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The Value of Promptitude in the Divine Will

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Merry and Blessed Christmas in the Most Holy Divine Will

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The Birth of Jesus

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The Throne of God and Luisa (and the souls Linked with Luisa who will Live in the Divine Will)

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Association Little Children of the Divine Will. Advent retreat: Christmas, the Feast of the Divine Will.

NEWSLETTER   Association Little Children of the Divine Will. Advent retreat: Christmas, the Feast of the Divine Will. 22/12/2015 Sunday, December 15, 2015 the Association Little Children of the Divine Will lived its new day of Advent Retreat in the light of the Divine Will. Advent: a time of waiting and preparing for every Christian …

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Seeing with Clarity What it Means to Live in the Divine Will or the Human Will

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The Hidden Divinity, Love and Purity of God Veiled in Jesus’ Humanity

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What Jesus Does in the Tabernacle in His Prison of Love

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The Secret Message Hidden in the Ancient “O Antiphons” of Advent

The Secret Message Hidden in the Ancient “O Antiphons” of Advent by ChurchPOP Editor – Canadian Pacific, Flickr One of the most beautiful ancient Advent liturgical traditions is the “O Antiphons.” If you pray the Liturgy of the Hours, then you probably pray them every year. If you know the hymn O Come, O Come Emmanuel, then you …

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The Sovereign Queen Marks Her Children

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