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The Dove of Jesus

V12 – 5.23.18 -“My dove, Luisa who can say the flights that you take in My Will, the space that you cover, the air that you swallow? No one, no one – not even you would be able to say it. I alone – I alone can say it; I, Who measure the fibers; I, Who count the flights of your thoughts, of your heartbeats. And as you fly, I see the hearts that you touch. But do not stop – fly to more hearts, and knock, again and again. Then, fly over again, and on your wings bring My ‘I Love you’ to more hearts, to make Me Loved; and then, in one flight, come to My Heart to take refreshment, to start all over again with more rapid flights. I amuse Myself with My dove; and I call the Angels and My little Mama to amuse Themselves with Me. But, you know? I AM not telling you everything; the rest I will tell you in Heaven. Oh, how many surprising things I will tell you!”






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