerned for her and for her children who would become orphans, she prostrated herself in prayer before the Lord and offered herself as a victim for her healing.

Sister Amalia suffered the stigmata, (the wounds of Christ)
Prostrated before the Blessed Sacrament, she asked the Lord: What do you want me to do?

Jesús responded: if you wish to receive this Grace, ask me through the Tears of My Mother.

She asked: And how must I pray?

Jesús replied with these invocations: Oh Jesus, look upon the Tears of Her Who Loved You Most on earth and Loves You Most Ardently in Heaven.

After these affirmations, Jesus said to Sister Amalia: My daughter. Anything that anyone asks Me through the Tears of My Mother, I will grant it with Much Love. Later on, My Mother will give you this Treasure for our beloved Institute (her congregation) as a Magnet of Mercy.

Four months after the Apparition of Jesus, on the 8th of March 1930, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to Sister Amalia when she was praying before the Blessed Sacrament. She said: “This is the Rosary of My Tears, that was promised by My Son to our beloved Institute as part of its legacy. He already gave you the prayers. My Son wants to Honor Me especially with those invocations, furthermore, He will grant all favors asked through the Merits of My Tears. This rosary will obtain the conversion of many sinners, especially those possessed by the devil. A special Grace is reserved to the Institute of Jesus Crucified, mainly for the conversion of several member of a distant part of the Church. By means of this Rosary, the devil will be defeated and the power of hell destroyed. Arm yourselves for the Great Battle.”

Then She said: Daughter, I will speak about the Rosary that I bring in My Hands. Call it the “Crown of Tears”

When you come to My Feet, seeing in My Hands this Crown, remember that it means Mercy, Love and Pain!

I am the Mother of the Divine Mercy!
I cry before My Son the sins of all men and I am always interceding before the Throne of the Most High for the poor sinners.

When a sinner is rebellious and does not want to hear you, come to My Feet and ask through My Blessed Tears. If It is a soul of good will, you will reach from God the Grace for this soul not to be lost.

My Crown of Tears must remind you also My Great Love for sinners. Being Mother of all men and seeing many of them getting lost, I cried for those who being hardened run the risk of precipitating themselves into hell.

Why did I give it the Name of Crown? Because My Tears were Crowned by My Divine Son; they are Holy and many generations will exalt them for the benefits received by their intercession. My Son Crown them with so many privileges!

Jesus gave these Precious Pearls to this Institute so that they make part of its patrimony, the Crown of My Blessed Tears signifies that your Mother Loves you.

Make use of all their privileges, come to them with Confidence and Love.
Dear Soul, take advantage of these Lessons and meditate the meaning of Our Lady of Tears, I say it full of Love, I am the Mother of Missionaries.


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