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Titles of Luisa for Oct. 10

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New Holy League of Nations Reclaims Surrendered Ground! 57 nations united in prayer to Our Lady

7 OCTOBER, 2018 – FEAST OF OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY: At last count, 57 nations from around the world joined together to call out to God, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Michael and the nine Choirs of Angels, and all the Saints, to reclaim the surrendered ground of the planet earth back to God.


In many ways, most believed Satan had gained a “greater power”

throughout the world over the past several decades, primarily by capturing all of the major institutions. A Washington Times article [1]


_”For the past 50 years, every major institution has been captured by the radical secular left. The media, Hollywood, TV, universities, public schools, theater, the arts, literature – they relentlessly promote the false gods of sexual hedonism and radical individualism.”_

Most would add to this, “Government” and even the “Church.” Many of us ordinary Joes and Janes (Deplorables? Rigids?) have had their courage awakened with each new “revealed” outrageous and evil assault against the will of God. In fact, since October of last year (Centennial year of Our Lady of Fatima), God’s “revealing light” has been shone on more and more evil that was able to move unabated for decades under the cover of darkness. The first of these exposés was on October 5, 2017 (Feast of St. Faustina), with Harvey Weinstein. This catapulted us into the #metoo movement, and a tsunami wave of exposés would rapidly follow within every major institution, including the Church

By the grace of God, and the powerful intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, evil sees its power diminishing and, as a result, we are seeing a gigantic temper tantrum from every force of evil.

While tens of thousands prayed the 54 Day Rosary Novena from August 15 (Feast of the Assumption) to October 7 (Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary), more and more evil was being revealed. On the eve of Day One (August 15) of the 54 Day Rosary Novena, the Pennsylvania Grand Jury report on Catholic Church sex abuse went public. Seven days later, on the Feast of the Queenship of Mary, Archbishop Vigano penned his explosive 11-page letter exposing cover-up of sexual abuse in the Church at the highest levels.

It was during the final 9-days of the 54 Day Rosary Novena that we were exposed to some of the worst of evils. Radical secular forces were willing to destroy a man’s life – Judge Kavanaugh – in order to preserve their great sacrament of baby killing. It was during this time that we all called upon St. Michael and his army of angels, by way of the very powerful Chaplet of St. Michael. As horrifically evil this attack was, truth and goodness won out.

On October 6, the First Saturday of the month, Vice President Pence made it official – Senate vote in favor of Judge Kavanaugh – at precisely 3:00pm CST. Also, this was “exactly” 24 hours, to the minute, before the Worldwide Rosary. This is monumental, as it is possibly the most conservative constitutional Supreme Court since 1934. This means that, for a generation to come, radical secular forces will not be able to abuse the Supreme Court to implement their evil anti-God agenda.


The planning team for all of this was anchored at the USA Capitol in Washington, DC, in what was called the “National Rosary Rally.”

Concurrently, about 1300 sites around the United States were registered as having participated. While each site made their own plans, we asked everyone to pray the Glorious Mysteries at the exact same time: 4pm EST, 3pm CST, 2pm MST, 1pm PST. This concluded with the Militia Immaculata Marian Consecration.

Evil became very aggressive in the final days, leading up to October 7, as the “Arch of Baal” was planted on our Nation’s Capitol grounds. It was unveiled on the National Mall on September 26th, and it remained there until September 29th (the day we all started praying the Chaplet of St. Michael). Just one day after this arch was put up, Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford testified before Congress.

BAAL is one of the seven princes of Hell. [2] According to Christian demonology, Baal was ranked as the first and principal king in Hell, ruling over the East. Both Baal and Moloch are associated with child sacrifice and the lust for power. It has been pointed out that an arch is a “gateway”, and many are concerned that erecting this arch may be an open invitation for the entity or entities that were originally associated with this arch.

Planting this Arch of Baal on our Nation’s Capitol grounds is not unlike planting a flag to claim possession of a land. As Washington, DC is our Nation’s Capitol, evil was claiming all of America. This could not go unchallenged.

