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I AM. 365 Names of God – Excellent Rounds!

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Feast Day of Saints Timothy and Titus

SAINTS TIMOTHY AND TITUS On Jan. 26, the Roman Catholic Church celebrates the liturgical memorial of Saints Timothy and Titus, close companions of the Apostle Paul and bishops of the Catholic Church in its earliest days. Both men received letters from St. Paul, which are included in the New Testament.   Eastern Catholics and Eastern …

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Gospel Reading for Jan. 26, 2017 with Divine Will Truths – Laboring in the Field of the Soul

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Gospel Reading for Jan. 25, 2017 with Divine Will Truths – Those Who do not Believe Remain Empty

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Gospel Reading for Jan. 24 2017 with Divine Will Truths – Here are My Mother and Brothers

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Espousal of the Blessed Virgin Mary with Saint Joseph

January 23 Espousal of The Blessed Virgin Mary with Saint Joseph The Espousal of the Blessed Virgin Mary with Saint Joseph [Historical] The Espousal of the Blessed Virgin Mary with Saint Joseph Hail, holy Mother! giving birth to thy Child, thou didst bring forth the King, who ruleth the heavens and the earth for …

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Gospel Reading for Jan. 23, 2017 with Divine Will Truths – Living in a Divided Kingdom

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Victory of God’s Happiness

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time The Victory of God’s Happiness Brothers and sisters, Fiat! After the Christmas season ordinary life returns with its rhythms and the normality of haste and of the commitments of everyone. This is why the words of the Scriptures that the Liturgy proposes to us today, might seem inappropriate to us: …

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Prayer for the end of Abortion

January 22, will mark the 44th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that made abortion legal in the U.S.   Pray the Command Prayer to End Abortion: Abba Father, in the Name of Jesus In the Unity and Power of the Holy Spirit Under the Mantle of Mary, with all the Angels …

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Love Jesus for Everyone

“Love Me for everyone, satiate Me with love” Love: fruit of the Spirit Love is the greatest of the fruits of the Spirit and, from a certain point of view, it contains them all.  It is the most desirable fruit because “God is love” and God, in creating man, made of him “a complex of …

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