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Heavenly Help for Difficulties

Heavenly Help for Difficulties: 

Three Holy Masses 10/6, 10/7 – Our Lady of the Rosary, 

10/8– Our Lady of Good Remedy 

When faced with hardships, financial challenges and encounter difficulties in obtaining help, we can invoke Our Lady of Good Remedy, a title given to the Blessed Virgin Mary by St. John Matha, Founder of the Trinitarians – the Order of the Most Holy Trinity.

Over 820 years ago, Christians were being captured by Muslims and sold in slave markets. St. John of Matha and other Trinitarians went to slave markets to pay for the freedom of Christian slaves, in order to set them free in the name of the Holy Trinity. The Trinitarians needed large sums of money to carry out this task, so they called upon Mary, the Mother of God, to help them raise funds. Countless Christians were freed, so St. John of Matha honored Mary with the title of “Our Lady of Good Remedy.”

Invoke the powerful intercession of Our Lady of Good Remedy – for three Holy Masses: October 6, October 7, Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary and October 8, Feast of Our Lady of Good Remedy. Please pray all three days; include petitions for your loved ones (and anyone you know) who are carrying heavy crosses, facing difficulties and hardships. Please include a petition for the continued good health of His Eminence, Cardinal Burke and the protection of you know who…

Our Lady of Good Remedy can powerfully intercede for us, as she is the source of unfailing help and will never abandon her children in their great needs.

To the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, through the intercession of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta


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Our Lady of Sorrows – September 15


1. Presentation in the Temple

2. Flight into Egypt

3. Loss in the Temple

4. Way of the Cross

5. Jesus dying on the Cross

6. Jesus laid in Her Arms

7. Jesus laid in the Tomb

Our Lady, Mother of Sorrows Appeared to Sister Mary Ephrem – letter to her confessor +Archbishop Leibold April 25, 1957 – “I am indeed the Mother of Sorrows, and it is My children who pierce My Heart.”

Jewish Feast of Atonement – Yom Kippur – through nightfall September 16 – Holiest day of the year on the Hebrew calendar

(Our Lady of Sorrows appeared to Sister Mary Ephrem) It is the Day of Atonement – “For on this day He will forgive you, to purify you, that you be cleansed from all your sins before God,” Leviticus 16:30. It is the Holy Humanity and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ that Atones for sins and makes possible the salvation and sanctification of souls. We are Forgiven and Restored through Him.

Our Lady of Sorrows to Sister Mary Ephrem – date not recorded, only date of Sister’s letter to her confessor, Archbishop Paul F. Leibold, noted – 4/25/57) – “I am indeed the Mother of Sorrows, and it is My children who pierce My Heart. Their lives are filled with vanity and selfishness. They love My Son with their lips but not in their hearts. They refuse to follow Me and My Son along the Way of the Cross, because they have no love. 4 Love gives, love does not count the cost. But for most souls, love asks too much. They are willing to receive, in abundance, but they will not give. A full heart cannot receive love. It must first be emptied. It must give all, then it will receive all. Oh My children, give Me your hearts, emptied of all self-seeking and sinful pleasures, and I will fill it with Divine Love. I will give you Jesus, to hold in your hearts. He will fill it and then, Jesus will Live in you and Work through you for the Glory of His Father. Oh My children turn your Mother’s Sorrow into Joy. Take the Sword out of My Wounded Heart by doing what I Ask. I Seek only the Glory of My Son and your greater good. Listen to your Mother’s Voice and be the Consolation of My Immaculate Heart” (Letter from Sist Mary Ephrem to her confessor Archbishop +Leibold, 04/25/57)

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What the Catholic Church says about Luisa Piccarreta

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Portiuncula Indulgence – Plenary Indulgence – – from the sunset of August 1 to that of August 2

From the sunset of August 1 to that of August 2

In the Most Holy Divine Will make this special plenary indulgence known to those on your email list!

Please make plans on August 2, to attend Holy Mass, receive Communion, and then go to the Sacrament of Confession –  eight days before or after Aug. 2

The conditions to obtain the Plenary Indulgence of the Forgiveness of Assisi is (for oneself or for a departed soul) is as follows:

          The Portiuncula Indulgence is a grace not to be missed—not only for yourself but for the many suffering souls in Purgatory. …

          Sacramental Confession to be in God’s grace (during eight days before or after.) …

          Participation in the Holy Mass and Eucharist …

          Recitation of The Apostles Creed, Our Father and also a prayer for the Pope’s Intention (such as an Our Father, Hail Mary, etc.).

Mark your calendar for the Feast of Our Lady of the Angels beginning at Vespers (Noon) on the First of August to August 2nd at Midnight.

Tell everyone of the magnitude of this gift.

Once again, we see the unfathomable Divine Mercy of God.

Excerpts from  Blog

The plenary indulgence granted by the Pope in 1216 to the Portiuncula, a lowly Franciscan chapel outside Assisi — the so-called Portiuncula Indulgence — is remarkable in church history. As with most things associated with the life of St. Francis of Assisi (c.1181-1226), the episode turned the church’s indulgence system on its head. The new pope, Honorius III (1150-1227, reign 1216-1227), who followed the powerful and influential Pope Innocent III (reign, 1198-1216), was asked by St. Francis himself for the plenary indulgence linked to the Portiuncula, the one-room chapel given to the Franciscans and the central place for many of their founder’s most profound religious experiences.

