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Act of Consecration to Our Lady of Loreto – May 9


Act of Consecration to Our Lady of Loreto

O Immaculate Virgin Mary, we come to thee with confidence: welcome this day our humble prayer and our Act of Consecration. O Mother, Thou didst carry thy Divine Saviour in Thy Most Pure Womb: receive our homage of faith and filial love as we come in spirit into Thy Holy House. It is, by the presence of the Holy Family, the Holy Home par Excellence.  And it is our wish that every Christian family be inspired by it.

From Jesus, all children learn to obey and to work. From Thee, O Mary, all women learn Humility and the Spirit of Sacrifice.  From Joseph, who didst Live for Jesus and for Thee, all men learn to believe in God, to Live in and for You, all men learn to believe in God, to Live in the family and in society with Fidelity and Honesty. O Mary, we pray for our Pope and for the Universal Church, for our country and for all the nations of the world, for the suffering souls, for all sinners. And we all wish to Consecrate ourselves to Thee.

Spiritually present in the Holy House, where Thou didst Conceive by the Holy Spirit, we want to repeat with lively Faith the Words of the Archangel Gabriel: “Hail, Full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee!” We want to invoke Thee still, saying: “Hail Mary, Mother of Jesus and Mother of the Church!”

We turn to Thee O Mary. Receive our Consecration to Thine Immaculate Heart. Totally Thine, we wish to confirm by this Act of Love our unlimited Love for Jesus, Thy Son, and our Hope in Thee, our Mother. And thou, O Queen and Mother of Mercy, grant to Thy children an abundance of Heavenly Blessings. Amen.

60025 LORETO (AN) ITALY —– TEL. 071/970.104


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