When our team looked to reserve a spot on the Capitol grounds for the October 7 National Rosary Rally, it is usually all about what area, of many areas, happens to be available. I was hoping we would end up on the same site as the arch. Well, I compared the photos of the Arch of Baal and the spot of the National Rosary Rally, and it appears we did, in fact, “happen” to land on the very same spot.

I knew we needed to reclaim surrendered territory, and we did. First, we had an exorcist with us who did an “exorcism of place” over all of our Nation’s Capitol. He told me he did it twice, for good measure.

Then, at the conclusion of the National Rosary Rally in front of our nation’s Capitol, I asked the 100s of Special Forces Prayer Warriors, present, to accept this mission ….

I brought out 100s of bottles of very powerful Epiphany Holy Water & Salt that was exorcised and blessed by Fr. Z in an hour long ritual on the Vigil of the Epiphany. Exorcists claim this is especially powerful stuff. Also, I brought 100s of Green Scapulars touched to a Relic of the True Cross that was rescued during the 1944 Normandy D-Day invasion (read about it HERE [3]).

I asked the 100s of Special Forces Prayer Warriors there to take these and go about the Capitol grounds, blessing with Holy Water and Bless Salt and hide the Green Scapulars everywhere.

The photos below were sent to me by one of the many, many groups following these orders.

I asked them to be discrete, as not to alarm security there, but some were questioned by security (and ended up with a nice selfie … see below).

GREAT JOB, SPECIAL FORCES PRAYER WARRIORS!! I am also referring to you as the “GRACE FORCE” … a new military branch I am launching in spiritual warfare. The primary duty of the “Grace Force” is to bring their “belief” in the power of God into all they ask of God. The primary action of the “Grace Force” is the extravagant use of sacramentals, primarily Holy Water and Blessed Salt. The feature scripture passage of the “Grace Force” is Mark 11:24:

“Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”

We will see what God will do with this, but on October 7, 2018, millions from around the world had their courage awakened and, collectively, we all said,


Holy League, PO Box 1266, La Crosse, WI 54602 Sent by

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Titles of Luisa for Oct. 7

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Gift of God is Love

XXVII Sunday in Ordinary Time

The gift of God is love


Dear brothers and sisters, Fiat!

Here is God’s plan for marriage and the transmission of life.

In the poetic account of creation it seems that God exults for every creature born from His hands and above all for His masterpiece, that is the creation of man and woman, not only as individuals, but as reflection and implementation on the earth of the life of the Trinity : ” Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; male and female He created them “.

In our time, marriage as also the life of man and woman many times are dirty and profaned. We know what is malice, instinct, sensuality, temptation; we know the crises that couples and families encounter on their journey, their separations and divorces, the suffering that all this causes in the spouses and their children.

But in all this, and today above all, God’s plan must be welcomed and announced. God presents marriage as a holy thing, a vocation to holiness, which means vocation to true happiness. Precisely because we live in a difficult time, full of temptations.  God’s thought and plan must shine, because He is the real help and true good for every person and for every family.

God has thought of marriage as a united and indissoluble reality, in the image of the Holy Trinity. Christ came to save the reality of marriage from all the pitfalls that it encounters. Christ presents Himself as the Spouse of the Church and the model of true love. St. Paul says: ” Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her”.

Marriage, which already has its great human value for all, has become a sacrament of Christ and of the Church: a sacred thing, a journey of love and holiness.

And here is true happiness. Certainly we have before our eyes many examples about this.

There are many people and families who faithfully live their Christian marriage despite their limitations. We possess the joy of the heart when we love, understand each other, forgive, are faithful, sacrifice ourselves for each other, welcome life and children become the greatest reality in a family. In fact, in the family we find the greatest acts of goodness, holiness, sacrifice and true love.

The gospel calls us to save loyalty to the loved one so that the family can not be destroyed. Furthermore the gospel invites  us to welcome children. Jesus presents children as models of simplicity and trust who teach everyone the way of the Lord.

When we pray, we must ask to be able to overcome all those things that pollute true love, so that in all, especially in young people and girls, a pure and great ideal of love and marriage can be cultivated.

We ask God for  the strength of fidelity and mutual commitment for spouses in everyday life. Let us invoke the Lord so that Christian spouses can be able to sanctify their lives by the example and by the grace of Jesus.