The Portiuncula (or “Little Portion”) is a 9th century chapel given to the Franciscans by local Benedictine monks. It was here that St. Francis of Assisi received his calling to be a mendicant or beggar following in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. Since the mid-17th century it has been enshrined within a massive basilica in Assisi called Santa Maria degli Angeli (“Our Lady of the Angels”).

Honorius III listened to the little poor man Francis and expressed extreme reluctance to grant his request. How could the mighty church bestow its fullest plenary indulgence on an obscure, rundown 180 square foot chapel when a holy place such as that might normally receive only a partial indulgence? Churches, usually at their dedication, would gain a partial indulgence of days or perhaps a year or two. The Portiuncula Indulgence which begins each year at sunset on the evening of August 1 and extends until sunset of the following day, is a plenary (or lifetime) indulgence that was approved at the highest levels of the church by virtue of St. Francis of Assisi’s bold request. The saint always insisted it was not he, but Jesus Christ Himself who was asking for the plenary Portiuncula Indulgence.

Francis’s request to the pope who was holding court in Perugia was a bold one. The pope greatly hesitated; then assented. The cardinals and the Curia—as well as the local bishops—were opposed to the idea of a plenary indulgence for the Portiuncula. Francis’s “Little Portion” was just that and unworthy of the church’s fullest indulgence especially as an international banking system was watching and to which the church had become increasingly aligned. Unable to quash outright the Poverello’s request with its papal approbation, the cardinals and Curia worked successfully to limit its temporal parameters– allowing the plenary indulgence for the Little Portion to work for the littlest of time -– namely, one day a year, from the sunset of August 1 to that of August 2. This has remained its arrangement for more than 800 years.

St. Francis Receiving Confirmation of the Franciscan Order from Pope Honorious III, by Domenico Ghirlandaio (1449-1494), originally in a central position in the Santa Trinita, Florence, Italy. It is housed today at the Piazza della Signoria. The approval of the Franciscan order by Honorius III depicted in this fresco occurred in 1223 which was about 7 years after the Portiuncula Indulgence, This late 15th-century art work provides insight into the almost public event that any papal encounter entailed.

To acquire any plenary indulgence including the Portiuncula Indulgence requires taking action regarding the work to which the indulgence is attached -– in this case, it began with pilgrimage to the Portiuncula in Assisi. It also means fulfilling three more conditions. The applicant must (1) make a sacramental confession, (2) receive holy communion, and (3) pray for the intentions of the pope. To acquire a plenary indulgence also means that not even the smallest attachment to any sin is permitted.

After their meeting in 1216 the pope offered Francis the appropriate paperwork for his extraordinary indulgence but like many times before and on integral events in the life of the Franciscan Order, Francis waved it off. This great saint concluded that even church documents could be superfluous to the actual manifestation of God’s work.

Simone Martini (c. 1285-1344), St. Francis with the Stigmata, Basilica di San Francesco, Assisi, Italy.

After St. Francis died on October 3, 1226 at the Portiuncula, its plenary indulgence’s lack of a contemporary document and continued animosity from grandiose church figures led early Franciscans to not highlight the privilege. By the 1270’s with the last of the Franciscans who personally knew Francis dying off, those brothers who had been at Perugia in 1216 to witness the Portiuncula indulgence set about making notarized statements attesting to its veracity.

In this first quarter of the 21st century Franciscans and other pilgrims continue to arrive to Assisi in a constant stream as they have since the 13th century. Their visits often include traveling the short distance to the Portiuncula which is the spiritual home of St. Francis and the Franciscan movement, all of which has made a noteworthy impact on world history. But not every visit– especially among 13th century Franciscans– provides easy historical documentation of their witness to the Portiuncula’s plenary indulgence in August. In a certain way, the origin of the Portiuncula indulgence attributed to St. Francis is shrouded in history as much as possibly legend. In 2019 the Portiuncula indulgence is in effect from the evening of August 1-2. In addition to the sacramental requirements, its plenary indulgence may be received by visiting any Franciscan church in the world and that the pilgrim in the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi has that tiny terra sancta called the Portiuncula uppermost in mind so that from that place its graces may flow.

From New Advent:

The Portiuncula

A town and parish situated about three-quarters of a mile from Assisi. The town, numbering about 2000 inhabitants and officially known as Santa Maria degli Angeli, has grown up around the church (basilica) of Our Lady of the Angels and the adjoining Franciscan monastery. It was here that on 24 Feb., 1208, St. Francis of Assisi recognized his vocation; here was for the most part his permanent abode, after the Benedictines (of the Cluny Congregation from about 1200) had presented him (about 1211) with the little chapel Portiuncula, i.e. a little portion (of land); here also he died on Saturday, 3 October, 1226. According to a legend, the existence of which can be traced back with certainty only to 1645, the little chapel of Portiuncula was erected under Pope Liberius (352-66) by hermits from the Valley of Josaphat, who had brought thither relics from the grave of the Blessed Virgin. 

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Our Lady of America and Sister Mary Ephrem- the Little White Dove

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Pope Benedict XVI June 29, 1951 – Ordination day – 71 years ago – and Luisa Piccarreta

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Our Lady of Lasalette – You are Living in Difficult Times

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Luisa Piccarreta – On Chastisements

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Feast of the Most Holy Trinity

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Bible Verses That Support Every Catholic Teaching About The Virgin Mary

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