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May 27
Novena Prayer leading up to Pentecost Sunday
(Pray this each day for the nine days leading up to Pentecost Sunday, from May 27 to June 4, 2022)
‘I Come To Give Love in Return for Everything which the Sanctifier Does to those who are To Be Sanctified. I Come to Enter into the Order of Grace, to Give You Glory and Return of Love, as if All had become Saints, and To Repair You for All the oppositions and lack of correspondence To Grace…”; and As Much As you Can, In Our Will you Search for the Acts of Grace of the Spirit Sanctifier, in order to Make your own – His Sorrow, His Secret Moans, His Anguishing Sighs in the depth of the hearts, on Seeing Himself unwelcome. And since the first act He Does is to Bring Our Will as the Complete Act of their Sanctification, on Seeing Himself Rejected, He Moans with Inexpressible Moans. And in your childlike simplicity, we pray to Him: ‘Spirit Sanctifier, Hurry, I Implore You, I Beg You, Let Everyone Know Your Will, so that, in Knowing It, they may Love It and Welcome Your Prime Act of their Complete Sanctification which is Your Holy Will!
Please take our humble prayer and make it Your Command! May All be Accomplished and Completed in Your Most Holy Divine Will!
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May 16
Anniversary of Canonization of St. Annibale Maria di Francia – May 16
Anniversary of Canonization of St. Annibale Maria di Francia (2004) – May 16
V22 – 6.1.2- Luisa: “I was feeling very afflicted, not only because of the privations of my Sweet Jesus, but also because I had received the unexpected news of the death of Reverend Father di Francia. He was the only one left to me, to whom I could open my poor soul. How well he could understand me – it was to a Saint that I would entrust myself, who had very much comprehended all the Value of what Jesus had Told me about the Divine Will. He had so much interest in it that, with insistence, he had taken all the writings with himself in order to publish them.” –
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May 13
Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament
Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament (Trad)
V21 – 4.16.27 – “Now, when I Instituted the Most Holy Sacrament, I Looked for this creature, and My Queen Mama Offered Herself to Receive this Act of Mine and the Deposit of this Great Gift, saying to Me: ‘My Son, just as I Offered You My Womb and My Whole Being in Your Conception, to Keep You Safe and Defended, I Now Offer You My Maternal Heart in Order to Receive this Great Deposit, and I Line Up, Around Your Sacramental Life, My Affections, My Heartbeats, My Love, My Thoughts – All of Myself, to Keep You Defended, Surrounded by Cortège, Loved, Protected. I Myself Take on the Commitment to Repay You for the Great Gift You are Giving. Trust Your Mama, and I will Take care of the Defense of Your Sacramental Life. And since You Yourself have Constituted Me Queen of All Creation, I have the Right to Line Up Around You All the Light of the sun as Homage and Adoration, the stars, the heavens, the sea, all the inhabitants of the air –I Place Everything Around You, to Give You Love and Glory.’ Now, Ensuring a Place for Myself in which to Put this Great Deposit of My Sacramental Life, and Trusting My Mama, who had Given Me All the Proofs of Her Faithfulness, I Instituted the Most Holy Sacrament. She was the Only Worthy creature who could Keep, Defend and Protect My Act. See, then, when creatures receive Me, I Descend into them Together with the Acts of My Inseparable Mama; and Only because of this can I Perpetuate My Sacramental Life.”-
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