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The Celestial Mother Brings Jesus to the Souls who Repent


 V22 – June 1, 1927 – “…While in life She (the Celestial Queen) made no visible miracle, either of healings or of raising the dead, the great Celestial Mother made, and does make, miracles at each moment, at every hour and every day, because as souls dispose themselves and repent, giving, Herself, the disposition for repentance, She bilocates Her Jesus, the fruit of Her womb, and gives Him as whole to each one, as confirmation of Her great miracle, that God wanted this Celestial Creature to make. The miracles that God Himself wants to be made, without mixing of human will, are perennial miracles, because they start from the Divine fount that is never exhausted, and it is enough to want them in order to receive them.

V34 – May 28, 1937 – (The Celestial Mother says):  “...I am the Bearer of Jesus, nor does He want to go anywhere without Me, so much so that when the priest is about to pronounce the words of the Consecration over the Holy Host, I make wings with My Maternal Hands so that He descends by means of My hands in order to consecrate Himself, such that if unworthy hands touch Him, I make Him feel Mine that defend Him and cover Him with My Love. But this is not enough, I am always on the lookout to see if they want My Son, so much so, that if some sinner repents of his grave sins, and the Light of Grace dawns in his heart, I immediately bring Jesus to him as Confirmation of the pardon, and I think of everything that is needed in order to make Him remain in that converted heart. I am the Bearer of Jesus, and I am that because I possess in Myself the Kingdom of His Divine Will; It reveals to Me who wants Him, and I run, I fly, in order to bring Him—however without ever leaving Him.

  • Paragraph 1434 – V. The Many Forms of Penance in Christian Life
    about by Baptism or martyrdom they cite as means of obtaining forgiveness
    of sins: efforts at reconciliation with one’s neighbor, tears of repentance …CCC
  • Wisdom 11:24 – But thou hast mercy upon all, because thou canst do all things, and overlookest the sins of men for the sake of repentance.


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