In revealing to Luisa the high truths about living in the Divine Will,  Jesus,often uses the image of Marriage and of the mutual love between  the spouses. For example on June 16, 1928, Luisa wrote that the Supreme Being made Its marriage with humanity at the beginning of Creation; and it happened as to a husband, when his wicked wife induces him to separate in court. But, in spite of this, an affection remains in his heart, and he thinks and yearns that, if his chosen one should change, “who knows… I may once again be able to unite and bind myself with her with the bond of marriage”; and therefore he often lets news reach her ear through messengers – that he loves her. So God did: even though the marriage with humanity was unbound in the divine court, He kept an affection and, though far away, he longed for the new bond of marriage with humanity; so much so, that He did not destroy the palace which He had formed with so much sumptuousness and magnificence, nor did He take away from her the good of the sun that formed the day, but He left everything, so that the very one who had offended Him might make use of it. Even more, He maintained the correspondence by choosing, from the very beginning of the world, now one of the good, now another, who were like messengers. And like many postmen, some brought the little letters, some the telegrams, some the phone calls from Heaven, in which it was announced that the far away spouse had not forgotten her, that he loved her, and that he wanted the return of the ungrateful spouse.

So, in the Old Testament, the more God multiplied the good, the patriarchs and the prophets, the more pressing were the invitations and the mail that ran between Heaven and earth, through which God was sending news – that He desired the new union. This is so true that, unable to contain the ardor of His love any longer, and since decayed humanity was not yet disposed at that time, He made an exception, espousing the Virgin Queen and the Humanity of the Word with bond of true marriage, so that, by virtue of them, decayed humanity might be lifted up again and Jesus might form the marriage with the entire humanity. So, Jesus’ Humanity formed the new engagement with her on the Cross, and everything He did and suffered, up to dying on the Cross, were all preparations in order to carry out the desired marriage in the Kingdom of the Divine Will. Now, after the engagement, there are pledges and gifts left to be exchanged, and these are the knowledges about the Divine Fiat. Through them, humanity is given back the great gift which man rejected in Eden – the eternal, infinite and endless gift of the Divine Will.

After the engagement, there are pledges and gifts left to be exchanged, and these are the knowledges about the Divine Fiat. Through them, humanity is given back the great gift which man rejected in Eden – the eternal, infinite and endless gift of the Divine Will. And this gift will attract decayed humanity so much, that she will give God, in exchange, the gift of her poor will, which will be the confirmation and the seal of the union of the spouses, after such a long chain of correspondence, of faithfulness on the part of God, and of inconstancy, ingratitude and coldness on the part of creatures.

So, man degraded himself and lost all goods because he went out of the Divine Will. In order to ennoble himself, to reacquire everything and receive the rehabilitation of the marriage with his Creator, he must enter once again the Divine Fiat from which he came. There are no ways in the middle; not even Jesus’ very Redemption is sufficient to make man return to the beginning of the happy era of his creation. Redemption is means, way, light, help – but not the end. The end is the Will, because It was the beginning and, by justice, one who is the beginning must also be the end. Therefore, humanity must be enclosed in the Divine Volition to be given back her noble origin, her happiness, and to place the marriage with her Creator in force once again.

Therefore, the great good that Jesus’ Redemption did to man is not enough for God’s love, but it yearns for more. True love never contents itself; only then is it content, when it can say: ‘I have nothing else to give him.’ And knowing that man can return to be happy, victorious, glorious, in the noble state in which he was created by God – and this, by means of the Divine Will reigning in their midst – this is why all the divine yearnings, the sighs, the manifestations, are directed toward making the Divine Will known in order to make It reign, so as to be able to say to God’s love: ‘Calm yourself, for Our beloved son has reached his destiny. He is now in possession of Our inheritance that was given to him in Creation, which is Our Fiat! And while he possesses what is Ours, We possess him. Therefore, the marriage is fulfilled once again, the spouses have returned to their place of honor; there is nothing left but to celebrate and enjoy a good so great, after so long a sorrow’.

don Marco

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Titles of Luisa for Oct. 6

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Jesus is Master

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Little Daily Sacrifice

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